Thank you for being my little sister, I appreciate you!
When you tell someone that you appreciate them, it shows that what you are expressing is real and it will be even more special to them. I hope that this helps :)
Thanks for always being my little sister. Love you so much!
Thanks for always being my little sis. Love you, Jessie!
Thanks for always being my little sister, this really means a lot me! Love you!
・ Thanks for always being my little sister. Love you so much!
・ Thanks for always being my little sis. Love you, Jessie!
・ Thanks for always being my little sister, this really means a lot me! Love you!
--- sis = sisterの略です。
--- this means a lot to me = 私にとって、これはとっても有意義なことです!
To your little sister, you want to thank her for being your little sister. The above suggestions may help. However, as being your sister is not something she had any option with, the more sensible of the two examples is probably the second!
'Sis' = abbreviation of 'sister'.
If your sister is younger than you are then you would call them your 'little sister'
by saying 'thank you for being my little sister' you are telling them you appreciate them in your life
妹のことを'little sister'と言います。
'thank you for being my little sister'は、私の妹でいてくれてありがとうという意味です。
You can say the "best" sister and this would make her feel really special because you are telling her that nobody is better than her. She will feel really happy and respected.
"I couldn't have a better little sister" is another way of expressing how happy you are to have a sister who is so great and that nothing could take her place. She is irreplaceable which means she is impossible to be replaced
the "best" sister' と言うことができます。これは「誰よりも素晴らしい」という意味です、言われたらすごくうれしいと思います。
"I couldn't have a better little sister"(最高の妹だよ)という言い方もできます。「素晴らしい妹を持って幸せ」「あなたの代わりになるような人はいない」と伝えます。
These two sentences are expressing thanks to someone or your little sister (younger sibling).
"Thank you for being there" Is a causal and widely used term, this is to express thanks to someone or a group of people who have 'Been there' have helped you emotionally or physically with something.
"Thank you for being there" はよく使われるカジュアルな表現です。何かを物理的あるいは精神的に手助けしてくれた人に感謝を表します。
Thank you for being my sister!
Thank you for ~ingで「~してくれてありがとう」の意味です。
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for coming to the party.