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英語で聞いてみたいです。 funなのか、enjoyで聞いたほうがいいのか、別の言い方が良いのか、どうなのでしょう
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2018/12/12 16:05
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  • Are you enjoying your work?

そうですね、「[楽しい](」は英語にしたら, "fun" や "enjoy" になります。でも、このシチュエーションで、「[仕事](は楽しいですか」を聞きたいなら、"enjoy" を使いましょう。でも、"Do you enjoy your work?" は少しい強いかもしれませんので、別の言い方を使えます。 "Are you enjoying your work?"の方が聞いてみてください。
  • Do you enjoy your job?

  • Do you like the work that you do?

  • How do you like your job?

Do you enjoy your job? Do you like the work that you do? How do you like your job? Do you like the career that you've chosen? What do you like most about your job? Does your job make you happy? How's the new job coming? Do you like it?
Do you enjoy your job? (仕事は[楽しい](ですか) Do you like the work that you do? (自分の仕事は好きですか) How do you like your job? (仕事は[気に入っていますか]( Do you like the career that you've chosen? (自分の職業を気に入っていますか) What do you like most about your job? (自分の仕事の一番好きなところは何ですか) Does your job make you happy? (仕事は楽しいですか) How's the new job coming? Do you like it? (新しい仕事はどうですか。気に入っていますか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Is your job/work treating you well?

"Fun"や"Enjoy"以外のフレーズもありますよ! "Treating you well"は「あなたによくしてくれてる」の意味があります。 訳は、「仕事はいい感じなの?」のようなニュアンスになります。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Are you enjoying your work/job?

  • Do you enjoy your job/work?

if you enjoy something then you have a nice or pleasent time doing it When talking about your job you can also call this 'work' or 'employment'
to enjoy' は「楽しむ」という意味です。 'job'(仕事)のことは 'work' や 'employment' と言うこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • How are things going at work?

  • How are things going at the office?

Asking how things "are going" is a common way to ask a broad question. "How's it going?" is a broad way to ask how one is feeling. So, when you ask how things are going at work, you are broadly asking if they are enjoying their job.
"How are things going?"(進み具合はどうですか)はよく使われる一般的な質問です。 "How's it going?" は人の調子を尋ねる一般的な質問です。 ですから、"How are things going at work?" は仕事を楽しんでいるかどうか尋ねる一般的な質問です。
Richard C DMM英会話講師
  • Is your work / job fun?

  • Do you enjoy your work / job?

  • Do you have fun at work?

仕事 = work / job 楽しい = fun This is a very common phrase when discussing a persons job. It is a good question to ask early in the conversation, inviting the person you are speaking with to confirm or deny the statement and giving them an opportunity to share their thoughts. If you are specifically referring to work they get paid for, you can use either "work" or "job". Otherwise you should just use work.
仕事 = work / job 楽しい = fun これは人の仕事について話すときによく使われるフレーズです。会話の始めに聞くと良い質問ですね、相手は「イエス」か「ノー」で答えて、その後自分の考えを話してくれるでしょう。 特にお金をもらっている仕事について聞くなら、"work" か "job" が使えます。それ以外の場合は、"work" のみを使うべきです。
Ewan S DMM英会話講師
  • Do you like your job?

  • Do you enjoy your job?

  • Do you find your job rewarding?

My first two questions are explicit, common ways to ask someone if they like their job. This is how you would ask if they like going to work everyday. My third questions is a little more complicated. This asks if they find their job rewarding. In common usage, "rewarding" is used to ask if a person's job gives them satisfaction with their life. It is not necessarily asking about money. For example, someone who works in a low paid job that helps under privileged children succeed may find their job rewarding, despite low pay. This is because the job offers them the satisfaction of helping other people.
一つ目と二つ目は、仕事が好きかどうかを尋ねる明確で一般的な言い方です。これは毎日仕事に行くのが楽しいかどうかを尋ねるときです。 三つ目の例は少し複雑です。これは仕事が "rewarding"(やりがいのある)であるかどうか尋ねています。"rewarding" は一般的には仕事がやりがいがあるかどうか尋ねるのに使われます。必ずしもお金について尋ねるわけではありません。例えば、恵まれない子どもたちを助ける仕事をしている人はそれがたとえ低賃金でも "rewarding" と感じるかもしれません。なぜなら人を助けるという喜びがあるからです。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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