世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




学校のディベートの時間で 言えなかった表現です。
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2019/02/20 14:19
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  • I agree with you broadly, but for one point

「全体的に」は英語で「broadly」とか「generally」と言います。 ディベートで、相手の言っていることにほとんど合意するが、一点だけしないところがあると言うなら:「I agree with you broadly, but for one point」が良いと思います。 他のパターンもあります: - I agree with you for the most part, except for... - I generally agree with you, but for.... - I broadly agree with you, only that
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • In the main, I agree, but there is just one point I should like to make...

  • Most of what you say, I agree with, however........

  • That's all fine, however you seem to be overlooking one important point....

During a debate, you want to say that you mostly agree, except for one point. You can try one of the above-suggested comments.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I agree except for...

  • I agree and I disagree!

I mostly agree with what you said except for that last point... Meaning that you do not agree with everything that was said. I agree and I disagree! When you agree but not with everything, you can use this.
I mostly agree with what you said except for that last point...(最後のところ以外は大体あなたと同じ意見です) は、全く同じ意見ではないことを表します。 I agree and I disagree!(賛成と反対と両方ある) これは、賛同できるところとできないところがあるときに使えます。
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I agree with everything except for one point.

  • On the most part, I agree, but I don't agree with one point.

I agree with everything except for one point. - This would be one of the simplest ways to say this sentence. The word "except" means 'not including' or 'other than'. On the most part, I agree, but I don't agree with one point. - "On the most part" is another way of saying "mostly"or "almost all".
I agree with everything except for one point.(一点を除いてあなたと同じ意見です) →これはこの文の最もシンプルな言い方の一つです。"except" は 'not including'(~を除いて)あるいは 'other than'(~以外は)という意味です。 On the most part, I agree, but I don't agree with one point.(ほとんど同じ意見ですが、一点だけ意見が違います) →"on the most part" は "mostly"(大部分は)や "almost all"(ほとんど全て)の別の言い方です。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • I agree with everything your saying except for one point.

When you want to tell someone that you mostly agree expect for one point then a good way of doing this would be to say "I agree with everything your saying except for one point" By saying this would mean you agree with all the person is saying except for one point.
「ほとんど同じ意見だけど一点だけ違うところがある」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "I agree with everything your saying except for one point"(あなたの言っていることに全面的に賛成、一点を除いては) これは「あなたの言っていることに賛成だけど一点だけ意見が違うところがある」という意味です。
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • I mostly agree, except for one point

  • There's only one point I don't agree with

If you think the same as someone else then you can also say you 'agree' with them If you agree with alot of what is being said then you would say 'I mostly agree' When saying that it is one point you don't agree with you can say 'there's only one point I don't agree with'
相手と同じ意見であるなら、'I agree' と言うことができます。 相手とほとんど同じ意見であるなら、'I mostly agree' と言うことができます。 「同意できない点が一つだけある」は 'there's only one point I don't agree with' と言うことができます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I agree with you on all but one point.

  • I can agree with you on everything, but this point.

Here are two ways to say this. 1. I agree with you on all but one point. Agree - To have the same opinion on a topic or idea. All but - except for, everything except, in every way but this, etc. 2. I can agree with you on everything, but this point. Can - meaning you are able to do something. Here you are able to agree on a part of what is said. But this point - This point you cannot agree with or on.
二通りの言い方をご紹介します。 1. I agree with you on all but one point.(一点を除いてあなたに同意します) Agree - 〔テーマや考えについて〕同じ意見を持っている All but - ~を除いて、~以外は全て、など 2. I can agree with you on everything, but this point.(この点以外についてあなたと同じ意見です) Can -「~することができる」の意味です。ここでは、相手の話に同意できる部分があるということ。 But this point - この点には同意できない
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
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