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2019/01/10 17:32
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  • No regret

「No regret」は後悔が無いの意訳になります。 例文: I spent a lot of money during my vacation but I have no regrets as it was enjoyable. (旅行中にお金をたくさん使ってしまったけど楽しかったから後悔は無い)
  • I had such a wonderful trip that I don't regret spending so much money.

  • This trip was worth the money I spent.

  • This was a wonderful trip. I don't regret a single dime I spent on it.

I had such a wonderful trip that I don't regret spending so much money. This trip was worth the money I spent. This was a wonderful trip. I don't regret a single dime I spent on it. This trip was expensive but worth every penny. I spent a lot of money on this trip but I had a great time so it was worth it. I don't regret spending so much money on this trip. It's been so wonderful.
I had such a wonderful trip that I don't regret spending so much money.(すごく楽しい旅行だったので使ったお金に後悔はありません) This trip was worth the money I spent.(今回の旅行はお金を使っただけの価値はありました) This was a wonderful trip. I don't regret a single dime I spent on it.(すごく楽しい旅行でした。使ったお金に全く後悔ありません) This trip was expensive but worth every penny.(今回の旅行はお金がかかりましたがその価値はありました) I spent a lot of money on this trip but I had a great time so it was worth it.(今回の旅行はお金がかかりましが、楽しかったので、その価値はありました) I don't regret spending so much money on this trip. It's been so wonderful.(今回の旅行にお金を使ったことに後悔はありません。すごく楽しかったので)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I have no regrets about spening a lot of money on my vacation.

  • If I had the chance I would do it again!

You can use any of these two statements to indicate that you have no regrets:- 1. I have no regrets about spening a lot of money on my vacation. 2. If I had the chance I would do it again!
どちらの文も、後悔していないことを伝えるときに使えます。 1. I have no regrets about spening a lot of money on my vacation.(休暇でたくさんお金を使ったことには後悔はありません) 2. If I had the chance I would do it again!(もし機会があればまた同じことをしますよ)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I wouldn't change a thing.

  • I positively have no regrets!

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you have no regrets. In the second sentence you will see the word positively. This means certainly or absolutely. This word is appropriate for both formal and informal settings. It would make an awesome addition to your vocabulary.
上記二つの例文は、後悔がないことを伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 二つ目の例文には、"positively" という単語が使われています。これは「確かに」「全く」という意味です。この単語はフォーマルな場面でもインフォーマルな場面でも使うことができます。ぜひ語彙に加えておいてください。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I have no regrets

  • I wouldn't change a thing

If you are not sorry about doing something then you can say you have 'no regrets' a common saying to explain this is 'I wouldn't change a thing'
何かを後悔していないなら、'no regrets' が使えます。 'I wouldn't change a thing'(全く後悔していない)はこれについて表す一般的な言い方です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I don't mind

  • I don't regret it

  • It was worth it

Going on vacation is a fun experience and therefore we all sometimes spend a little more than anticipated. It is very useful therefore to know how to say 'it was worth it' and basically say that you are not worried that you spent so much because you spent it on something you thought was a suitable output. Another way to say this : 'I wouldn't change a thing'
旅行は楽しいですから、思っていた以上にお金を使ってしまった経験というのはみんなあると思います。 ですから、「その価値はあった」「必要と思ったものにお金を使ったので後悔はない」の言い方を知っておくときっと役に立つと思います。 別の言い方: 'I wouldn't change a thing' (全然後悔していません)
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • I have no regrets.

  • I regret nothing

"I have no regrets." To 'regret' something is used when you have disappointment or feel bad about something that you had done, in this case you have 'No regret' so this states you are not disappointed and are happy with the actions you chose. "I regret nothing" Is a more casual way of expressing this, to 'Regret nothing' is to feel happy in the choices you had/have made.
"I have no regrets."(後悔はありません) 'Regret' は自分のしたことを悔やんでいるときや、あるいは失望しているときに使われます。この場合は、'No regret' ですから、「自分の行動に後悔はない、満足している」ということです。 "I regret nothing"(後悔はありません) は、カジュアルな言い方です。'Regret nothing' は「自分の選択したことに悔いはない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I spent a small fortune on my vacation but I had a lot of fun and don't regret it.

  • My vacation expenses exceeded my budget but I enjoyed myself greatly and don't regret it.

  • I went over budget during my vacation but the enjoyment was worth it and I don't regret it.

The noun phrase 'small fortune' used in the first statement means 'a lot of money'. In this case, you might have budgeted to spend a certain amount of money during your vacation, but, due to the 'abundance of attractions' (large number of attractions), you ended up going over your budget. However, because you enjoyed your vacation so much, you are of the opinion that the excess expenditure was worth it and that you don't regret it at all. The verb to 'exceed' used in the second statement means to be more than, in number, quantity or budget in this case. So, you may say to someone: I spent a small fortune on my vacation but I had a lot of fun and don't regret it. or My vacation expenses exceeded my budget but I enjoyed myself greatly and don't regret it. or I went over budget during my vacation but the enjoyment was worth it and I don't regret it.
一つ目の例で使われている名詞句 'small fortune' は「大金」という意味です。 ここでは、「旅行が楽しくて予算をオーバーしてしまったけど、その価値があったと考えているので、後悔はない」ということですね。 二つ目の例で使われている動詞 'exceed' は「(ある数量、ここでは予算を)超える」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 I spent a small fortune on my vacation but I had a lot of fun and don't regret it. (旅行でお金を使いましたが、楽しかったので後悔はないです) My vacation expenses exceeded my budget but I enjoyed myself greatly and don't regret it. (旅行では予算をオーバーしてしまったけど、楽しかったので後悔はしていません) I went over budget during my vacation but the enjoyment was worth it and I don't regret it. (旅行では予算をオーバーしてしまったけど、楽しかったので後悔はしていません)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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