世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/08 04:09
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  • take your breath away

We use the phrase "take your breath away" to talk about something that is so beautiful that it steals your very breath. For example: The view from the top of the mountain took her breath away. I hope that this helps! :)
"take your breath away"は、息をのむほど美しいものを表すときに使われます。 例:The view from the top of the mountain took her breath away.(山の頂上からの眺めに彼女は思わず息をのんだ) 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • That is simply breathtaking!

  • That is so beautiful, it takes my breath away!

  • That is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen! Words cannot describe it!

To describe something that literally takes your breath away due to its beauty, you can say exactly that: it takes your breath away. However, we have a word for this in English, and it is "breathtaking." We have many other words as well, such as the one I used in the third example sentence: "gorgeous." I chose to add the phrase that "words cannot describe it" when something is so extremely beautiful that it's difficult even to find words to express its great beauty.
「息をのむほど美しいもの」を説明したいなら、その通りに伝えることができます:It takes your breath away. 英語にはこれを表す単語もあります。それは "breathtaking" です。 他にもいろいろな単語があります。例えば、三つ目の例に使った "gorgeous"(見事な)。 ここに "words cannot describe it" というフレーズを加えています。これは「言葉で表現できないほどの美しさ」を表します。
Amy H English teacher
  • Breathtakingly beautiful

  • Jaw droppingly beautiful

  • Insanely beautiful

Breathtakingly beautiful - the word breathtakingly is an adverb to give further information to how beautiful something is. It is the best word to describe something as being so beautiful that it takes your breath away. Some other ways to say that something is very beautiful is "jaw droppingly beautiful" to say that someone was so beautiful that your jaw dropped and your mouth is open now. Another way is a little less formal in saying something is "insanely beautiful", you could even say "ridiculously beautiful", "amazingly beautiful", "crazy beautiful", etc.
Breathtakingly beautiful(息をのむ美しさ) 'breathtakingly' は美しさを説明する副詞です。息をのむほどの美しさを表す最適な言葉です。 別の言い方としては、"jaw droppingly beautiful"。これは「顎が落ちて口が開いてしまうほど美しい」という意味です。少しカジュアルな言い方としては "insanely beautiful"(すごく美しい)。あるいは、"ridiculously beautiful" "amazingly beautiful" "crazy beautiful" などという言い方もあります。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • stunning

  • the beauty of it took my breath away

Sara K様の回答が完璧だと思いますが、他にも近しい言い方を書かせていただきます。 まず、stunning はbeautifulよりも強い意味を持ち、とても美しいという意味になります。 また、The beauty of it took my breath away. は、直訳すると「その美しさが私の呼吸を奪った。」という意味になり、美しさに圧倒されたといった時に使えます。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • A breathtaking beauty

息を呑む美しさの写真 を直訳すると A breathtaking beauty of a picture と 言った感じになりますが美しい写真で beautiful picture と言う方がおすすめです。
  • Incredible / fantastic / amazing /awesome

  • Out of this world

  • That really is something else!

Using a single word adjective is one way to describe something breathtaking, which is really in the form of an exclamation. Awesome, in particular, would often be used in the USA. The phrase 'out of this world" sums up something that you don't expect to see all the time, and is a more relaxed way of saying it, while not being very specific. 'That really is something else" is a little more of a slang expression, but most people in the UK and USA would understand the meaning.
「息をのむほど美しい」と言うなら、形容詞一言で表すという手もあります。これは言葉というより感動して出る声です。特に、"Awesome" はアメリカでよく使われます。 "Out of this world" は、なかなか見られないものを表します。これはよりカジュアルで、抽象的な言い方です。 "That really is something else"(素晴らしい)は少しスラングっぽい言い方ですが、意味はイギリスであれアメリカであれほとんどの人に伝わります。
Gozo P DMM英会話講師
  • What a magnificent mountain view!

  • That's an extremely gorgeous dress you are wearing.

  • That's an exceptionally magnificent building.

A breathtakingly beautiful dress can also be termed an 'extremely gorgeous' dress. The adverb 'extremely' used in the second statement means 'to a very great degree', beyond compare. The adjective 'gorgeous' means the same as 'beautiful'. An 'exeptionally magnificent' building can also be termed a 'breathtakingly beautiful' building or 'a building with 'stunning beauty'. There are a lot of other synonyms to this expression such as 'immensely beautiful' or 'intensely beautiful' to mention a few. So, you may say to someone: What a magnificent mountain view! or That's an extremely gorgeous dress you are wearing. or That's an exceptionally magnificent building.
"A 'breathtakingly beautiful' dress"(息をのむほど美しいドレス)は "An 'extremely gorgeous' dress"(見事なドレス)と表すこともできます。 二つ目の例で使われている副詞の 'extremely' は「非常に/比べものにならないほどに」という意味です。 形容詞の 'gorgeous' は 'beautiful'(美しい)と同じ意味です。 "An 'exeptionally magnificent' building"(立派な建物)は "A 'breathtakingly beautiful' building"(息をのむほど美しい建物)や "A building with 'stunning beauty'"(息をのむほど美しい建物)と表すこともできます。 これには類似の表現が他にもたくさんあります。 例えば、'immensely beautiful'(非常に美しい)や 'intensely beautiful'(非常に美しい)など。 次のように言えます。 What a magnificent mountain view!(山の眺めが見事だね) That's an extremely gorgeous dress you are wearing.(あなたの着ているドレスすごくきれいですね) That's an exceptionally magnificent building.(立派な建物だね)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Stunning

  • Incredibly beautiful

  • Awe-inspiringly beautiful

The above suggestions may indicate how you feel in the face of something (or someone) that is unusually beautiful in some way and has an emotional effect upon you. There may well be other appropriate words or phrases in different situations - and depending what the subject of the comment is.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Its beauty takes my breath away.

What do you think to it? How long have you been working on it? About two months. Well, its beauty takes my breath away. That is so kind of you. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Stunning.

  • Breath-taking.

  • Out of this world.

Example sentences : - The view from the top of this mountain is out of this world. - The drive through the forrest today was breath-taking. - Your eyes are simply stunning, what color are they?
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Breathtaking.

  • Gorgeous.

Here are some examples of these words being used in context: I drove to the coast last weekend, the views were breathtaking! We went to a waterfall close to the beach yesterday the scenery was gorgeous!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Breathtaking

  • Amazing

'Take your breath away' is a phrase that is often used when someone is stunned or taken back by how the other person looks or it doesn't have to be towards a person, it could be a breathtaking piece of art or a breathtaking view of the mountains/beach. Examples; - She looked breathtaking on her wedding day. - The hotel i'm staying in has an amazing view of the ocean.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • breathtakingly beautiful

  • stunning

こんにちは。 「息を呑む美しさ」は英語で下記のような言い方もできます。 ・breathtakingly beautiful 息をのむほど美しい ・stunning 魅力的な breathtaking はそのまま「息をのむような」といったニュアンスがある英語表現です。 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください。 The view from my hotel room was breathtakingly beautiful. ホテルの部屋からの景色は息をのむほど美しかった。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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