For my birthday, you have to give me a present that is ten times more expensive.
This present cost three month's worth of pay!
「10倍高いもの」ですかね?それなら a present that is ten times more expensive と言います。
「このプレゼントを買うのに3ヶ月分の給料がかかりました」は This present cost three month's worth of pay! です。
three month's worth of pay は「3ヶ月の給料」で、
「〜かかりました」は お金の場合は to cost となります。
Just remember, whatever I give you I want back tenfold.
This present cost me three months salary!
1) Just remember, whatever I give you I want back tenfold.
tenfold で「10倍の」
2) This present cost me three months salary!
three months salary で「給料3ヶ月分」