世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/21 23:25
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  • I ended up doing nothing today.

I ended up doing nothing today. 今日一日何もしないで終わった。 end up = 結局こうなった、最終的にはこうなった 一日をダラダラ過ごしていて、気がついたら何もせずに夜が来たイメージです。
  • The day is over even though I didn’t do anything all day.

  • I wasted a whole day and now it’s over.

I wasted - もったいない、無断した A whole day - 一日中 もし何もしないで, I wasted a whole dayは後悔の意味があります。 The day is over - 日が終わりました Even though - なのに I didn’t do anything - 何もしてなかった この文でeven though付いたらは後悔の意味になる。
  • Time flew by, and I was so happy today just chilling at home and doing nothing

You did nothing today. The day was over before you realized it. You want to explain in a way that shows no regrets.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It's a pity that I did nothing worth talking about today.

  • I am so disappointed that I wasted the whole of today

  • I did absolutely nothing today because I didn't plan my day beforehand.

If someone did nothing worth talking about on a particular day, it means that he/she did not have a plan for the day and time went by doing absolutely nothing. It can be very disappointing, that is, a situation that completely fails to fulfil someone's hopes. W asting the whole day can be the result of lack of planning, lack of time management. A person needs to plan his/her day beforehand, that is, well in advance.This is called time management. One needs to allocate tasks to be performed on a particular day well in advance otherwise the whole day will be wasted with no achievement. So, if you didn't plan your day and ended up doing nothing, you may say: It's a pity that I did nothing worth talking about today. or I am so disappointed that I wasted the whole of today. or I did absolutely nothing today because I didn't plan my day beforehand.
I did nothing worth talking about today'(今日は特に何もしなかった)は、「今日は特に予定もなく何もしなかった」という意味です。 こんな日の後には気分が落ち込むことがありますね。 一日を無駄に過ごしてしまうときには、計画性や 'time management' に問題があることがあります。一日の計画は前もって立てておく必要があります、これを 'time management'(時間管理)といいます。その日にすることを前もって考えておかないと、一日何もせずに終わってしまいます。 もし計画を立てず何もしないまま一日が終わってしまったなら、次のように言えます。 It's a pity that I did nothing worth talking about today. (今日は特に何もせず一日が終わってしまって残念だ) I am so disappointed that I wasted the whole of today. (今日一日無駄にしてしまって、落胆しています) I did absolutely nothing today because I didn't plan my day beforehand. (今日は前もって予定を立てていなかったので、何もできませんでした)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I didn't do much work today!

  • I hardly did anything today!

  • I worked all day and got nothing done!

"I didn't do much work today!" Certain things that we do or don't do can be measured with an uncountable, "work" is an uncountable noun. This is a way of explaining that you had a whole day at work and you did not get a lot of work done. "I hardly did anything today!" "Hardly" is an adverb that also describes that you did very little work. "I worked all day and got nothing done!" When this happens it feels that we wasted an entire day at work because we did do what we set out.
"I didn't do much work today!"(今日はあまり仕事をしませんでした) - 漠然と仕事を表すときには不可算名詞が使えます。"work" は不可算名詞です。ここでは、一日職場にいたけど大した仕事をしなかったと伝えています。 "I hardly did anything today!"(今日はほとんど何もしなかった) - "hardly" はほとんど何もしなかったことを表す副詞です。 "I worked all day and got nothing done!"(一日中働いて何も終わらなかった) - このような状況が起こると、予定していたことができなかったわけなので、一日を無駄にしたと感じられます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I regret not doing anything today

  • I wish I had done something today

  • I ended up doing nothing today

Sometimes you have a day where you don't do much but you should really get things done so you might feel bad you haven't done them (you are said to regret them) you might then say 'I wish I had'
しなければならないことがあったのに何もしないまま一日が終わってしまったということはありますね。そんなときは、それを後悔(regret)して、'I wish I had'(~すればよかった)などと言うかもしれません。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I feel bad for being so unproductive today.

  • I had such a lazy day today

  • I'm not so proud of my inefficient day today.

Inefficient: time wasting, not much done unproductive: inefficient Demanding: wanting a lot of you, hard, exhaustive Procrastinate: putting things off for another time, not attending what needs to be done. Chronic: constantly on repeat, always occurring Habit: something you do often (routine or habit) most times without even realizing it. We all have these days. Life here on this planet can be very demanding and we need to switch off by having a day that is full of more relaxation than work or anything other serious things. Other days we feel fine but we are lazy to get things done, we procrastinate when we know we have important things to do, procrastination can easily become a chronic habit.
Inefficient: 時間を無駄にすること、それほどたくさんのことをしないこと unproductive: inefficientと同じ、収穫がないこと Demanding: 人のことをよく必要とすること、気難しく、体力などを消耗させること Procrastinate: あることを別のときに引き延ばすこと、終わる必要のあるときにできていないこと Chronic: 常に繰り返すこと、いつも起こっていること Habit: 自分がよくすること(日課、癖)ほとんどの場合気づかずにすること   何もしない日は誰にでもあるものです。この地球の生活は骨が折れますし、仕事や他の真剣なことをするよりももっとリラックスして過ごす日をもって切り替える必要があります。   かと言っても、元気があっても何かをするのにめんどくさくなるものです。何か大事なことがあると分かっていても引き延ばしてしまいます。先延ばしすることは容易に慢性の癖となりうるものです。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't do anything today.

