How are you doing?
How have you been?
What have you been up to?
How have you been?か
What have you been up to?と聞きます。
How are you doing?
Hey there!
How’re you doing?
How’ve you been?
How are you doing?
How have you been?だと、ちょっと硬く聞こえてカジュアルじゃなくなります。
後者のHow’ve you beenは「[最近どう?](」というかなり前から今までというニュアンスです。
How’ve you been? It’s been a month!
When it has been a long time since you have seen someone, when you next speak to them, you can say:
It's been a while.
It's been a long time.
Then you can ask:
How have you been?
How's it going?
What's up?
What's the latest?
These questions refer to their well being over a longer period of time.
I hope that helps!
It's been a while.
It's been a long time.
How have you been?
How's it going?
What's up?
What's the latest?
How's life been treating you? = we use this expression when asking someone generally how they are and what has been happening to them. It's a very light comment and may be answered in detail or very superficially depending on how much information the pother person wishes to impart.
What have you been up to? = What have you been doing?
How's life been treating you? = 一般的に誰かに、調子どうか、最近どうしているかなどを尋ねるときに、この表現は使うことができます。すごくよく使われるフレーズで、詳細に答えることもできますし、答えは答える側の自由です。
その他の例:What have you been up to? = What have you been doing?
you can say something like
"hey, what's up, haven't heard from you in a while"
"how's tricks" casual way of asking
"what you been up to"
All are casual ways of saying "hello, how are you doing".
"hey, what's up, haven't heard from you in a while"
"how's tricks" (うまくいっていますか。)
"what you been up to"(元気にしていましたか。)
"hello, how are you doing".
Sorry for the gap in communications...What's new with you?
What's new ..? simply means ..." tell me all your news" if it has been a while since
we were "in touch" we might mention that and say" sorry for the gap";-D
"Sorry for the gap in communications...What's new with you?"
What's new ..?とは前に連絡したときからしばらく経っている場合「あなたのニュースを全部教えて」という意味になります。
" sorry for the gap"(間があいてごめんなさい)とも言うかもしれません。
"Sorry for the gap in communications...What's new with you?"
It's been ages since we last spoke.How have you been?
What have you been up to since we last spoke?
"It's been ages since we last spoke.How have you been?"
Its been ages means it has been a long time.We often say expressions like these before we are questions about friends or acquaintances we have not seen or spoken to in a long time.
"What have you been up to since we last spoke?"
You are asking what they have been doing with their time since the last time you had a conversation with them.
"It's been ages since we last spoke.How have you been?"
It's been ages means it has been a long time.We often say expressions like these before we are questions about friends or acquaintances we have not seen or spoken to in a long time.
It's been ages sinceは、随分時間が経ったという意味です。久々に会う、または、久々に話す友人や家族に色々と聞く前に、このような表現をよく使います。
"What have you been up to since we last spoke?"
You are asking what they have been doing with their time since the last time you had a conversation with them.
How's it going?
What's up?
「元気ですか」は定番の How are you? 以外にも様々な言い方ができますが、例えば以下のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか?
How is everything?
How is life treating you?
How’s it going?
What’s up?
What’s up などはカジュアルな印象のある英語表現です。