世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2018/12/13 08:46
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  • Some people retake the TOEIC test because they enjoy it.

  • People take the TOEIC many times to improve their score.

Here are two examples sentences you can use. "Some people retake the TOEIC test because they enjoy it." - Retake - to take a second, third, fourth time. - Because - Because is used to explain the reason why someone does what they do. "People take the TOEIC many times to improve their score." - Many Times - More than once or twice, repeatedly. - Improve - to achieve something better than what you currently have.
以下、二つの例文です。 "Some people retake the TOEIC test because they enjoy it." (好きで、TOEICを受け直す人もいます) - Retake - 再び受ける、受け直す - Because - 理由を説明するときに使われます。 "People take the TOEIC many times to improve their score." (みんな成績を上げるため何度もTOEICを受けます) - Many Times - 何度も、繰り返し - Improve - より良くする、改善する
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • There are people who take the TOEIC many times because they like it.

  • There are people who like and take the TOEIC many times.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 「TOEICを好んで」=「like it」 「何度も受ける人達がいる」=「there are people who take the TOEIC many times」 1番目の翻訳では、「because」が使われています。なぜかというと、二つの動詞(好む、受ける)があるからです。代名詞の「it」は「the TOEIC」を指します。 2番目の場合は、順番を少し変えて、「TOEICを好んで受ける」=「like and take the TOIEC」となります。 どっちも使うと、関係代名詞の「who」の使うのを忘れないで下さい。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Some people repeatedly take the TOEIC for fun.

The phrase "for fun" is common in American English and is used to describe when you do something because you enjoy it. I hope that this helps :)
"for fun" はアメリカ英語でよく使われるフレーズで、楽しいのが理由で何かをすることをいいます。 参考になれば幸いです :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Some people seem to enjoy taking the TOEIC test multiple times

If you wish to state that some people take the TOEIC test many times because they like it, then you can explain this by adopting the above exampled sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Some people take the TOEIC test again and again because they love it. We call these people TOEICers.

  • Some Japanese write the TOEIC several times with the hope of getting a higher score. These people are known as TOEICers.

1) Some people take the TOEIC test again and again because they love it. We call these people TOEICers. 「TOEICを好んで何度も受ける人がいます。この人たちをTOEICerと呼んでいます。」 「TOEICを受ける」は take the TOEIC test と言います。 2) Some Japanese write the TOEIC test several times with the hope of getting a higher score. These people are known as TOEICers. 「より高い点を取れることを願って、何度もTOEICを受ける日本人がいます。この人たちはTOEICerとして知られています。」 「TOEICを受ける」は write the TOEIC test とも言えます。 with the hope of doing... で「…の希望を抱いて」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • Some people actually like the TOEIC test, so they take it many times.

  • Some people really get into the TOEIC test, so they take it over and over.

In American English, the adverb 'actually' can be used to modify the word 'like' to convey the meaning that someone likes something that isn't normally something people like, e.g.: 'He actually likes sticking needles in his body.' We often use the phrase 'get into' to describe a deep interest in something, and the phrase gives the sense of losing ourselves in the activity, or becoming so absorbed in it that we actually merge (or become one) with it. I hope this is useful to you in your study.
アメリカ英語では 'like'(好き)を 'actually' で修飾すると、普通の人が嫌うものが好きであることを表せます。 例えば: 'He actually likes sticking needles in his body.' (彼は自分の体に針を打つのが好きなんです) 'get into' は、物事への深い興味を表すときによく使われます。このフレーズには「我を忘れる」「その活動と一体化するほど夢中になる」というニュアンスがあります。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • The TOEIC test is repeated often because some find it enjoyable

  • The TOEIC test is repeated several times

"The TOEIC test is repeated often because some find it enjoyable" To repeat something is the term used when something such as an activity is done over and over again, to repeat or repeatedly do something. "The TOEIC test is repeated several times" 'Several' times is a term used to refer to multiple times.
"The TOEIC test is repeated often because some find it enjoyable"(TOEICは、それを受けるのを楽しんでいる人がいるので、しばしば繰り返し行われます) = 'To repeat something' はあることが何度も繰り返し行うことをいいます。 "The TOEIC test is repeated several times"(TOEICは何度か繰り返し行われます) = 'Several times' は「数回」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • People take the TOEIC test for fun

If people are taking TOEIC because they want to and not because of a requirement you would say they are doing it for fun. They have fun taking tests or challenging themselves to see how much they have improved.
必要だからではなく、とりたいからTOEICを取ると言いたいときは、doing it for funということができます。テストを受けること、どれくらい上達したかを見るためにチャレンジすることを楽しみながらやっているということです。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
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