I’m worried that I will cause trouble for my followers.
I’m afraid that this will cause problems for my followers.
フォロワー - followers, fans
私のフォロワー - my followers, my fans, my fanbase
迷惑かく - cause trouble, cause problems
〜〜に迷惑かけてしまう - cause trouble for 〜〜, cause problems for 〜〜
心配 - worry, afraid that 〜〜
宿題忘れたか心配です - I’m worry I forgot my homework, I’m afraid that maybe I forgot my homework
I’m worry that maybe it caused problems for my followers.
I’m afraid that my followers were troubled by this.
I’m worried that this all caused trouble for my fans.
I'm worried this might create some inconvenience for my followers.
I'm worried there might be some inconvenience for my followers.
- I'm worried this might create some inconvenience for my followers.
- I'm worried there might be some inconvenience for my followers.
--- inconvenience = 不便