勤務しているコンビニで子供がタバコを買いに来ました。未成年には販売できないので「Legally we don't sell cigarettes to under-aged. Please ask your father or mother to come to buy it.」と伝えたのですが、適切な表現があればお教えいただけますか。よろしくお願い申し上げます。
please get someone else buy cigarettes because you are underaged
you could have someone else in your family come and buy it
Please get someone else( 他の人を 頼んで), who isn't underaged, ( 未成年じゃないぞ)to buy cigarettes ( タバコを買いに行く)because you are underaged ( 君が 未成年だから)
You could have someone else in your family (家族の誰かに頼める)come in an buy it( 買いにくる)
Please, ask somebody from your family to come and buy it
Please, ask the member of you family to come and buy it
”to come and buy”というのは買いに来るようにという意味です。頼むというのは英語で
”somebody from your family”と”the member of you family”の意味は似ています。