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勝手に載せられてしまって困っていまして…「申し訳ありませんがこの写真を削除してください」という文を教えてください。 ちなみに「Twitterに載せた方も消してください」 という英文も教えてください。 この写真を削除してください、Twitterに載せた方も〜 という一連の文をインスタのコメ欄に書きたいのです。宜しくお願いします。
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2018/11/30 19:59
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  • Please remove the picture.

  • Please delete the picture.

❶Please remove the picture. (写真を外してください)。 ❷Please delete the picture. (写真を消除してください)。 I’m really sorry but can you please delete this picture? (申し訳ないんですが、この写真を消除してくださいますか?) I don’t like people posting pictures without my permission. (許可なしで写真をアップされるのは不快です)。 Can you please delete the picture from your Twitter also? (Twitter に載せた写真も消除してくださいますか?) 消除 は remove/delete どっちでも使えます。 参考までに!
  • I'm sorry, but I never gave you permission to post my photo online. Could you please remove it? Thank you!

  • I would really appreciate if you could please remove my picture that you posted. Next time, just ask for my permission first please. Thank you!

Both of these answers are direct and clearly express that you feel a discomfort when someone posts your pictures without your prior agreement. By adding "please" and "thank you" you are also indicating to the person that although you are displeased, you are not being rude and would appreciate the removal.
上記例文は両方とも、あなたの同意なしに写真が掲載されたことに対して不快感があることをはっきりと明確に表す文章です。 ”Please"と”Thank you"を付け加えることにより、相手に対する礼儀と写真を削除してもらうことへの感謝の意を表します。
Ruben DMM英会話講師
  • Please remove this picture/photo

  • I am sorry I didn't give my permission for you to use this photo

  • Please delete this

The most important thing when asking something from someone in English is always to have manners when doing it. Manners are very important not just in business but in informal settings as well . If we don't use our manners we are considered uncivilized. So here are some expressions you can use: " Please remove this picture from ( name the site IE Twitter, Instagram etc) " " Please delete this picture from ( name the site) " "I am sorry , please remove this picture now " "I am sorry, I never gave you permission to use this photo I am in, remove it now " " I appreciate you posting a picture with me in it but please remove it as I do not want it on the internet" " I am sorry, I find this picture with me in it not appropriate and I would like you to take it down now please" These words will help soften anything you want to express while making it polite and formal. When in doubt always remember to say please and thank you !!!!
相手に何かをリクエストするときは、礼儀正しく伝えることが一番大事なことです。ビジネスの場面ではさることながら、カジュアルな場面でもマナーを守ることは大切です。マナーがない人は「がさつな、下品な」人と思われてしまいます。 下記例文のような表現が適切ではないかと思います。 ●Please remove this picture from XX. (XXサイトから、この写真を外して下さい。) ●Please delete this picture from XX. (XXサイトから、この写真を削除して下さい。) ●I am sorry, please remove this picture now." (すみませんが、この写真を今すぐ削除して下さい。) ●I am sorry, I never gave you permission to use this photo I am in, remove it now." (すみませんが、私が写っているこの写真の使用許可は出していませんので、今すぐ削除して下さい。) ●I appreciate you posting a picture with me in it, but please remove it as I do not want it on the internet." (私が写っている写真を投稿してくれたことは有り難いですが、インターネットには載せたくないので削除して下さい。) ●I am sorry, I find this picture with me in it not appropriate and I would like you to take it down now please. (すみませんが、私が写っているこの写真は不適切だと思うので、今すぐ消してください。) 上記例文は、丁寧でフォーマルなので柔らかい言い方になります。迷ったときは、Thank you, Pleaseを言い忘れないようにすれば大丈夫です!
Sarah Olin DMM英語講師
  • Can you delete that photo of me please?

  • You did not ask my permission to publish that photo so could you please remove it? Thank you

Both of these answers are a direct but also polite way of asking someone to remove a photo you did not want published online. To say 'please' and 'thank you' makes these answers more polite and less aggressive.
どちらの回答も、インターネットに公開してほしくなかった写真を削除するようお願いする、直接的ですが丁寧な言い方です。 これらの回答に'please'と'thank you'を加えると、より丁寧で落ち着いた言い方になります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Please take down that picture.

  • Please delete that picture.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that you want them to remove a picture. In the first sentence you will see the phrase take something down. This means to remove something that we uploaded onto a social media account or the internet or to remove something that was placed in a visible area. This phrase is appropriate for informal settings.
上記例文はどちらとも「写真を削除して欲しい」ことを伝えたいときに使える文章です。 一つ目の例文に、”take xx down"とうフレーズがありますが、ここでは、ソーシャルメディアやインターネットに目立つ場所に掲載した写真などを削除するという意味です。カジュアルな場面で使えるフレーズです。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Please delete that photo

  • Please take that photo down

If you 'take something down' from the internet, it means that you delete/remove it completely from the public arena so that nobody can see it. Of course, it may not necessarily be deleted - it could be simply switched off from the internet and could reappear at any time.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind removing that picture please?

  • Please delete that photo, it's awful!

With the rise of the use of social media, people are posting pictures online all the time. Most of the time, people don't ask permission to post the pictures, and we find them while browsing our friends social media page. If we see one that we don't particularly like because maybe we are doing something embarrassing or inappropriate for public viewing, then we can politely ask our friend to remove the photo politely using these two sentences.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Please remove the photo.

  • Erase the photo.

  • Please delete the photo.

You could use any of the above three sentences to tell someone to politely remove a picture of you. - Remove - Erase - Delete All of the above words mean the same.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Please delete that photo of me.

  • I feel uncomfortable having my picture on the internet. Can you take it down please?

  • Can you remove the photo of me from ______ please?

Can you please delete this photo of me? I don't want this photo on the internet, can you delete it please? If someone puts a photo of you on the internet without your permission, it is perfectly okay for you to ask them to remove it/delete it/ take it down.
Can you please delete this photo of me?(この私の写真を削除してもらえますか) I don't want this photo on the internet, can you delete it please?(この写真をインターネットに載せてもらいたくありません、削除してもらえますか) 誰かに許可なく写真をインターネットに載せられたときには、削除するようお願いして全く問題ありません。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • May you remove the photo?

  • Please take that photo down!

  • Please delete that photo!

may you remove the photo?- this is a polite way of asking for the photo to be removed. Please take that photo down!- this is a very direct way to indicate you want to get the photo removed. Please delete that photo!- this also indicates a sense of seriousness in regards to the photo, and your urge to get it removed as they uploaded it without your permission, though still being polite with the use of 'please'.
May you remove the photo?(その写真を削除していただけますか) = これは写真を削除して欲しいとお願いする丁寧な言い方です。 Please take that photo down!(その写真を削除してください) = これは非常に直接的な言い方です。写真を削除するよう伝えています。 Please delete that photo!(その写真を削除してください) = これも真剣に写真を削除して欲しいと思っていることが伝わる言い方です。それでも 'please' を使って丁寧に表しています。
Qu DMM英会話講師
  • Please remove the photo.

  • Please delete the photo.

Here in this example, we can either use the verbs, "to remove," or, "to delete," interchangeably to have the same meaning. Sometimes we can also ask to be, "untagged," from a photo so it doesn't show up as something seen on our social media page.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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