for Japanese people it's very embarrassing to not be able to speak English
Not being able to speak English is very embarrassing for Japanese people
For Japanese people( 日本人にとって) it's very embarrassing( とても恥ずかしいこと) to not be able to speak English.( 英語が話せない)
Not being able to speak English( 英語が話せないなんて) is very embarrassing( とっても恥ずかしいこと) for Japanese people.( 日本人にとって)
When we are learning English and we do not enough words in our vocabulary, it becomes embarrassing for Japanese. we don't want people to laugh at us and make us feel inadequate as a person. Here are a few different ways that can be used to explain the lack of your English abilities.
Japanese people are ashamed of their lack of English!"
"lack" - the need to have more of something
Japanese people feel sheepish because they can't speak English!"
It makes Japanese people uncomfortable because they can't converse in English!"
"Converse" - speak
"Self-conscious" - aware
Japanese people are very self-conscious when they can't talk in English!"
Japanese people are ashamed of their lack of English!"
"lack" -「不足」という意味です。
Japanese people feel sheepish because they can't speak English!"
It makes Japanese people uncomfortable because they can't converse in English!"
"Converse" - 話す
"Self-conscious" - 意識する
Japanese people are very self-conscious when they can't talk in English!"
Japanese people lack the confidence to speak English
Many Japanese people are too shy and/or lack the confidence to speak English because they are afraid their ability isn't good enough or they are going to make a mistake. You can say this! It is the best way to get your point across.
I believe the fact that Japanese people can not speak English is embarrassing.
the fact は真実と言う意味として使います。
あるいは同じ日本人として自分の人種が英語が話せない事が恥ずかしいと言う意味として言う場合、As a Japanese person myself, I am embarrassed that my own race cannot speak English. あるいは As a Japanese person myself, I a, embarrassed that the Japanese cannot speak English と言います。
Japanese people feel embarrassed that they can't speak English
If you feel ashamed and sad for not being able to do something then you are said to be 'embarrassed'
'Japanaese people feel embarrassed that they can't speak English' is the best way to say this
何かができないことを恥ずかしいと感じたり悲しく思うなら、その気持ちは 'embarrassed' で表すことができます。
'Japanaese people feel embarrassed that they can't speak English'(日本人は英語を話せないことを恥ずかしいと感じている)がベストな言い方です。
Japanese people (often) feel embarrassed that they can't speak English
You would like to mention that Japanese people feel embarrassed that they can't speak English. The above statement is suitable for that purpose. When making such a sweeping statment, it may be advisable to moderate it by adding an adverb of frequency such as 'often' or 'sometimes' if you wish your comment to be taken seriously.
Sometimes it is embarrassing for Japanese people when they cannot speak English.
Not being able to speak English can be mortifying/humiliating for Japanese people.
Some Japanese people feel humiliated when they cannot speak English.
Sometimes it is embarrassing for Japanese people when they cannot speak English.
The definition is as simple as it seems. If you are embarrassed, you feel self-conscious or ashamed. So in this case, you are saying that Japanese people sometimes feel ashamed, because they cannot speak English. If you feel self-conscious, it just means that you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed in someone's presence or in a situation.
Not being able to speak English can be mortifying for Japanese people.
If you are not able to do something, you cannot do it. "Mortifying" or "humiliating" are words native speakers use to describe feeling embarrassed or ashamed. So this answer has the same definition as the first one. That being: Japanese people feel ashamed, because they cannot speak English.
Sometimes it is embarrassing for Japanese people when they cannot speak English.(英語が話せないことを恥ずかしいことと思う日本人もいる)
非常にシンプルな文です。"embarrassed" は "self-conscious" または "ashamed"(恥ずかしい)という意味です。ここでは「英語が話せないことを恥ずかしいことと思う日本人もいる」と伝えています。"self-conscious" は「人目を気にする/恥ずかしがる」という意味です。
Not being able to speak English can be mortifying for Japanese people.(英語が話せないことを恥ずかしいことと思う日本人もいる)
"able to" は「~できる」という意味です。"mortifying" または "humiliating" は、ばつの悪い気持ち、恥ずかしい気持ちを表します。この文は一つ目の文と同じ意味です。つまり「日本人は英語が話せないことを恥ずかしいことだと思っている」と伝えています。
People from Japan are embarrassed that they can't speak English
Not being able to speak English is very embarrassing for Japanese people
You can either say 'people from Japan' or 'Japanese people' when talking about a certain population.
You can also say that they are 'embarrassed for not being able to speak English', or say that they are 'embarrassed they are not English speakers'.
There are various ways you can express this sentence.
ある一定の人口について言う場合、'people from Japan' または 'Japanese people' という言い方ができます。
'embarrassed for not being able to speak English'
'embarrassed they are not English speakers'