世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/02/10 17:59
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  • Could I get some cream for my coffee please?

In the United States, we usually use the word "cream" to describe the milk put into coffee because it isn't just milk. If you use milk, at some places they may understand but in other places they might not. I hope that this helps. :)
コーヒーに入れるミルクはアメリカでは普通 "cream"(クリーム)といいます。コーヒーに入れるミルクはただのミルクではないからです。 "milk" と言うと、店によっては伝わらないこともあるかもしれません。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • May I have some cream/milk for my coffee?

  • Would you add some milk/cream to my coffee, please?

There are two ways to ask for Cream/milk for your coffee. If you want to add the milk or cream yourself you should ask, "May I have some cream/milk for my coffee?"But if you want the waiter/barista to add the milk or cream you would ask, "Would you add some milk/cream to my coffee, please?"
コーヒーのクリーム/ミルクをお願いする言い方は二通りあります。 自分でミルクあるいはクリームを加えたいなら、"May I have some cream/milk for my coffee?"(コーヒーのクリーム/ミルクを頂けますか)と言いましょう。 もしウェイター/バリスタにミルク/クリームを加えて欲しいなら、"Would you add some milk/cream to my coffee, please?"(コーヒーにミルク/クリームを加えて頂けますか)と言えます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • May I have some milk for the coffee?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 英語では基本的に"milk"と呼びます。 そして、日本のように小さなプラスチック容器に入っている場合は少なく、牛乳が小さなポットに入れられて出てくることがあります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Can i have some cream?

北米では、クリームもあります。 また乳製品アレルギーの人用に、アーモンドミルク、豆乳(Soy Milk) なども用意している ところも多いです。 ただし、日本のようなプラスチックの容器には入っておらず、ジャー(魔法瓶)から入れることが多いです。 ミルクが欲しい人はミルクを、クリームが欲しい人はクリームをいれます。 ただし、紅茶に関してはミルクですね。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • May I have cream or milk with my coffee, please?

  • I would like some cream or milk with my coffee!

  • Can you give me cream or milk with my coffee?

Most people prefer black coffee but when you do want cream with your coffee you may use the following sentences/expression. Some people like milk in their coffee too, cream and milk is not the same thing. "May I have cream or milk with my coffee, please?" "I would like some cream or milk with my coffee!" "Can you give me cream or milk with my coffee!"
コーヒーはブラックで飲むのが好きな人が多いですが、もしクリームが欲しいなら、下記の文が使えます。コーヒーにはミルクを入れる人もいますね、コーヒーとミルクは別のものです。 "May I have cream or milk with my coffee, please?" "I would like some cream or milk with my coffee!" "Can you give me cream or milk with my coffee!" (コーヒーにクリームかミルクを入れてもらえますか)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please have some cream for my coffee?

Please' is a useful word for making a polite request. We could also say 'Could you please give me some cream for my coffee?' Using 'could' 'or 'would' is a little more polite that saying 'can', though there are some people who may respond to you by asking 'when?', since technically 'would' implies that you are asking for something at some future point (or when certain conditions are met) rather than right now at this moment, as things are. So from a purely grammatical perspective, 'Can' is the most correct word to use.
please' は丁寧にお願いをするときに便利な言葉です。 次のように言うこともできます。 'Could you please give me some cream for my coffee?' (コーヒーに入れるクリームをいただけますか) 'could' や 'would' は 'can' を使うよりも少し丁寧です。ただし、'would' には未来(あるいはある条件を満たしたとき)のことについて頼むというニュアンスがあるので、'when?' と返答されることがあります。ですから文法的に言うと、'can' を使うのが最も適切です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • Can I grab some milk/cream?

  • May I have some milk/cream?

"Can I grab some milk/cream?" 'Can I grab' Often a casual and well used expression, stating that 'can I have' something. used widely among friends, family. "May I have some milk/cream?" 'May I have' Is a more polite and formal approach to ask this question, this is usually used in situations were you are trying to be polite and well mannered.
"Can I grab some milk/cream?"(ミルク/クリームをいただけますか) = 'Can I grab' はよく使われるカジュアルな表現です。意味は 'Can I have' と同じです。友達や家族といるときによく使われます。 "May I have some milk/cream?"(ミルク/クリームをいただけますか) = 'May I have' はより丁寧でフォーマルな言い方です。普通これは礼儀正しく丁寧に言いたいときに使われます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have some cream please?

  • Can I have a coffee with cream please?

Asking for something with something is best. Examples: Can I have a coffee with milk? Can I have a burger with tomato ketchup? Or you can just ask for the cream separate. Can I also have some cream please? Can I have some cream on the side? (This means that you do not want it added, you would like it in a separate dish so that you can add it yourself.)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Can I get some milk/cream for my coffee?

  • Do you have milk/cream for my coffee?

  • I would like milk/cream for my coffee.

The first two examples are different styles of questions that we can ask either on the perspective of, "I," or, "you," which in this case would be the cafe worker. Lastly we can also use the statement form of, "I would like..."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Could you pass the milk.

  • Could you pass the cream.

You could use any of the above two phrases to ask someone for the cream or milk. Examples; - Could you please pass me the milk? - Do you mind passing me the cream please?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • Cream for me please

  • A little cream please

  • Cream in mine please

Cream or milk are ingredients often preferred by people who drink coffee. To indicate your preference you could try a construction similar to one of the above examples. Of course, if you do not want such ingredients, you could also specify your wishes. For example: 'No cream for me thanks.'
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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