世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/10 15:17
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  • What's the hardest thing you experienced from not speaking English?

「一番困ったこと」が「一番大変な経験」という意味で"hardest thing you experienced"と言えると思います。 「英語が話せなくて一番大変な経験って何ですか?」という意味です。
  • What made you get bothered most because of your English skills?

このような言い方もあります。 「あなたの英語力により、何が一番あなたを困らせましたか?」直訳すると、このようになります。 "A make 人 〜" は「Aが人に〜させる」ということを表現します。ここでは「何があなたを困らせたのか」となります。 "most" は「一番」 という意味です。 "because of 〜" は「(直接的な原因・理由として)〜のために、〜のせいで」ということを表します。 「英語力」は、"English (language) skills/ability" "English proficiency" "proficiency in English" などと表現することができます。
  • What's the biggest difficulty you ever had because of your lack of English?

  • Has not speaking English ever caused you any serious problems?

  • What's your worst experience because you couldn't speak English?

Lack of something = there is not enough of something
Lack of something は、何かが不十分なことを指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What was that most difficult situation you were in because you couldn't speak English?

  • How was your feelings when you couldn't explain yourself in English?

  • Was it a embarrassment(shame) when your English skills lacked?

Not knowing how to explain what you need in any language besides English is very discouraging, But remember it happens to the best. So best is to study hard and do as much English classes as possible, keep up the studying:)
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • What was the most difficult experience you had for not speaking English?

  • What was the worst encounter you had for not speaking English?

These questions mean what was the worst thing you had to go through for not been able to speak English. Encounter means unexpectedly be faced with or experience (something hostile or difficult). Example:We have encountered one small problem.
これらの 質問は、英語を話すことができなかったために経験した良くなかったことは何かを意味しています。 Encounterは予想外の出来事や経験に直面したこと(厳しかったり困難な事など)を意味します。 例文: We have encountered one small problem. (小さな問題が発生しました。)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Have you ever encountered any awkward situations due to your limited English speaking skills?

  • Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation due to the language barrier?

  • Have you ever encountered any problems due to the fact that you could not properly express yourself in English?

To ask about ones difficult encounters due to a lack of their English abilities you may ask the following; Have you ever encountered any awkward situations due to your limited English speaking skills? keywords: awkward- Causing difficulty or something hard to deal with. Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation due to the language barrier? keywords: language barrier-A barrier to communication between people who are unable to speak a common language at all or very well. Have you ever encountered any problems due to the fact that you could not properly express yourself in English?
英語力が低いことで苦労したことがあるか尋ねる言い方です: Have you ever encountered any awkward situations due to your limited English speaking skills? (英語がうまく話せないことで苦労したことはありますか) キーワード: awkward- 難しい、対処しにくい Have you ever found yourself in an embarrassing situation due to the language barrier? (言葉の壁で、恥ずかしい思いをしたことはありますか) キーワード: language barrier-言語の違いによるコミュニケーションの障壁 Have you ever encountered any problems due to the fact that you could not properly express yourself in English? (英語がうまく話せないことで、困ったことはありますか)
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • What was the most difficult situation that you have encountered due to limited English

  • Have you encountered any awkward situations due to language barriers

Limited means not much of something or not enough of something. Language barriers means a barrier created due to two individuals being from different language backgrounds.
「limited」は「少ない、足りない」という意味です。 「language barrier」は、言葉の壁(言葉の違いによる壁)を言います。
Celene DMM英会話講師
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