Sushi restaurants are rather expensive because we are not only paying for the ingredients but for the craftsmanship of the chefs.
"Sushi restaurants are rather expensive because we are not only paying for the ingredients but for the craftsmanship of the chefs."
* sushi restaurant: 寿司屋、寿司レストラン
* rather: 割と、どちらかというと
* expensive: 高い
* because: なぜなら
* pay: 支払う
* ingredient: 材料
* craftsmanship: 職人技
* chef: シェフ
日本語とはちょっと言い方が変わりますが、「Paying for the sushi chef's craftsmanship」が良いかと思います。
- The price of a sushi meal doesn't just include the ingredients like fish and rice, but you are paying for years and years of the sushi chef perfecting his craft(....代金にはその職人さんが何年も何年も修行して磨き上げた技の分も含まれています)