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2016/04/15 15:23
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  • It's such beautiful weather today.

  • Nice day, isn't it?

「今日は良い[お天気](ですね」を訳すと"It's such beautiful weather today."になります。 あいさつの時の会話ですので短めに Nice day, isn't it?がシンプルで良いかと思います。 太陽が照ってて気持ちのいい時は What a sunny day! (なんて良い天気なんでしょう)と言うのもいいですね。 beautiful = [美しい]( weather = 天気 beautiful weather = 良い天気 sunny = 晴れている
  • The weather is so nice today

  • Nice weather today.

こんにちは。 すれ違いざまにシンプルに Nice weather today とだけ言うこともあります。 例: A: Hi Mark. Nice weather today huh? やあマーク。今日いい天気だね。 B: Hey Kevin. It is. See you around! やあケビン。そうだねえ。じゃあまた! ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It's lovely weather today.

  • The weather is very fine today.

  • Isn't the weather lovely today?

It's lovely weather today. - This is just a statement about what good weather it is. The weather is very fine today. - This is just another statement about the good weather Isn't the weather lovely today? - This is a statement and a question too- you are asking the other person's opinion - it is a way of starting a conversation Hope this helps Jane :)
It's lovely weather today. - 良い天気について言及するだけ。 The weather is very fine today. -これも良い天気について言及しているだけです。 Isn't the weather lovely today? -これはステートメントであり質問にもなりますね。相手に尋ねること、これが会話の始まりにもできます。 役に立てば幸いです。 Jane :)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Good day, isn't it?

  • Nice weather today.

挨拶程度の会話で、Good day, nice weatherを使い、 いい天気、良い日ですね。のように表現します。 付加疑問文のisn't it?を使って、良い日ですよねー、といったニュアンスで使えます。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • We are having great weather!

  • The weather is wonderful today!

  • Nice day, isn't it?

The first two examples are statements saying that on this day the weather is very good. The last one is a very casual and consists of a statement and a question asking the listener to confirm your statement.
最初の2つは、天気が良いことを伝える時の表現です。 最後の例文は、自分の意見に同意してもらいたいときに使う表現です。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • It's nice out today, isn't it?

We often talk about the weather as being "out." So we can say, "It's a bit rainy out today." Or, "It's been quite stormy out all week." In order to engage more, we add, "Isn't it?" This allows the other person to respond more comfortably. Have a great day! :D
天気のことについて話すときは"out"を使います。 そのため、"It's a bit rainy out today." または"It's been quite stormy out all week."といいます。 "Isn't it?"を付け加えるのも良いかと思います。 それを付け加えることによって相手も話しやすいと思います。 良い一日を :D
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • It is really nice to run into you. Lovely weather isn't it?

It is really nice to run into you. Lovely weather isn't it? "isn't it" is a simple expression standing for "Is it not?" For example: It's a lovely day, isn't it? The person can respond by saying "Yes it is."
例文 It is really nice to run into you. Lovely weather isn't it? お会い出来て本当に嬉しいです。良い天気ですね。 "isn't it" は"Is it not?"をシンプルに表しています。 例文 It's a lovely day, isn't it? 良い天気ですね。 "Yes it is."と言って返答できます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Nice day, isn't it?

  • What a beautiful day it is!

  • Lovely weather we're having today, am I right?

Nice day, isn't it? - This is an "opener" that sometimes use to approach a stranger. "Isn't it" is asking "is it not?" and it is a way to ask someone if they agree with you. Lovely weather we're having today, am I right? - lovely is another way to say nice. You can add "am I right?" which is asking "do you agree with me?" to get a response from the other person.
例文 Nice day, isn't it? - 良い天気ですね。 この表現は、知らない人に声をかけるときに使われることがあります。"Isn't it" は "is it not?"と尋ねていて、 相手に同じように思うかどうかを尋ねる言い方です。 例文 Lovely weather we're having today, am I right? - 今日はとても良い天気ですね。 lovelyは、niceの別の言い方です。 "am I right?" と付け加えて、相手からの返事をもらうために、同じように思うかどうかを尋ねています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Turned out nice again!

  • 2. What a gay day!

  • 3. Super weather we're having!

All three of these expressions are simply statements. No conversation is necessary unless anyone wants to. A nod of the head or a smile is sufficient response. Or you may just like to agree: " Yes, what a wonderful day!" 1. To turn out = this phrase is used when talking about the development of the weather. "I hope it turns out sunny tomorrow. I want to go to the beach." 2. This is humorous. The word 'gay' was commonly used to mean bright, happy, colourful. However these days the word has been pretty well hijacked and is more closely connected with lesbians or homosexuals. How refreshing to use it in its original context! 3. This is a statement about the pleasant weather.
これら3つの表現はすべて単なるステートメントです。誰もが望んでいない限り、会話は必要ありません。頭の頷きや笑顔は十分な反応でもあります。また、あなたはただ同意したいと思うかもしれません:その場合" Yes, what a wonderful day!" 1.To turn out =この句は、天気の発展について話すときに使われます。 "明日晴れたら、ビーチに行きたい" 2. これはユーモラスです。 「ゲイ」という言葉は、明るく、幸せな、カラフルなものを意味するためによく使われていました。しかし、最近、この言葉は色んなところで使われており、レズビアンや同性愛者と密接に関連しています。どのように元のコンテキストでそれを使用するのはちょっと爽快です! 3.これは良い気象に関するステートメントです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A perfect day for a swim /picnic hey?

