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足が速くて風のよう。 って英語でなんて言うの?

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2019/01/10 22:08
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  • he/she is as fast as the wind

  • he's/she's as fast as the wind

ご質問ありがとうございます。 「足」=「feet」 「速くて」=「fast」 「風のよう」=「like the wind」か「as the wind」 合わせて、「(his/her) feet are fast as the wind」となります。 しかし、英語での人気であることわざの「he/she is as fast as the wind」と当たります。 主語は男性だったら、「he」を使います。 主語は女性だったら、「she」を使います。 もちろん、「he is」と「she is」を省略できて、「he's」と「she's」も使っても良いです。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Runs like the wind.

  • Runs fast like the wind.

  • Runs as fast as the wind.

A sentence like this is considered to be a "metaphor" which is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn't literally true but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. Example: He/she runs like the wind OR he/she runs as fast as the wind. This comparison is not literal but helps explain that the person in question is a very fast runner.
こうした文は"metaphor"と言います。"metaphor"とは、物や行動を実際とは異なるものに例えることを言います。 例えば: He/she runs like the wind(彼は風のように走る) または、 He/she runs as fast as the wind.(彼は風のように早い) この例えは文字通りではありませんが、足がとても速いことを表現しています。
Ivana U DMM英会話講師
  • She's like the wind!

  • He's like the wind!

  • They're like the wind!

"She's like the wind!" "He's like the wind!" "They're like the wind!" "like the wind" is an idiom that refers to the fact that a person or persons move very quickly on their feet or they can run really fast! "quick on their feet" meaning that they move really fast
"She's like the wind!"(彼女は風のように速い) "He's like the wind!"(彼は風のように速い) "They're like the wind!"(彼らは風のように速い) "like the wind" は、人の動きあるいは足がすごく速いことを表すイディオムです。 "quick on one's feet" は「動きがすごく速い」という意味です。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • "He/she runs fast like the wind"

  • "They are like the wind"

  • "They run as fast as the wind"

If you were referring to how fast a friend of yours runs and you wanted to compare the speed to that of the wind, you could say any of the following to express this, for example, "He runs fast like the wind", "They are like the wind" or "They run as fast as the wind". All three of these sentences are effective to express comparing your friends speed to the wind.
友達の足の速さを風に例えて説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "He runs fast like the wind"(彼は風のように速く走る) "They are like the wind"(彼らは風のように速く走る) "They run as fast as the wind"(彼らは風のように速く走る) 上記どの文も、友達の足の速さを風に例えて説明しています。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • He/she runs like the wind

When talking about a friend who runs fast if you want to say that he/she runs fast like the wind, then the above sentence is pretty appropriate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • He runs like the wind!

"To run like the wind" is a very common phrase in American English to describe someone who can run quickly. Any native speaker will easily understand you. I hope that this helps. :)
"To run like the wind" はアメリカ英語で非常に一般的なフレーズです。足の速い人を表します。ネイティブスピーカーであればすぐに意味が伝わります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • He has wind-like speed while running.

Other phrases you might use to talk about speed are 'He runs like lightning.' 'He's got serious speed.' 'He's as fast as a race horse.' When saying someone is slow we might say 'He is as slow as molasses'. 'Molasses' is an extremely thick and sweet syrup used in desserts and when you pour it from a bottle it takes a very long time to move.
スピードを表すときに使えるフレーズには、他に次のようなものもあります。 'He runs like lightning.'(彼は電光石火の速さで走る) 'He's got serious speed.'(彼は本当にスピードがある) 'He's as fast as a race horse.'(彼は競走馬のように速い) 足が遅いことを伝えるときには次のようなフレーズがあります。 'He is as slow as molasses'. (彼はすごく足が遅い) 'Molasses'(糖蜜)はデザートに使われるどろっとした甘いシロップのことで、ボトルから注ごうとすると出てくるまでにすごく時間がかかります。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
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