Don't corner him too much; leave him an exit and guide him towards that
- I was cornered by Julian
したがって、質問者様のお求めの英語は「Don't corner him too much; leave him an exit and guide him towards that」になります。
Don't push too hard; always provide an escape route and gently guide them there.
例えば、 Don't push too hard; always provide an escape route and gently guide them there. 「追い詰めすぎるな、逃げ道を常に用意してそこに誘導せよ」
このフレーズを使うときには、"Don't push too hard" は「追い詰めすぎるな」、"always provide" は「常に用意する」、"an escape route" は「逃げ道」、"gently guide them there" は「そこに誘導する」を意味します。
別の表現として、 Don't corner them too much; always have an exit strategy and lead them towards it. 「追い詰めすぎるな、出口戦略を常に用意し、そこに導け」