I did buy the tickets for the concert but something came up and I couldn't make it.
I did buy the tickets for the concert last year but something came up and I couldn't make it.
ここの did は 動詞 buy を強調しており、「もちろん買った」というニュアンスになります。
something came up で「用事が入った」というニュアンス
couldn't make it で「都合がつかなかった」=「行くことが出来なかった」
Of course I bought the concert tickets last year but I couldn't go
I bought the concert tickets last year になります。
チケットを取ったって意味で I got the tickets でもOKです。
もちろんあなたのチケットを買ったけどで of course I got your
tickets but で良いですが何か別の用事が入ったって感じの意味だと
something came up と言います。
I had something come up と言うのも可。
I got tickets to your show last year but wasn't able to make it.
Of course, I bought tickets to your concert last year. Unfortunately something came up and I wasn't able to make it.
"I got tickets to your show last year but wasn't able to make it."
"Of course, I bought tickets to your concert last year. Unfortunately something came up and I wasn't able to make it."
* get a ticket: チケットを手に入れる、買う
* show: ショー
* last year: 去年
* not able to: 〜〜出来ない
* make it: 行く、約束を遂行する
* of course: 勿論
* buy: 買う
* concert: コンサート
* unfortunately: 残念ながら
* something comes up: 何か他の予定が入る