世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/19 15:29
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  • "I went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday "

  • "I spent five days in the Maldives during the holiday season"

In order to explain that you went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday, you could simply state "I went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday " or "I spent five days in the Maldives during the holiday season". Both these sentences adequately explain what it was that you were doing over the holiday season.
「年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました」は、次のように言えます。 "I went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday " 「年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました」 "I spent five days in the Maldives during the holiday season". 「年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました」 どちらの文を使っても、あなたが年末年始にしたことを伝えることができます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the Maldive Islands for five days over the New Year.

  • I spent five days in the Maldives at the end of December and the beginning of January.

1) I went to the Maldive Islands for five days over the New Year. 「年末年始に5日間モルディブ諸島に行ってきた。」 the Maldive Islands で「モルディブ諸島」 「年末年始」は over the New Year と言えます。 2) I spent five days in the Maldives at the end of December and the beginning of January. 「12月末から1月頭にモルディブで5日間過ごしました。」 「モルディブ」は Maldives とも言えます。 「年末年始」は at the end of December and the beginning of January とも言えます。 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • I visited the Maldives for five days in the New Year period!

  • I went to the Maldives for five days during my winter vacation!

"I visited the Maldives for five days in the New Year period!" The New Year period is normally the time that starts after Christmas. we are moving into the New Year. "I am going on vacation in the New Year period!" "I went to the Maldives for five days during my winter vacation!" Most people know that it is winter in Japan in December, so, they will understand if you use "during my winter vacation."
"I visited the Maldives for five days in the New Year period!"(年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました) "The New Year period" は普通、クリスマスが過ぎてからの期間をいいます。新年に入っていくところです。 "I am going on vacation in the New Year period!"(年末年始に休暇に出掛けます) "I went to the Maldives for five days during my winter vacation!"(冬休みに5日間モルディブに行ってきました) ほとんどの人は日本の12月が冬だと知っています。ですから、"during my winter vacation"(冬休みの間)でも伝わります。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I holidayed for 5 days in the Maldives over New Year

If you wish to explain that you went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday, then just use the above exampled sentence! To holiday = to go on holiday
年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ったと伝えたいなら、上記の例文を使ってください! To holiday = To go on holiday(休暇に出掛ける)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I vacationed in Maldives for five days during New Years.

In American English, we refer to trips as "vacations." Vacation can also be used as a verb, as seen in the sentence above. I hope that this helps! :)
アメリカ英語では旅行のことを "vacation" といいます。 "vacation" は上記の文のように動詞としても使われます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • For New Years I went to the Maldives for five days.

  • I went to Maldives for five days for New Years.

  • During the new years holiday I went to the Maldives for five days.

When trying to tell someone that you wen to the Maldives for five days during the new year holidays, you can say something along the lines of "For new years I went to the Maldives for five days." or "I was at Maldives for five days over new years."
「年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきた」は、次のように言えます。 "For new years I went to the Maldives for five days."(年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました) "I was at Maldives for five days over new years."(年末年始に5日間モルディブに行ってきました)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I went on vacation for the New Year Holiday to the Maldives

  • I went to the Maldives for a few days to ring in the New Year

  • I spent five days in the Maldives during New Years

You can talk about the New Year Holiday by saying "ringing in the New Year". Another slang way to say New Year holiday is New Years. So you can say you were in the Maldives during New Years. You can then say you went to the Maldives for a few days, for 5 days, for almost a week. Those are different ways to say the duration of your trip.
"New Year Holiday"(年末年始)は "Ringing in the New Year"(新年を迎える)で表すこともできます。 他に、"New Years" でも "New Year Holiday"(年末年始)を表すことができます。これもスラングです。 ですから、 "I was in the Maldives during New Years."(年末年始はモルディブにいました)と言えます。 この後、"I went to the Maldives for a few days / for 5 days / for almost a week."(数日間/5日間/一週間近くモルディブに行っていました)と伝えることができます。 これらは、旅行の期間について異なる言い方で伝えています。
Estter DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the Maldives for five days in the New year holidays

  • I spent five days in the Maldives during the New year holiday

When talking about the holiday after Christmas and into the 1st January the next year this is called the 'new year holidays' to explain you went to the maldives for five days as well as saying this you can also say 'I spent five days in the Maldives'
クリスマスの後、次の年の1月1日まで続く休暇期間のことは 'new year holidays' と呼ばれます。 「5日間モルディブに行ってきた」は、 'I went to the Maldives for five days' または、 'I spent five days in the Maldives' と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday.

I went to the Maldives for five days over the New Year holiday. 年末年始の休暇に5日間、モルディブへ行きました。 I went to the Maldives = モルディブに行ってきました for five days = 5日間 the New Year holiday = 年末年始の休暇 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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