世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/02/01 17:43
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  • Could I leave my baggage/ baggage here?

  • Would you keep my suitcase after check-out?

  • Is it possible to leave my luggage?

預かってもらう→荷物を置いていくというイメージで leave my luggage/ keep my my baggageと言えます。 荷物はbaggage/ luggage/ suitcaseなどと言えます Could I leave my luggage here? I'll be back around 〇〇. ”荷物を預かってもらえますか? 〇〇ごろ戻ります。” という感じで伝えられます。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
Mako M 英語講師
  • Is it possible to leave my suitcase here?

  • I should be back by ...

Using the phrase "Is it possible to leave my suitcase here?" the person at the front of the lobby will understand that you want to leave your luggage here. Following up this phrase you may use "I should be back by 3 pm". This will give the person waiting a time to expect your return.
"Is it possible to leave my suitcase here?"(スーツケースを預かっていただけますか) これで、フロントの人に荷物を預かってもらいたいことが伝わります。 このフレーズの後に、"I should be back by 3 pm"(午後3時までには戻れると思います)と加えてもいいです。これで、いつ戻るのか伝えられます。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you look after my suitcase please, until 10pm?

  • May I leave my suitcase anywhere until 10pm?

After checking out of a hotel. you want to ask if they can keep your suitcase for a while. You also want to tell them the time you will be coming back to get it. Either of the above suggestions is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can i leave my suitcase here please? i will come back at (time) to get it

  • Would you look after my luggage please, i will come and get it at (time)

When talking about your bags you have with you when staying somewhere as well as calling it a 'suitcase' you can also use the term 'luggage' 'can i leave my suitcase here please' or 'would you look after my luggage please' are a polite way of asking someone
スーツケースや荷物のことを、 'suitcase' や'luggage'と言います。 'can i leave my suitcase here please' (ここにスーツケースを置いていってもいいですか?)  'would you look after my luggage please' (荷物を預かってもらえますか?) これらは、丁寧なお願いのフレーズです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could I leave my suitcase here until

  • Would you mind keeping an eye on my suitcase after checkout until

:Could I leave my suitcase here until >When asking someone for a favor (polite request), it's advised to use phrases such as ''could I/you...?, Would you mind....?, etc. :Would you mind keeping an eye on my suitcase after checkout until > keep an eye on... is a common phrase we use to refer to watching someone or something. So here you are asking the hotel clerk to look after your bags until a certain time.
:Could I leave my suitcase here until午後...時までスーツケースを預かっていただけますか) > 人に頼み事をするときには、'could I/you...?' や 'Would you mind....?' などのフレーズを使った方が良いです。 Would you mind keeping an eye on my suitcase after checkout untilチェックアウトした後、午後...時までスーツケースを預かっていただけますか) > 'keep an eye on...' は「~から目を離さない」という意味のよく使われるフレーズです。ですからここでは、ホテルのスタッフにその時間まで荷物を預かって欲しいとお願いしています。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • I'll be leaving my suitcase behind, I will pick it up at 5 pm, is that okay?

  • I'll be back at 5 pm to pick up my suitcase.

  • May I leave my suitcase behind please, I will be back to pick it up at 5 pm.

If you would like to ask to leave your bag at the hotel and pick it up later you can use the sentences above. Remember to let reception know what time you will be back, leave a contact detail in case they may need to get hold of you. There should be no problem with the request and your bag will be stored away safely for you until you are back to pick it up. "I am leaving my bag behind because I have no more room in my car, I will be back later to pick it up, is this okay?"
ホテルで荷物をしばらくの間預かってもらいたいなら、上記の文が使えます。 受付係には何時に帰ってくるか、そして何かあったときのために詳細な連絡先も伝えておきましょう。 これはおそらく問題ないです、帰ってくるまでの間荷物を預かってくれると思います。 "I am leaving my bag behind because I have no more room in my car, I will be back later to pick it up, is this okay?" (車がいっぱいなのでかばんを置いていきます。後で取りに来るので、それでいいですか)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Would I be able to leave my suitcase in a storage area? I'll be back by 5 to pick it up.

Using the word "would" to ask is polite. You can use the phrase "pick it up" to talk about when you will return for your suitcase. I hope that this helps. :)
頼み事をするときに "would" を使うのは丁寧です。 スーツケースを取りに来ることは "pick it up" で表せます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Would you mind if I leave my suitcase here and I'll come back and get it at...?

  • Is it ok if I leave my suitcase here and come get later?

When you want to ask someone if it you can leave a suitcase and return at a later time to pick it up, you can say "Would you mind if I leave my suitcase here and I'll come back and get it at...?"
後で取りに来るのでスーツケースを預かってもらえますかと尋ねるなら、 "Would you mind if I leave my suitcase here and I'll come back and get it at...?"(...時に取りに来るのでそれまでスーツケースを預かっていただけますか) と言えます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Could you keep my suitcase for a while?

  • Can I leave my suitcase here for a while?

Could you keep my suitcase for a while? しばらくスーツケースを預かっていただけませんか? Can I leave my suitcase here for a while? しばらくここにスーツケースを置いといてもいいですか? 上記のように英語で表現することができます。 keep は「預かる」のニュアンスで使うことができます。 leave は「置いていく」になります。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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