In Phrase 1 you are feeling a little negative and for some reason believe it is too late to place an order. Your questioning demonstrates that you have doubts about being able to place an order. Phrase 2 is more positive. You just want to check you can place an order. Phrase 3 is asking for the precise time that orders stop. You may then check your watch and make your own judgment about whether or not you can place an order.
Is your kitchen still open? I'd like to order some food
Can I still order food?
When you want to ask whether you can still order food at a restaurant, then you may ask in the following ways:
-Is your kitchen still open? I'd like to order some food
-Can I still order food?
-Is your kitchen still open? I'd like to order some food(キッチンはまだ開いていますか。食べ物を注文したいです)
-Can I still order food?(まだ食べ物を注文できますか)
I would like to order this rice. Is it still available?
Is it too late to place an order?
Can I still order this item?
I would like to order this rice. Is it still available?
I know it's late but can I still get some rice?
I would like to get an order of rice if it's still available.
I would like to get some rice if I can.
Is it too late to place an order?(まだ注文はできますか)
Can I still order this item?(これはまだ注文できますか)
I would like to order this rice. Is it still available?(このライスを注文したいです。まだ注文できますか)
I know it's late but can I still get some rice?(遅い時間ですけど、まだライスは頂けるでしょうか)
I would like to get an order of rice if it's still available.(もし可能でしたら、ライスを注文したいです)
I would like to get some rice if I can.(もし可能でしたら、ライスを少し頂きたいです)
All of these questions use the word "still". In common usage, still is used to express that it may be too late for something. For example:
Can I still buy a ticket to the show?
これらどの質問も "still" という語を使っています。一般的な用法では、"still" は何かが遅すぎてもうできない可能性を表します。
Can I still buy a ticket to the show?
If you think you might be on time to do something then you would ask 'is it too late' when asking for a dish on the menu this is called 'ordering' or to 'order' it
So you could ask 'can I still order food?' or 'are you stil taking orders?'
時間的にまだ何かができる可能性があると思うなら、'is it too late'(もう遅すぎますか)と聞けます。
メニューの料理を「注文する」ことは、'ordering' または 'to order' といいます。
'can I still order food?'(まだ食べ物は注文できますか)
'are you stil taking orders?'(まだ注文できますか)