  • I'm loving this weather today!

A perfect day for a swim /picnic hey? A great way to start a conversation. The person will either agree or suggest an activity of his own. I'm loving this weather today! The person will either agree or disagree and the conversation will continue from there.
A perfect day for a swim /picnic hey? 会話を始めるには最適な方法です。 その人はどちらかに同意するまたは、彼自身の活動を示唆します。 I'm loving this weather today! その人は同意、またはしないかもしれませんが、会話はそこから続くでしょう。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • The weather is great today isn't it?

  • Are you enjoying today's weather?

  • Horrible weather we are having today isn't it?

One of the biggest small talk topics is the weather topic, we use it to break the ice in many situations. Many of us share similar ideas and interests when it comes to the weather and so it makes for a light, easy conversation. You can use the sentences above to talk about the weather. This week the weather has been horrible, it has been raining non-stop creating flooded roads everywhere! How have you been coping?" "Hey! How has the weather been treating you?" Small talk: a conversation that is light and unimportant Break the ice: make things feel more comfortable for people who are spending time with one another.
最も使えるスモールトークのトピックは天気についてでしょう。多くの場面で、場を和やかにするために使います。天気のこととなると、多くの人は考えや興味のあることが似ているので、軽く、簡単な会話になるでしょう。   "This week the weather has been horrible, it has been raining non-stop creating flooded roads everywhere! How have you been coping?" (今週天気がひどく悪いですね。道がどこも洪水になるほどノンストップで雨が降り続けている!どうしてる?) "Hey! How has the weather been treating you?" (やぁ。この天気の中どうしてる?)   Small talk: ちょっとした会話 Break the ice: 場を和やかにすること
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Nice days isn't it?

  • good weather we're having

"Nice days isn't it?" and "good weather we're having" these two expressions are used when greeting someone and bringing up the weather, as it is a very causal and well used conversation starter, as asking 'isn't it?' will make them reply then furthering the conversation fully.
"Nice days isn't it?" や "good weather we're having"は、あいさつで天気がいいことを言うときのフレーズです。とてもカジュアルで会話を始めるのに使われます。'isn't it?' (~ですよね?)は、相手に返事を求め会話をつなげることができます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • today’s weather is beautiful,

  • lovely weather today

  • the weather is so nice today

all three of the above statements show your positive attitude towards the weather
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • The weather's nice today, isn't it?

1. The weather's nice today, isn't it? 「今日は良い天気ですね?」といった意味になるフレーズです。 nice weather で「良い天気」となります。 例: What nice weather it is. 今日はとても良い天気です。 Oh, hi Kevin. The weather's really nice today, isn't it? あ、やあケビン。今日はとても良い天気ですね。
  • Nice weather today aye?

  • Beautiful day, isn't it?

  • The weather is beautiful today

Some day, ain't it?- In Ireland this means - Great day today, is it not? What a day! Wouldn't you agree? The weather has been amazing lately! We've been blessed with this weather. In Ireland we have perfected small talk. And the weather is a commonly talked about subject. :)
Some day, ain't it?- これは、アイルランドで「Great day today, is it not?(今日はいい日ですね)」という意味です。 What a day! Wouldn't you agree? (すごくいい日!ね?) The weather has been amazing lately! (この頃はいい天気が続いていますね) We've been blessed with this weather. (この頃はいい天気が続いていますね) アイルランドはスモールトークを極めています。天気はその中でよく話題に上ります。 :)
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • It's lovely weather today.

  • Isn't the weather beautiful.

Both above are statements about the good weather.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • It's such a nice day huh?

  • What a great day we're having!

If you see someone on the street and want to make small talk about the weather we would say something like "It's such a nice day huh" or "What a great day we're having!". These both say that the weather is very nice and that we are happy for the day we are having.
道で人にあって天気のことでちょっとした会話をするなら、 "It's such a nice day huh"(とてもいい日ですね)や "What a great day we're having!"(なんていい日なの)と言うといいでしょう。どちらも天気がとてもよくてとても幸せな気持ちであることを伝える表現です。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • Such beautiful weather today.

  • The weather is really nice today.

  • Nice day, isn't it?

Such beautiful weather today. 今日の天気はとても美しい。=良い天気ですね。 The weather is really nice today. 今日はとても良い天気です。 Nice day, isn't it? 今日は良い天気だと思いませんか? nice / beautiful などを使いましたが、他に great / good / sunny / wonderful などもよく使われます。 What a beautiful day! なんて素敵な天気だ! What a sunny day! なんて良い天気の日だ! 上記のように What a ... のような形もできます。
  • The weather is so nice today, isn't it?

以下のように表現することができます。 The weather is so nice today, isn't it? 今日は良い天気ですね? isn't it? で「ですよね?」を英語で表現することができます。 the weather is nice = 天気が良い お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでも質問してください。
  • The weather is wonderful today!

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「The weather is wonderful today!」 (意味)今日は良い天気ですね! <例文>The weather is wonderful today! We should have a picnic./ Good idea. <訳>今日は良い天気ですね!ピクニックしよう。/ いい考えですね。 参考になれば幸いです。
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