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2019/02/16 12:19
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  • one million

こんにちは。 100万は「one million」といいます。 100万円は「one million yen」です。 ・ten thousand:10,000(1万) ・one hundred thousand:100,000(10万) ・one million:1,000,000(100万) ・ten million:10,000,000(1000万) 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • one million yen

100万はone millionです。 ついでに、 ten million 1千万 one hundred million 1億 です。
  • A million

Although the main word is MILLION when speaking about money most English speaking people would say "A million yen" Instead of "ONE Million yen." In this instance the word "A" would mean one. This is used when speaking about many things that are not only monetary related but also with any other object one may use.
ベースになる言葉は "million" ですが、お金について言う場合、ほとんどの英語話者は "ONE Million yen" ではなく "A million yen" と言います。 この場合、"A" は「一つ」という意味です。これはお金以外の物について言うときにも使われます。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • One million!

  • A million!

One million - 1 000 000 - 6 zeros One hundred thousand - 100 000 - 5 zeros Ten thousand - 10 000 - 4 zeros One thousand - 1 000 - 3 zeros
One million - 1 000 000 - ゼロが六つ One hundred thousand - 100 000 - ゼロが五つ Ten thousand - 10 000 - ゼロが四つ One thousand - 1 000 - ゼロが三つ
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • One million

100万 - 百万 - 1,000,000はone millionといいます。 百万円があった!お金持ちになる! I just won a million yen! I’m going to be rich! 1年間で100万円貯金できました I was able to save one million in one year 100万円では何買える? What can you buy for one million yen?
  • One million

  • A million

A million is a big number. I think everyone would love to have a million of their own currency. A million dollars, a million euro, etc. A million yen isn't so much as a million Dollars or Euro but it is a lot of money. We can say one million or a million.
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • 1 million

  • 1,000,000

「百万」が英語で「1 million」か「1,000,000」と言います。 例文: 百万円が当たるキャンペーンをやっていました ー We were doing a campaign to win 1 million yen 300万冊の本 ー Three million books 百万長者 ー A millionaire. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Million

  • A million

  • One million

The three different ways of saying million are all correct above, and the way you would read it in numbers is 1,000,000. You would be called a millionaire if you have this amount in your bank. - I am saving for a million pound home'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • One million

  • A million

Saying: one million or a million, is referring to the number: 1,000,000. Here are some examples of this word being used in context. This house is worth over a million dollars! His net worth is over one million! The value of that property is under one million dollars.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • One million

1,000,000 when read in English is "one million". Another number for example would be 9,000,000 which would be read as "nine million". Millions come after a hundred thousands (100,000). If you are known as a "millionaire", that means that you have over one million dollars to your name.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • One million.

  • A million.

  • Million.

One million. A million. Million. The number 1,000,000, in English is read as one of the three above, one million, a million, or million. I personally would say, 'A million,' unless I wanted to be proper or add emphasise, then I would say, 'One million.' I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • a million

  • one million

「100万/百万」は英語では「a million」または「one million」といいます。 「千」「1万」「10万」「100万」「1000万」「億」はそれぞれ次のようにいいます。 千 = thousand = 1,000 1万 = ten thousand = 10,000 10万 = hundred thousand = 100,000 100万 = million = 1,000,000 1000万 = ten million = 10,000,000 億 = hundred million = 100,000,000 ~~~~~~~~~ 数字には「1,000,000」のように3桁ごとにコンマが入りますね。 英語では一つ目のコンマを「thousand(千)」、二つ目のコンマは「million(100万)」と読みます。 「10,000,000(1000万)」では、コンマの前に「10」が付いているので「ten million」となります。 「100,000,000(億)」では、コンマの前に「100」が付いているので「hundred million」となります(「hundred」は「100」の意味)。 ご質問ありがとうございました。
  • One million

  • A million

When speaking about one million you can also say 'a million' - a meaning one as well when writing it you would write 'one million' although they are both garmmatically correct
「百万」は 'one million' に加えて、'a million' でも表せます。'a' にも 'one' の意味があります。 書くときには、'one million' とします。ただ、どちらも文法的に正しいです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A million

  • One million

Most native speakers would just use the article "A"when talking about one (singular) million, even though it is still grammatically correct to say "one million" it just sounds a little less natural. A million can also be used as an exaggeration, like "oh my gosh, I waited like a million years for you to get here" meaning 'I waited a very long time". Another example "You look like a million dollars tonight" meaning 'you look really good tonight'.
ほとんどのネイティブスピーカーは「百万」というとき、冠詞には "A" を使います。 ただ、"One million" も文法的には正しいです。ただ、"A million" よりも少し不自然です。 "A million" は誇張表現として用いることもできます。 例えば、"oh my gosh, I waited like a million years for you to get here" は「ものすごく長い時間待った」という意味です。 また、"You look like a million dollars tonight" は「今夜はすごく素敵です」という意味です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • One million

  • A million

You read the number "1,000,000" in two ways. You can say: "One million" or "a million"
"1,000,000"(百万)の読み方は二通りあります。 "one million" あるいは "a million" と言えます。
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • one million

You would read this word as one million. Here are a few others that can be helpful when looking at higher numbers. 100 - one hundred 1,000 - one thousand 100,000 - one hundred thousand 1,000,000 - one million 100,000,000 - one hundred million
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • one million

「one million」と表すことができます。 1,000: one thousand 10,000: ten thousand 100,000: one hundred thousand 1,000,000: one million 下記は例文ですのでぜひ参考にしてください: I wish I won one million yen. 100万円あたったならよかったのに。
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