世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • language school

語学学校は英語で「language school」です。 語学は「language」で、学校は「school」です。 英語の場合は「English school」や「English language school」になります。 外国人のための日本語学校は「Japanese language school」です。 では、これを英語で言ってみましょう: 「学生時代に、英語を勉強するためにアメリカの語学学校に通っていたことがあります。」 When I was a student, I went to a language school in America to study English.
Rose 日本語能力試験N1(一級)の英語講師・日英翻訳者
  • I go to a Language school to learn... (ex. Spanish)

  • Language School

  • (Name of the language you want/are learning) School. (ex. English School)

Language school can be a school or even an online class. "On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to language school" "On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to English School"
Language school' は学校、あるいはオンライン授業を指すこともあります。 "On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to language school"(火曜日と木曜日に語学学校に行きます) "On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to English School"(火曜日と木曜日に英会話学校に行きます)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • language school

「語学学校」はlanguage schoolと言うことができます。 例文 I went to a language school in the U.S. when I was a student. 学生時代、アメリカの語学学校に通っていたことがあるよ。 languageの発音記号は lǽŋgwidʒ「ラングウィジ」のようになり、カタカナの「ランゲージ」とは発音異なる点に注意してスピーキングで使っていきましょう。 Nice questionでした!その調子で頑張っていきましょう! Fuji
Fuji スパルタ英語講師
  • Speech school

  • Language school

  • Language center

All countries have different names for a place where you can learn a different language, some call them language schools or centers or speech schools. At some of these schools, they teach you how to speak and they let you do drama classes and have debates to practice and enact what you have learned. They teach you how to make speeches in front of a crowd. They teach you confidence. "I am learning English at a language school/center." "I go to a speech school where I am learning Italian!"
外国語を学ぶための学校は国によって呼び方が変わります。"language schools" だったり "language centers" "speech schools" などと呼ばれます。 こうした学校には、演劇やディベートをすることで学んだことを実践させたり、スピーチの仕方や、自信について教えている所もあります。 "I am learning English at a language school/center."(語学学校で英語を学んでいます) "I go to a speech school where I am learning Italian!"(語学学校でイタリア語を学んでいます)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • language school

  • foreign language school

基本的にはlanguage schoolです。 教えている言語が、その学校がある国では話されていない言語ならばForeign language schoolという事もあります。foreign language は「外国語」なので、「外国語学校」となります。
  • I attend English language classes at the college of further education

  • The language school provides both exam-based and conversational classes

A school you go to to learn a language is normally known as 'a language school'. However, you may also learn a language in a college which also has other subjects available for students - such as a further eduction college in the UK.
語学を学ぶために通う学校のことは普通 'language school' と呼ばれます。 この他、'college'(カレッジ)でも語学を学ぶことができます。例えば、further education college'college'(継続教育カレッジ)。 'college' では、語学以外の教科も学ぶことができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • langauge school

A school that you go to study a different language is simply referred to as a 'language school' this also describes exactly what it is and is done there
外国語を学ぶために行く学校はシンプルに 'language school' といいます。これはまさにそこで行われることを説明しています。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Language school

  • Language centre

I go to a language school to learn English. In this way we can also put English in front of the language school i.e I go to an English language school. A language school or centre is a place that only teaches that one or maybe a few languages and perhaps you go there a few times a week for one or two hours, it can even be an online class.
I go to a language school to learn English.(英語を学ぶため語学学校に通っています) 次のように "language school" の前に "English" を加えることもできます。 I go to an English language school.(英会話学校に通っています) "language school" または "language centre" はその一つの言語のみを教える学校(あるいは複数の言語のこともあるかもしれません)で、生徒は週に数回1時間から2時間ほどのレッスンを受けにそこに通います(あるいはオンライン授業のこともあります)。
Katie C DMM英会話講師
  • Language school

  • Language center

"I spent one month in America learning English in a language school/center". It depends on the country/area whether they call it a school or center.
"I spent one month in America learning English in a language school/center"(アメリカの語学学校で1カ月間英語を学びました) 'school' と呼ぶか 'center' と呼ぶかは国/地域によります。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Language school.

To describe a school that teaches different languages then it would be called a language school. Example " Lucy is going to Language school over the summer period".
様々な言語を教える学校のことをlanguage schoolと言います。 例:  " Lucy is going to Language school over the summer period" (ルーシーは、夏の間語学学校に行きます。)
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • language school

  • language institution

一般的に語学学校はlanguage schoolです。language schoolの他にlanguage institutionと言うところもあります。意味はほぼ同じです。 I studied English at a language school in the city. 街の中にある語学学校で英語を学んだ。 Which language school did you go? どこの語学学校行ったの? Can you recommend a good language school in Sydney? シドニーでオススメな語学学校ってある? ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • Language school.

  • Language center.

Examples: I go to a language school, to improve on my English language skills. I have been going to that language school for two years, my English has gotten so much better since I have been going there.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Language school

  • Language academy

In many countries, you can go to one of these places and learn another language. In Ireland, many people come to learn English and attend language schools in the main cities. In Spain, there are many English speaking academies and Spanish people attend these places to learn English with a native English teacher, usually. "I enrolled to learn English at the English language academy in the centre of Málaga" "I want to learn Spanish in the language school that is very popular here"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Foreign Language Centre

  • Language School

In different parts of the world, we call a language place of learning something different. It can be called a school, centre, classroom. All are correct, these are just places of learning to learn a language. You can learn online or physically in person with someone. 'I will start my English learning classes at the language school on Mondays and Wednesdays'
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Language school

A school that is dedicated to teaching multiple languages or in a particular language that isn't the native language of the country would be referred to as a, "language school." Example sentences : - I enrolled my child in a French language school. - My child speaks 3 languages because he goes to language school.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Language school

A school where one can go to learn a language; the appropriate term would be "language school". You may use this term in a sentence in the following ways: -I would like to enrol into a language school to learn English. I need to practice my spoken English. -Language schools are very important because they help students improve their verbal and written communication skills.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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