世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/01/30 08:16
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  • What did you have for dinner?

  • What did you eat tonight?

❶What did you have for dinner? (今日の[晩御飯](なに食べましたか?) I had steak for dinner. It was delicious! (今日の晩御飯はステーキを[食べました](。美味しかったです!) ❷What did you eat tonight? (今晩、何を食べましたか?) I ate fried chicken.It was good! (唐揚げを食べました。美味しかったです!) <ボキャブラリー> dinner = 晩御飯 delicious = とても美味しい 参考に!
  • What did you have for dinner today?

  • What did you eat for dinner today?

この場合は[食べる](で eat の他、 have も使えます。 Have の過去形は had で eat は ate です。 「私は〇〇を食べました、[美味しかった](です」 "I had _ _, it was delicious" など
  • What did you have for supper ?

  • What did you have for tea ?

イギリス英語では夕食はsupperとなります。Dinnerになるとコースがあるようなちょっとフォーマルな感じの夕食になります。通常家で食べるような夕食はsupperと言うことが多いです。 teaは「お茶」と言う意味の他に夕食前にちょっと食べる軽食も、意味します。 子供たちが学校の後にお友達の家に遊びに招かれ、その後、ちょっと軽く夕食もどうぞと言われる場合はDo you want to come for tea ?と誘われます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Takayo Y DMM英会話講師
  • Did you have anything good for dinner?

This is an informal way to ask someone what they had for dinner. In addition, they will give you more information such as whether or not they liked it and what kind of food they prefer. I hope that this helps. :)
これは「夕食に何を食べましたか」のインフォーマルな言い方です。加えて、それが気に入ったかどうかや、どんな食べ物が好きかなども、この質問によって分かります。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner tonight?

  • What did you eat for dinner?

  • Have you eaten dinner yet, what did you have?

In English you can use the words 'eat' or 'have' in this situation. You can ask: -"What did you have for dinner?" or -"What did you eat for dinner?" Both questions are very understandable. You can also ask if they have already eaten dinner, and if yes then you can ask what they had. For example: -"Have you eaten dinner yet?" -"Yes I have." -"What did you eat?" -"I had chicken with rice and a coffee." To reply in a way that lets them know you heard and understand you can always nod your head or smile, but if you wish to say something you can use the sound 'ah'. It is used when you are understanding what is being said to you. Some sentences to say in reply: -"Chicken and rice, sounds good. I ate some curry and it was delicious." -"I also ate dinner. I had soup and enjoyed it."
英語ではこの状況で 'eat' または 'have' という言葉が使えます。 -"What did you have for dinner?"(夕ご飯には何を食べましたか) または -"What did you eat for dinner?"(夕ご飯には何を食べましたか) どちらも分かりやすい質問です。 また、「夕ご飯はもう食べた」の後に「何を食べた」と確認することもできます。 例えば: -"Have you eaten dinner yet?"(もう夕ご飯は食べた) -"Yes I have."(はい、食べました) -"What did you eat?"(何を食べたの) -"I had chicken with rice and a coffee."(鶏肉ライスとコーヒーです) 会話では、うなずいたり笑顔を見せることで相手の話が理解できていることを伝えられますが、それを言葉にしたいなら、'ah' などと言えます。これは相手の話が理解できているときに使います。 次のように返答できます。 -"Chicken and rice, sounds good. I ate some curry and it was delicious."(鶏肉とライスですか。おいしそうですね。私はカレーを食べました、おいしかったです) -"I also ate dinner. I had soup and enjoyed it."(私も夕食を食べましたよ。スープを食べました、おいしかったです)
Kayla K DMM英会話講師
  • What did you eat for dinner today?

  • What did you have tonight for dinner?

Often, we all talk about food. Many people like to volunteer information about what they ate that day. Sometimes we tell our friend what we had for our last meal that day. After telling them, it's only natural to ask our friend what he or she ate (or had) for dinner that day. Maybe he or she did not yet eat dinner and might be hungry, so, we ask. "What did you eat for dinner tonight?"
食べ物について話すことは多いですね。 自分からその日何を食べたか話してくる人も結構います。 その日の夕食で何を食べたか友人に伝えることもあると思います。 その後には、相手が夕食に何を食べたか尋ねるのが自然です。 あるいはまだ夕食を食べていなくてお腹をすかせているかもしれません。 ですから、 "What did you eat for dinner tonight?"(今夜は夕食に何を食べましたか) と聞けます。
Robert D DMM英会話講師
  • What did you eat for dinner today?

