世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




海外のカフェなどで、テーブルオーダーじゃなくてカウンターでオーダーと支払いをするシステムの時、入り口でメニューを渡した後、 「準備ができたらあちらでオーダーと支払いしてね」 って、なんて言うの? どこの店員さんも同じような事を言ってるのですが、雰囲気でいつも理解していて、正確に何て言ってるのか知りたいのです。。
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2019/01/08 13:01
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  • Once you're ready, please order at the counter.

"Once" in this sentence means "when." "You're" is the contraction of the subject and verb "you are." I hope that this helps! :)
"once"はこの文では"when"(~するときに)という意味です。 "you're"は"you are"の縮約形です("you"が主語で"are"が動詞)。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Order when you're ready

自分が働いてた日本の英国風カフェ・バーも同じような お支払いシステムでした。 準備できたら注文するようにお願いするだけで大丈夫だと思います。 Please だけ付け忘れないように。 「準備ができたらあちらでオーダーと支払いしてね」 "Please order and pay over there when you're ready" など
  • Go to the counter to order.

  • When you are ready please order at the counter.

- Go to - Giving you a Direction. You are directing the customer to the location where they must order. Now they know where to order. "When you are ready please order at the counter." - When you are ready - This means there is no rush, the customer can take their time and then order when they are comfortable and prepared.
- Go to - 方向を示します。お客さんに注文をする場所を教えてます。これで、どこで注文をすればいいか伝わります。 "When you are ready please order at the counter."(準備ができたら、カウンターで注文してください) - When you are ready - これは「急ぐ必要ない」という意味です。ゆっくり時間をかけて準備ができたら注文してくださいと伝えています。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Please order at the counter when you're ready

  • When your ready please order at the counter

When you want to tell someone what food/drinks you want you are said to 'order' them so you would tell the person to 'please order at the counter' When your ready lets them have time to look at the menu and decide what they want to choose/get
飲み物や食べ物を注文することを、 'order'と言います。ですので、 'please order at the counter'(カウンターで注文してください。)と言うことができます。 When your ready (決まったら)は、相手にメニューを見て、決める時間を与えるのにぴったりのフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please order at the counter.

  • Please order at the till.

  • You can order up at the bar.

When there is no table service at a cafe, restaurant or bar customers are typically advised to order at the counter. In the UK, the counter can also be referred to as the till (till is UK English for cash register). However if the establishment is more like a bar or a pub then the counter is referred to as the bar. E.g You can order at the bar.
テーブルサービスのないカフェやレストラン、バーでは、客は普通、カウンターで注文するよう言われます。 英国では"counter"(カウンター)のことは"till"とも呼ばれます。"till"とは英国英語で"cash register"(レジ)のことです。 ただ、そこがバーやパブのようなお店なら、"counter"(カウンター)は"bar"と呼ばれます。 例: You can order at the bar. (バーで注文できます)
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • You can place your order at the counter once you are ready.

  • Please place your order at the counter once you are ready.

  • Once you are ready please place your order at the counter.

"You can place your order at the counter once you are ready." "Place your order" means to ask for the things that you would like, and is a native sounding and polite expression. "Once you are ready" is a way of expressing that the customers can take their time and does not infer pressure to chose immediately.
"You can place your order at the counter once you are ready." (決まったら、カウンターで注文してください。) "Place your order" とは、注文するという意味で、ネイティブスピーカーが使う、丁寧な表現です。 "Once you are ready"は、お客さんに考える時間を与え、すぐに決めなければならないというプレッシャーを減らすことのできるフレーズです。
Tabitha DMM英会話講師
  • Please place your order at the counter when you are ready

  • The orders are taken at the counter over there

You work at a cafe where customers order at a counter. After handing the menu to a customer at the entrance, you would like to know what to say to tell them to order at the counter once they are ready? The above suggestions are appropriate for that situation.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • When you have decided what to eat, Please order at the counter.

  • Please go to the counter when your ready to order.

Both of these would be a good and most commonly used way to explain to your customers that once they have decided what to eat/drink then to go to the counter to order.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • When you know what you would like, please order at the counter.

  • Please come to the counter when you are ready.

  • You can order at the counter when you have decided what you would like.

When you know what you would like, please order at the counter.' Saying 'when you know what you would like', in this instance, expresses the same intent as saying 'when you are ready. By saying 'when you know what you would like, please order at the counter', we are letting the customer know that they can come to counter when they are ready to do so. It is becoming more common for restaurants, cafes and pubs nowadays to prefer that a customer orders their food at the counter or bar, rather than providing table service. This can be a lot more convenient as it means there is no need to wait to be served or spend a lot of time trying to grab a server's attention - meaning we can order our food quickly as soon as we have chosen what we would like.
When you know what you would like, please order at the counter.'(欲しいものが決まったら、カウンターで注文してください) 'when you know what you would like' はこの場合、'when you are ready'(注文が決まったら)と同じ意味を表します。'when you know what you would like, please order at the counter' は「注文が決まったら、カウンターまで来てください」という意味です。 最近は、ウェイターが注文を取りに来る代わりに客自らがカウンターまで行って注文をする方式のお店(レストラン・カフェ・パブ)が増えています。これだと欲しいものが決まればすぐに注文できる(ウェイターが来るのを待つ必要がない)ので、楽なときがあります。
Matt L DMM英会話講師
  • Once you are ready, head over to the counter to place your order.

  • Please place your order at the counter once you have decided on your order.

  • When you know what you would like to eat please make your way to the counter to place your order.

After you hand the customer the menu you can let them know that once they have decided on a meal, they are welcome to go over to the counter where they can place the order. Once you are ready/ once you have decided: this shows us that there is no immediate rush, the customer can relax and think of what they would like to eat, once they have decided they can then make their way to the counter to place the order with the waiter or waitress. Head over to: make your way to
お客さんにメニューを渡して、「何を頼むか決まったら、カウンターに来てオーダーしてください」と伝えましょう。 Once you are ready/ once you have decided: これは「急がずゆっくり注文を決めてください」というニュアンスです。そして「何を頼むか決まったら、カウンターに来てオーダーしてください」と伝えています。 Head over to: ~に行く
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Please, order at the counter

  • When you are ready, please, make an order at the counter

There are many ways to say it but if you want to be more polite, I would recommend to use "please" and then "order at the counter". In case they need some time, just let them know they can do it when they are ready.
いろいろな言い方ができますが、丁寧に言うなら、"order at the counter"(カウンターで注文する)の前に "please" を加えることもできます。 少し考える時間も必要かもしれませんね、「注文が決まったら(When you are ready)で構わない」と伝えあげましょう。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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