世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2019/01/13 01:49
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  • I've been to forty different countries in my life.

  • I have traveled to forty countries around the world.

1) I've been to forty different countries in my life.

2) I have traveled to forty countries around the world.



  • I've been to 40 countries!

  • I've had the pleasure of visiting 40 countries!

  • I've been fortunate to travel to 40 countries!

"been to" can be used to say that we have traveled or seen all of these countries

"pleasure" enjoying a feeling of happiness to travel so much

"fortunate" meaning that you have had the money to travel to 40 countries, some people have never left their home countries and traveled abroad

「~に行ったことがある」は "been to" で表せます。

"pleasure" は、それだけの国を旅行できたことに喜びを感じていることを表します。


Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I've been to 40 countries in total.

  • I have traveled to a total of 40 countries.

I've been to 40 countries in total. - This sentence is present perfect tense because it's speaking of an experience that's factual at the moment but can change in the future. In the future you might travel to 50 or more countries, so we use present perfect tense when discussing such events. The word "total" is being used to describe the final amount.

I have traveled to 40 countries. - This sentence is present perfect tense because it's speaking of an experience that's factual at the moment but can change in the future. In the future you might travel to 50 or more countries, so we use present perfect tense when discussing such events

I've been to 40 countries in total.(全部で40カ国に行ったことがあります)

将来は50カ国やあるいはそれ以上の国に行くことになるかもしれません。そのようなことについて言う場合、現在完了形が使われます。"total" は最終的な数量を表します。

I have traveled to 40 countries.(40カ国に行ったことがあります)


Dyami DMM英会話講師
  • I have already traveled to 40 different countries.

  • I have been to 40 different countries.

  • I have traveled to 40 different countries around the world.

when someone asks you "how many countries have you been to?" you can answer by saying something along the lines of "I have been to over 40 different countries." or "I have traveled to 40 different countries around the world." depending on how many countries you have been to you can just change the number in the sentence. for example "I have been to 28 different countries.".

"how many countries have you been to?"(今までに何カ国に行きましたか)と聞かれたら、次のように返答できます。

"I have been to over 40 different countries."(40カ国以上に行ったことがあります)
"I have traveled to 40 different countries around the world."(40カ国に行ったことがあります)

"I have been to 28 different countries."(28カ国に行ったことがあります)

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I have traveled to 40 countries

  • I've visited 40 different countries

"I have Visited" or "I have traveled" often used in a similair context, expresses that you have been too/visited/traveled/experienced these different places.

"I have Visited" と "I have traveled" はしばしば似た文脈で使われます、そうした国々に「行ったことがある」ことを表します。

Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I have traveled to forty different countries.

  • I have been to forty different countries.

"Have been" is the past perfect version of the verb "go." Using "go" is a more informal way of saying to travel or visit. "I have been to forty different countries."

"have been" は動詞 "go" の過去完了形です。
"go" は "travel"(行く/旅行する)や "visit"(訪れる)のよりカジュアルな言い方です。

"I have been to forty different countries."

Roberto M DMM英会話講師
  • So far, I've been to 40 countries

  • I have traveled to 40 countries in my life

  • In my entire life I have been to 40 countries total

I have been to a total of 40 countries in my whole life! We have to use the grammar tense present perfect because our lives are not over yet and we are probably not done travelling either.
"I have traveled to" or "I have been to" are perfect for expressing that within your lifetime you have been in 40 different countries and you are probably not done.
Also, you can include "so far" either at the end or in the beginning of the sentence.
You can also say, " In my travels, I have gone to a total of 40 countries"

I have been to a total of 40 countries in my whole life!(今までに40カ国に行きました)

"I have traveled to" または "I have been to" は「今までに~カ国に行きました」と言うときの言い方です。

文末あるいは文頭に "so far" を加えることもできます。

"In my travels, I have gone to a total of 40 countries"(今までに40カ国に行きました)

Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • I've traveled to 40 countries

  • I've visitied 40 countries

  • I've been to 40 countries

When talking about places you have been to you can say 'I've been to', 'I've traveled to' or 'I've visitied' by adding 40 countries you are telling the person you have been to 40 countries

今までに行ったことがある場所についていうときは、'I've been to' 'I've traveled to' または 'I've visitied' が使えます。

'40 countries' を加えて、「40カ国」に行ったことがあると伝えています。

Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I've been to 40 countries in all

  • In total, I've visited 40 countries

When asked how many countries you've traveled to, you want to say that you've traveled to 40 countries. The above suggestions clearly explain that point.


Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have visited 40 countries.

  • I have gone to 40 different countries.

  • I've traveled to 40 countries over the years.

To talk about places you have been to, like countries, you use expressions like "gone to", "traveled to", or "visited". Example: "I have visited 40 countries."

国のように、自分が行ったことのある場所のことを話すときは、"gone to", "traveled to",  "visited"というフレーズを使うことができます。

"I have visited 40 countries."

Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I've traveled to 40 different countries.

  • I've been to 40 countries.

  • I've already been to 40 countries.

To say you've (you have) gone to a place/location in the past, you say "I've been to" or "I've gone to". "I've already been/gone to".

To say how many countries you've visited, you say "40 countries" or "40 different countries".

以前ある場所に行ったことをがあるということを言うには、"I've been to" や "I've gone to" "I've already been/gone to"というフレーズを使うといいでしょう。
何か国行ったかを "40 countries"(40か国)や  "40 different countries"(40の国々)のように言うことができます。

Thia H DMM英会話講師
  • I've visited 40 countries so far.

  • I've been to 40 countries.

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to express to your listener that you have traveled to 40 countries. In the first sentence you will see the term so far. This means up until a certain point. This term is appropriate for both formal and informal settings, it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.


はじめの文には、 so farというフレーズがあります。これは、これまでという意味で、フォーマルにもカジュアルにも使うことができるので、ボキャブラリーに追加しておくといいでしょう。

Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • I've traveled to 40 countries.

  • I've visited 40 different countries.

I've traveled to 40 countries.

 I haveが省略されてI'veとなっています。

I've visited 40 different countries.



Shiori S 英語講師
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