  • I ended up having a really unproductive day today.

If you end the day realizing you have not done much and want to express this, you may say something like "I didn't do anything productive today." or "The day was over before I knew it and I didn't get anything done.".
「今日は一日何もしないで終わってしまった」は、次のように言えます。 "I didn't do anything productive today."(今日は一日何もしないで終わってしまった) "The day was over before I knew it and I didn't get anything done."(気付いたら一日が終わっていた。今日は何もできなかった)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I feel like I did nothing today and yet the day was over before I knew it.

  • I basically did nothing today and the day was wasted.

「何もしない」とは、 「without doing anything」、 「doing nothing」、 「not achieving anything」、 「accomplishing nothing」で 時間を無駄遣いしてしまった事を意味します。 「で」は、「XでYになった」という形で、それを英語にしたい場合は 「by means of」、 「because of」、 「and」と表す事ができるでしょう。 このフレーズには後悔していると言う事実が背景にあるため、 「yet」、「wasted」を使う事ができます。
  • The day went by and I was not able to get anything done.

  • I didn't have a productive day today, I didn't get anything done.

  • I wasted my day watching Netflix and didn't get anything done.

These are different ways you can inform someone that you didn't get anything done. The day went by and I was not able to get anything done. I didn't have a productive day today, I didn't get anything done. - (Productive - Getting a lot done) You're informing the person that you didn't get any done, and that your day was not productive. I wasted my day and didn't get anything done. - You didn't get anything done because you spent your time watching Netflix.
「何もしなかった」はいろいろな言い方ができます。 The day went by and I was not able to get anything done.(一日何もしないで終わった) I didn't have a productive day today, I didn't get anything done.(今日は実りのない日だった、何もせずに終わってしまった) →(Productive = たくさんの仕事をこなす)「一日何もしないで終わってしまって実りのない日だった」と伝えています。 I wasted my day and didn't get anything done.(一日を無駄にしてしまった、今日は何もしないまま終わってしまった) →Netflixばかり見ていて、何もしなかった。
Berta DMM英会話講師
  • I've had a totally unproductive day today. What a complete waste of time!

This type of response will show that you are upset with yourself for not doing anything productive, and that you have wasted time that you could not afford to waste.
Desmond DMM英会話講師
  • I did nothing today.

  • I wasted the day.

  • I did nothing all day.

They all work. For, I did nothing all day, it is nice to add emphasis and string out the word all, it will really mean you did nothing at all.
どれも使えます。 'I did nothing all day' の 'all' を長く伸ばして言うと、「本当に何もしなかった」と意味を強調できます。
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • I wasted the entire day

  • I did nothing productive today

  • The day was over before I realised it

You can use any of thes expressions to indicate that you wasted the day:- 1. I wasted the entire day:- You can use this to mean that you did'nt do anything during the course of the day. 2. I did nothing productive today 3 The day was over before I realised it.
一日を無駄に過ごしてしまったときは、次のように言えます。 1. I wasted the entire day(丸一日無駄にしてしまった) これは、一日何もしなかったときに使えます。 2. I did nothing productive today(今日は何もしないで終わってしまった) 3 The day was over before I realised it.(気付いたら一日終わっていた)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I had a lazy day today.

  • I did nothing all day.

You may also use the following sentences. I did nothing the entire day. I didn't do anything the whole day. I had a lazy day all day, I'm so disappointed with myself. I'm so disappointed with myself that I did nothing the entire day. I really regret doing nothing all day. The day is over and I've done nothing. Explanation:All of these statements expresses how a person regrets not being able to do anything for the day, when he could have done something productive.You may even say: I wish I had done something productive for the day, all I did was sit and do nothing.
次のように言うこともできます。 I did nothing the entire day.(今日は一日何もしなかった) I didn't do anything the whole day.(今日は一日何もしなかった) I had a lazy day all day, I'm so disappointed with myself.(今日は一日何もしなかった、自分自身に失望している) I'm so disappointed with myself that I did nothing the entire day.(今日は一日何もしなかった、自分自身に失望している) I really regret doing nothing all day.(今日は何もしなかったから後悔している) The day is over and I've done nothing.(今日は一日何もしなかった) 解説: これらは全て、その日一日何もできず後悔している気持ちを表します。 次のように言うこともできます。 I wish I had done something productive for the day, all I did was sit and do nothing.(今日はもっと意味のあることをしたかった、一日何もせずただ座っていただけだったから)
Willet DMM英会話講師
  • I wasted my day

  • Unfortunately, I did nothing worth thinking today

In my view, wasted (used or expended carelessly, extravagantly, or to no purpose) is the best of explaining how you spend your day in the not doing anything mode.
「何もしないで一日が終わった」は、"wasted" を使うとうまく表せると思います。 "wasted" には「軽率に[ぜいたくに、目的なく]使う」という意味があります。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I really did nothing today.

  • I was just being lazy today.

  • I was just sitting around all day today.

既に色々な方が回答してらっしゃいますが、おっしゃっている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I really did nothing today. 「今日は本当に何もしなかった」 I was just being lazy today. 「今日はただ怠けていただけだった」 I was just sitting around all day today. 「今日は一日中ダラダラしていただけだった」 sit around「ダラダラする」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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