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2019/01/05 00:33
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  • I made half of it and I bought the other half

  • Half of it is handmade and the rest it store bought

最初の例は「半分は作って残り半分は買った」になります。半分は「half」です。 次の例は「半分は手作りで残りはお店で買いました」と少々言いかたを変えてます。「handmade」で手作り、「store bought」でお店で買った/店物との表現になります。
  • I bought half of the food and prepared the other half.

We can use the verb "prepare" to talk about making food. It is commonly used in American English. I hope that this helps! :)
動詞の "prepare" で、料理を作ることを表すことができます。アメリカ英語ではよく使われます。 参考になれば幸いです! :)
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • I bought half of the food and prepared the rest.

  • Half of the food is store-bought and half is homemade.

Sometimes when we are cooking a meal for a gathering or we get together with friends or family, sometimes there is not enough time to make everything in a homemade style. We may need to buy some pre-made food as well. If we mention about this, we can use some expressions such as: 1) I bought half of the food and prepared the rest. 2) Half of the food is store-bought and half is homemade.
友達や家族を集めて料理をするときには、全てを手作りする時間がないこともあります。出来合いの食べ物も買わないといけないかもしれません。 これについて言うなら、以下の表現が使えます。 1) I bought half of the food and prepared the rest.(食べ物は半分は買って半分は作りました) 2) Half of the food is store-bought and half is homemade.(食べ物は半分はお店で買ったもので、もう半分は手作りです)
Daniel Su DMM英会話講師
  • It's 50% mine and 50% supermarket

When talking about food. When asked if you made all of the food and you want to say that you made half of it and I bought half of it, then you may try the above exampled sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I made half and bought half.

  • Half of it was handmade and the rest was store bought.

If you want to explain that you made half of the food and that you bought the other half, you can say: "I made half and bought half." "Half of it was handmade and the rest was store bought."
食事について「半分は作って半分は買った」と説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "I made half and bought half."(半分は作って半分は買った) "Half of it was handmade and the rest was store bought."(半分は手作りで半分は店で買ったものです)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • I made half and bought half

  • I bought half the food and prepared the other half

When talking about making food we also say that we 'prepare' it , bought means you paid money and got something 'I made half and bought half' is a simply way of explaining you only made half of the food
「料理をつくる」の「つくる」には 'make' の他、'prepare' も使うことができます。 'I made half and bought half'(半分つくって半分買いました)は「料理は半分だけつくった」のシンプルな言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • The pie is half made and half bought!

"The pie is half made and half bought!" Meaning that I made the filling to go inside the pie but I did not make my own pastry, the outside of the pie, the pastry I bought at the store. Half is 50% of something Half - the filling Half - the pastry
"The pie is half made and half bought!"(そのパイは半分は作って半分は買いました) パイの中に入れるフィリングは自分で作ったけど、外側のペストリーはお店で買った、という意味。 "Half" は「〔あるものの〕半分」という意味です。 Half -「フィリング」 Half -「ペストリー」
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I made half the food, But the other half i bought from the shop.

To express to someone that you made half and bought half you could use the example above.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I made half of it and I bought the other half

  • I bought half of the food and prepared the rest.

I made half of it and I bought the other half. (私は半分作って、もう半分は買いました。) the other half=もう半分 I bought half of the food and prepared the rest. (料理の半分は買って、残りは調理しました。) prepare=準備する、調理する、用意する rest=休み、休憩、休息、睡眠などの意味もありますが、ここでは残り、残余を意味します。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
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