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2016/04/10 17:16
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  • It doesn't look good, but it tastes good.

  • It doesn't have a very nice appearance but it's tasty.

こんにちは。 It doesn't look good, but it tastes good. 美味しそうには見えないけど、[美味しいよ](。 It doesn't have a very nice appearance but it's tasty. [見た目](はあんまりよくないけど美味しいよ。 「見た目は悪いけど美味しいよ」というフレーズは英語では、「It doesn't look good, but it tastes good.」あるいは「It doesn't have a very nice appearance but it's tasty.」と表現します。ここで、"look good"は物事が良い状態に見えることを指しています。一方、「tastes good」は食べ物が美味しいことを示します。 「appearance」は物や人が一見したときに受ける印象、つまり「外観」や「見た目」を指し、「nice」は「良い」を表します。「tasty」は「美味しい」という意味を持つ形容詞です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It doesn't look very nice, but it tastes good

  • It's not very pretty, but it tastes good

①は、「[見た目](は[あまり](良くないけど味は美味しいよ」という意味です。 ②は、「あまり[綺麗](ではないけど味は美味しいよ」という意味です。
  • It doesn't look good, but it is delicious.

  • It doesn't look very nice, but it is tasty.

~に見えるは、lookを使って表現しますので 良くみえない、あまり良く見えないけど、は It doesn't look good. のように使います。 美味しい=delicious, tasty, good 良く(おいしそうに)見えないけど、美味しいよ。 なので、接続詞butでつなげて、 It doesn't look good, but it is delicious. のようになります。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • It doesn't look good, but the taste is really good.

★It doesn't look good (見た目はよくない) look +形容詞で「~に見える」という意味ですので look goodで「おいしそうに見える」 doesn't look goodで「おいしそうに見えない=見た目がよくない」となります。 ★ but the taste is really good. (でも味は本当においしいよ) reallyをつけて 美味しさを強調しました。
  • It tastes better than it looks

  • It doesn't look very appertizing but it tastes divine

Both phrases indicate that the dish is tasty but not very attractive
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • It tastes better than it looks.

  • It may not look that good but it tastes fantastic.

"It tastes better than it looks." is the most common English way of saying it. "May not look good" means it doesnt look good. "Tastes Fantastic" means it tastes really really good.
「it tastes better than it looks.」とは一般的な英語での言い方です。 「May not look good」とは見た目がよくないという意味です。 「Tastes Fantastic」とは本当に本当に美味しいという意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Although the food does not look attractive it tastes good

  • Despite the bad appearance of the food, it was tasting good.

Words like "although" and "despite" are conjunctions. A conjunction is a word used to connect sentences or to coordinate words in the same sentence (e.g. and, but, if ).
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It tastes better than it looks.

  • It doesn't look very tempting but the taste is amazing.

"It tastes better than it looks" If something tastes better than it looks then it means that you don't find it appealing when you look at it and yet the taste is good. "It doesn't look very tempting but the taste is amazing." This means that when you look at it it doesn't look attractive enough to want to eat it or it looks disgusting but it tastes delicious. If something is described as tempting it means it is pleasing to the eye and causes you to desire it. e.g Oh, that box of chocolates is sooo tempting! But I can't ruin my figure now!
"It tastes better than it looks" 見た目は美味しそうに見えないが、実際に食べてみたら美味しいということ。 "It doesn't look very tempting but the taste is amazing." 見た目は美味しそうに見えないが食べてみたら美味しいということ。temptingは見た目が美味しく見えて欲しくなること。 例 Oh, that box of chocolates is sooo tempting! But I can't ruin my figure now! ああ、あのチョコレートの箱すっごくそそられる。けど、体形を気にしちゃうよ。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It tastes better than it looks

  • Its looks belie its taste

Belie - (of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something),be at odds with, call into question, give the lie to, show/prove to be false: "His lively, alert manner belied his years." When something has both a positive and a negative aspect, it may be fun to make a sentence which contrasts the two! "The girls were far prettier than they were intelligent." "His delicate and expressive paintings were in contrast to his aggressive and intimidating character."
belie - (見た目)真実の印象を与えない、そぐわない、~に疑問を投げ掛ける、~の虚偽を証明する、 偽りであることを示すことです。 例: His lively, alert manner belied his years. 彼の活発でキビキビした動作は、偽りでした。 肯定的と、否定的な面の両方ある場合、二つを比べる文章を作るのは楽しいかもしれません。 例: The girls were far prettier than they were intelligent. その女の子たちは、知的よりもはるかに可愛かった。 His delicate and expressive paintings were in contrast to his aggressive and intimidating character. 彼の繊細で表現力のある絵は、攻撃的で脅威的な性格とは対照的だった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The food tastes better then it looks.

"The food tastes better then it looks. '' can be used when expressing that said food item tastes better than it looks.
The food tastes better then it looks. (それは見た目よりおいしいです) - 食べ物が見た目より美味しいと表現するときに使えます。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • It tastes better than it looks.

  • It doesn't look very tasty but it is!!

  • It doesn't like appetizing but it tastes good.

If something tastes good but doesn't look so great tasting, you can use the sentences above to describe that idea. You can explain by saying that it tastes better than it looks, this explains that it has a great taste, the taste surpasses the look of the food. The food does not look good to eat but the taste will surprise you. Appetizing: something that heightens your appetite because it looks delicious
「見た目は良くないけど味はおいしい」は、上記のように言えます。 "It tastes better than it looks" と言えます。これは「見た目よりも味はおいしい」という意味です。「見た目はおいしそうじゃないけど、食べると驚く」ということ。 Appetizing: おいしそうで食欲をそそるものをいいます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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