  • What did you eat for dinner?

What did you eat for dinner today? Is a casual way of asking someone what they ate for dinner. The listener will understand that you want to know what type of food they ate. What did you eat for dinner? This again is a very casual way of asking what they ate, for example - "What did you eat for dinner?" "I ate fish and chips, it was delicious" "Glad you enjoyed it"
What did you eat for dinner today?(今日は夕食に何を食べましたか) →「夕食に何を食べましたか」のカジュアルな言い方です。相手が何を食べたか気になっていることが伝わります。 What did you eat for dinner?(夕食に何を食べましたか) →こちらも非常にカジュアルな言い方です。 "What did you eat for dinner?"(夕食に何を食べましたか) "I ate fish and chips, it was delicious"(フィッシュ・アンド・チップスを食べました、おいしかったです) "Glad you enjoyed it"(楽しんでいただけたようで何よりです)
Lee Di DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner today?

  • What did you eat for dinner today?

When you want to ask a person what they had for dinner today; you may ask in the following ways: -What did you have for dinner today? -What did you eat for dinner today?
「今日の夜は何を食べましたか」は次のように言えます。 -What did you have for dinner today? -What did you eat for dinner today? (今日の夜[夕食]は何を食べましたか)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner today?

In the UK, we don't usually eat or drink food. We usually 'have' food or 'have' a drink. It somehow seems a little more refined. The reason for that could be that someone is served food and then they don't eat it. They had a meal although they decided not to actually eat it. However we do use 'eat' in phrases such as: "We're eating out today." Or, "My children can only eat small portions of food."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What did you eat for dinner today?

  • What did you have for dinner tonight?

If you would like to ask someone what they ate for dinner in a casual way, you can say something like "What did you eat for dinner tonight?" or "What did you have for dinner today?" these are both casual ways to say this. You can also use the word "tea" which is used by English people which means "dinner" in some parts of the United Kingdom.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner tonight?

Using the phrase: what did you have for dinner tonight? Is a straight forward way to ask this question. Using tonight is used to express the night time of the current day. Example: what did you have for dinner tonight? I had steak, salad and potato chips, it was delicious!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner?

  • What did you eat tonight?

  • What did you have for supper?

You could ask any of the above three questions when wanting to know what someone ate for dinner. Dinner/supper; same meaning. Dinner; formal Supper; informal
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • What did you eat for dinner?

  • What's for dinner?

These questions are asking someone, for example your mother or other half (wife / husband) what you will be eating for dinner, dinner is the term for the last meal of the day, breakfast in the morning, lunch at midday and dinner at night. 'Dinner' can be also referred to as dinner time and tea time.
これらの文では、(母親や配偶者などに対して)夕食に何を食べるのか質問しています。 'dinner' は1日の最後の食事を指します。朝は 'breakfast'、昼は 'lunch'、夜は 'dinner' です。 'dinner'(夕食)は他に 'dinner time' や 'tea time' とも呼ばれます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner today?

  • What did you eat for dinner today?

I am hungry, but I can't think of what to make. We had an amazing dinner, I am so full, can barely think about food. Really, what did you have for dinner today? I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner?

  • What did you eat for dinner?

  • What did you eat tonight?

Notice that we can either use the verbs, "to eat," and, "to have," when asking about what someone ate for dinner. We can also just use the word, "tonight," to refer to dinner as it's the only meal we typically eat later at night.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What did you have for dinner?

こんにちは。 「今日の夜は何を食べましたか?」は英語で下記のように表現することができます。 ・What did you have for dinner? 夜ご飯は何を食べましたか? 自分の話をする場合は、下記のように言えます。 ・I had 〜 for dinner. 私は夜ご飯に〜を食べました。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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