As four disabled people (2 physically, 1 mentally, 1 developmental disorder), we are working together to produce/create a (book/film etc)
「私たちは」=「we are」、「4人の障害者で」=「as four disabled people」、「[協力](しながら」=「while working together」、「[制作](しています」=「creating」
「身体障害者」=「physically handicapped person」
「精神障害者」=「mentally handicapped person」
「発達障害者」=「a person with a developmental disorder」
というわけでこのように表現できます:「As four disabled people (2 physically, 1 mentally, 1 developmental disorder), we are working together to produce/create a (book/film etc)」
I'm working with four disabled people to create/make A.
I'm working with four disabled people to create/make A.
身体障害者=physically handicapped person,handicapped person、physically challenged person
精神障害者=mentally handicapped person
発達障害者=a person with a developmental disorder
physically disabled person
mentally disabled person
person with a developmental disorder