世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/03/31 13:51
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  • Can I add to that?

  • Can I order something else?

  • Can I add to my order?

Hey there! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! もし[注文](したものにサイドメニューを追加するのであれば、 Can I add to that? Can I add to my order? と言います。 Can I =[ 〜してもいい?]( もし別のメニューを注文するとすると、 Can I order something else? 他に注文してもいい? と言います。 よろしくお願いします。 応援しています!
  • Can I add something to my order?

  • I would like to order a bit more?

Hi, Fumiyaさ~ん!! 「[追加で](注文[してもいいですか](」という表現はまず大抵の場合使う定番の一つとも言える表現がありますね。それが、「Can I add something to my order?」、つまり “add" (足す、付け加える)という表現を使った言う方法です。 この形が少し変わったバージョンも多少はあるかと思いますが、まずはほとんどの場合のベースとなる表現になると思いますよ~♬ あえて他の言い方を探ってみましたが、そうなるとただ単にその意味を正しく聞こえる英文にする方法しかないのかな、と思います。【例:二個目の英訳例、”I would like to order a bit more? - 「もう少し注文したいのですが。」みたいに】 従ってほとんどの場合は最初の英訳例でいけると思います!! 英語はまたがんばって使い続けることでどんどん慣れていってくださいね~!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • Could I have another helping please?

  • Could I have more please?

  • Could I have another serving please?

Any of the above will suffice.
Could I have another helping please? おかわりをいただけますか? Could I have more please? もう一ついただけますか? Could I have another serving please? おかわりいただけますか? 上の表現ならどれでも質問の意図を十分に満たすでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I place another order please?

  • I would like to order something else.

If you want another item on the menu, it is appropriate to ask to: 'Place another order' or 'Order something else' Then the polite part would be: 'Can I..?' 'I would like to..' I hope this helps!
メニューから追加注文したいとき、 place another order または order something else というと自然です。 そして続けて丁寧に Can I …? I would like to… というでしょう。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I place another order?

  • Can I order something else?

  • Could I order more?

Notice that all of these sentences are using the verb, "to be able to (can)," or with the conditional of, "can," which is, "could." The most common verb we would use when talking about orders is the verb, "to order."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to order some more.

"I would like to order some more." This means you would like to add more items to your order. You can also ask fro a menu to assist you with making the decision.
"I would like to order some more." これはあなたの注文に何か追加したいということを意味します。また、注文を決定するのを手伝うためにメニューを頼むこともできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Could I order some more dishes please?

  • Excuse me, I'd like to order a few more plates please?

  • Could I have the menu again? I'd like to order some more food please.

*Could I order some more dishes please?* *Excuse me, I'd like to order a few more plates please?* *Could I have the menu again? I'd like to order some more food please.* You could also say: *Could I have another serving please? *Could I have another helping of that please? *Wow that was so delicious, could I have some more please? *I would like order another meal please Hope this helps! ^ ^
*Could I order some more dishes please?* 追加の注文をいいでしょうか? *Excuse me, I'd like to order a few more plates please?* すみません、いくつか追加注文させてください。 *Could I have the menu again? I'd like to order some more food please.* メニューをもらえますか?追加で注文をしたいです。 以下のようにも言えます。 *Could I have another serving please? これをもう1皿もらえますか? *Could I have another helping of that please? これをまたいただけますか? *Wow that was so delicious, could I have some more please? とてもおいしかったです。またこれをもらえますか? *I would like order another meal please 他の料理を頼みたいです。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • Can I upgrade to a large fries?

  • Could I order a side dish of vegetables?

  • Could I have garlic bread as an accompaniment?

In restaurants, it is quite usual to add some extra items. These might be shown on the menu as side dishes or accompaniments. Waiting staff often upsell by asking customers if they want to “go large” or “have a side salad” so don’t be nervous of asking for what you want. It is also quite acceptable to ask for a variation such as “could I have a baked potato instead of fries”.
レストランにて追加の注文をすることはよくあることです。 メニューにサイドメニューや付け合わせとして載っているでしょう。 ウェイターは売り上げをあげるためによく“go large”(大盛り)や“have a side salad”(サラダの注文)を聞いてきます。 気にせず欲しいものを注文してください。 また、“could I have a baked potato instead of fries”.(フライドポテトの代わりにベイクドポテトをいただけますか?)など別のものにしてもらうような依頼も可能です。
Suzi DMM英語講師
  • I would like to order again.

  • Can I please add to my order?

Any of the above mentioned sentences would get your point across. The first one means that you could either order something else or the same item from the menu. The word "again" is used when something is being re-done. The second sentence mean that you would like to order a different item from the menu to add to your bill.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • Can I add to my order please?

  • Can I order some more food please?

Using the phrase: can I add to my order please? Is a very straight forward way to explain that you would like to order more food or beverages. Using the word please on the end of this phrase is very important as it softens the phrase and it is good manners.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Can I order more please?

  • I'd like to order more.

You can use any of the above two sentences to tell the waitress that you would like to order more food. Example; A; Would that be all for tonight? B; I'd like to order more please.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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