I have a set of emergency supplies ready but I hope to never have to use them.
"A set" is a group or collection of things, in this case, emergency supplies. "To have to do something" means that you are obligated or forced to do so. I hope that this helps! :)
"set"は「一式」「一そろい」という意味です。この場合は、"a set of emergency supplies"(防災用品一式)です。
"To have to do something"は「~をしなければならない」という意味です。
I am prepared for any emergency but I hope I won't have to use it.
I have emergency supplies but I should not have to use them.
I hope I won't have to use the emergency supplies that I have on hand.
I am prepared for any emergency but I hope I won't have to use it.
I have emergency supplies but I should not have to use them.
I hope I won't have to use the emergency supplies that I have on hand.
It is good to be prepared for emergencies but you also hope they won't be necessary.
I am as ready as I can be for an emergency, I just hope I won't have to use them.
I am prepared for any emergency but I hope I won't have to use it.(非常時には備えているけども、使わなくてすむことを願っています)
I have emergency supplies but I should not have to use them.(防災用品は準備しているけど、使わなくてすむことを願っています)
I hope I won't have to use the emergency supplies that I have on hand.(支度している防災用品を使わなくてすむことを願っています)
It is good to be prepared for emergencies but you also hope they won't be necessary.(非常時に備えることは良いことですけど、それは使わないに越したことはありません)
I am as ready as I can be for an emergency, I just hope I won't have to use them.(非常時にはできる限り備えています。使わなくてすむことをただただ願っています)
Although I have many emergency supplies, I hope I never have to use them.
I hope I am never in a situation where I have to tap into my emergency reserves.
Hopefully, I never have to use my emergency stash.
If you do not wish to ever have to touch any of your emergency supplies, the statements above can help. In the first statement, I wrote it very formally just in case you are deciding to write it in a message.The second statement is a good way to state it in a conversation where you are conversing about emergency situations. In the third statement, it is just plainly stated. It is very direct and to the point.
Even though I have these, I hope I never have to use them.
I hope I never have to touch these supplies.
to express the fact that you have some emergency supplies but don't want to ever have to use them, one can say something along the lines of "I hope I never have to use these" or "I hope I never have to touch these" while pointing to the supplies.
"I hope I never have to use these"(〔防災用品を指さして〕これを使わずに済めばいいですが)
"I hope I never have to touch these"(〔防災用品を指さして〕これを使わずに済めばいいですが)
I have emergency supplies but hopefully i never have to use them.
You can explain that you have the emergency supplies prepared but you hope that you will never have to use them.
-I hope I never have to use these.
-I have emergency supplies but hopefully i never have to use them.
-I hope I never have to use these.(これを使わずに済めばいいけど)
-I have emergency supplies but hopefully i never have to use them.(防災用品は準備してあるけど、できれば使いたくない)
Though we are well-stocked with emergency supplies, I hope we will never have to use them
We have a good supply of emergency necessities - let's trust they will never be needed
When talking about emergency supplies etc., you want to say that you hope that you never have to use them (although you have them ready). Above are a couple of suggestions that may fit this conversation.
Lets hope i never have to use my emergency supplies i have prepared.
"I pray that i never have to use my emergency supplies i have prepared" -
This example is explaining that you have hope every day that you will never have to use your emergency supplies. To have something prepared is another word for saying that something is ready to use .
"I pray that i never have to use my emergency supplies i have prepared"
この例は、非常用備品を使わなくてもいいことを毎日願っていることを意味する表現です。 To have something prepared は、何かが準備できているという意味のフレーズです。
I have a set of emergency supplies, but hope I never need to use them
a 'set' is a group of things that you put together to use so 'emergency supplies' are a group of things you would need in an emergency
you can simply say 'I hope I never need these' or 'I hope I never have to use these'
set' はひとそろいのものをいいます。
'emergency supplies' は、いざというときのための非常用品のセットをいいます。
'I hope I never need these'(これらを使わなくて済めばいいが)
'I hope I never have to use these'(これらを使わなくて済めばいいが)