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2019/02/06 01:28
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  • I worked all day, and went to have dinner after work.

"I worked all day today, and went to have dinner after work." 「今日は1日仕事して、終わった後にご飯に行きました」 * work: 仕事 * all day: 一日中 * today: 今日 * go to have dinner: ご飯を食べに行く、外食する * after work: 勤務後 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • I worked all day, then went for dinner afterwards today.

  • Today I worked, then went for dinner after I was done.

今日 - today 1番最初か最後、どっちでも入れて大丈夫です。 1日仕事した - I worked all day, I worked I worked all dayは今日の仕事は長かったの意味があるので気をつけてください。Today I workedは普通の仕事してたのイメージです。 終わった後 - after I finished, after I was done, afterwards この場合はこの3つのフレーズの意味はだいたい同じから誰でもいい。 After I finished, after I was doneは直接終わった後の意味です。 Afterwardsは~~後 Then I went for dinner - そうしてご飯に行きました。”I went for dinner”は外で食べたの意味です。
  • I worked all day,then I went for dinner.

  • I worked all day, then I had dinner out.

★ポイント:シンプルに言ってみました。 ①I worked all day,then I went for dinner ②I worked all day, then I had dinner out. ①は友達などと一緒に夕食を食べに行った(goがあるので)イメージにもなります。 ②は家でご飯を食べないで外で食べた、というところに視点を置いています。 英語職人☺
  • As for today, after I finished work, I went out for dinner.

  • Today, after I finished work, I went out for dinner.

~過去形たあとに=after I did X。 この場合 は「する」じゃなくて「おわる」ですから、after I finished workにしたほうがいいです。「ご飯に行く」というのは、外食の意味がしますので「食べに行く」をそのまま英語にして「went to eat, went out for」など訳されます。「今日は」=As for todayに訳してもいいですが、ネイティブスピーカーの感じがあまりしません。
  • I worked all day and then ate out

  • I grafted all day then chilled out in a restaurant

When asked what you did today, you I want to say that you worked all day and then went to eat afterward. You check the above example statements and use the one you feel most appropriate to your situation! To graft = to work hard, to earn money (informal) To chill (out) = to relax (informal)
今日一日何をしたか聞かれたときに、「一日仕事をしてそれからごはんを食べに行った」と答えたいということですね。上記の例を見て、どちらか自分に合った方を使ってください! To graft = 一生懸命に働く、お金を稼ぐ(インフォーマル) To chill (out) = リラックスする(インフォーマル)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • After my day at work I went for dinner.

  • I have been at work all day and when I left I went to have dinner.

This is a way of saying that you have been working all day and maybe because you were tired or as a treat for yourself you went to get dinner after a long day.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • I worked all day and then went to eat afterwards

  • I worked all day then went out to dinner

  • I worked all day then went out to eat

If you want to explain that you have been at work all day then you would say 'I worked all day' by saying you went out after you could say 'then went out to eat afterwards', then went out to dinner' or hen went out to eat' these all mean the same thing
「一日仕事をした」は、'I worked all day'(朝から晩まで仕事をした)で表せます。 「その後食事に出掛けた」は 'then went out to eat afterwards'(その後食事に出掛けた) 'then went out to dinner'(その後食事に出掛けた) または 'then went out to eat'(その後食事に出掛けた) と言えます。これらは全て同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • After working the whole day, I went to my favorite restaurant to have dinner.

  • After a whole day's work, I craved dinner and went to eat at my favorite restaurant.

  • After working hard the whole day, I felt hungry and dashed to my favorite restaurant to have dinner.

After working hard the whole day, most people feel hungry. No matter what job one does, mental or physical, work will always sap (drain) your energy. You will feel hungry and weak. If it's at the end of your working day, which is usually late afternoon or in the evening if you were doing overtime, you will crave dinner. The verb to 'crave' means to have a 'strong desire for something', food in this case. This will make you 'dash' to your favorite restaurant to have supper. The verb to 'dash' means to run somewhere in a big hurry, to your favorite restaurant in this case. So, you may say: After working the whole day, I went to my favorite restaurant to have dinner. or After a whole day's work, I craved dinner and went to eat at my favorite restaurant. or fter working hard the whole day, I felt hungry and dashed to my favorite restaurant to have dinner.
一日一生懸命働いた後には、お腹がすきますね。それは頭を使う仕事でも体を使う仕事でも同じです。仕事をすれば体は疲れて、そしてお腹がすきます。 もしそれが仕事終わりの夕方とかあるいは残業終わりの夜なら、夕ご飯が食べたくなります。 動詞 'crave' は「〔ここでは、食べ物を〕とても欲しがる」という意味です。こんなときには、好きな飲食店まで 'dash' するかもしれません。 動詞 'dash' は「〔ここでは、好きな飲食店まで〕大急ぎで行く」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 After working the whole day, I went to my favorite restaurant to have dinner. (一日仕事をして、その後好きなレストランで夕食を食べました) After a whole day's work, I craved dinner and went to eat at my favorite restaurant. (一日仕事をして、お腹がすいたので好きなレストランで夕食を食べました) After working hard the whole day, I felt hungry and dashed to my favorite restaurant to have dinner. (一日仕事をして、お腹がすいたので好きなレストランまでダッシュしました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I worked all day, and then I went out to eat.

  • I worked all day, and then after work, I went out to eat.

1)I worked all day は一日中働いたの意味です。
 and then それから。
 after work 仕事の後に。 when I finishedはafter workの代わりにも使えます。 
I went out to eat 食べに行きました。 I went out for dinnerも使えます。 2)この場合は、話し相手が状況がわかっていますからafter work はいつも言う必要ないです。 。
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