世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/20 20:19
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  • ① It would be greatly appreciated if you could respond by Friday.

  • ② Please let me know by Friday (morning/afternoon).

最も丁寧な方法から説明させていただきます。 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ 「金曜日[までに](連絡ください」は valediction (Kind regards, Best regards等)の直前に入れ、「① It would be greatly appreciated if you could respond by Friday.」と私は言います。 "greatly appreciated"とは、意訳的に「大変[有難く](思います」に近いです。 そこまで丁寧に伝える必要がなければ、次を推奨いたします: ② Please let me know by Friday (morning/afternoon). 意訳:「金曜日(の午前/午後)までに[教えてください](」。 「let me know」は「respond」と交換しても良いと思いますが、指示に聞こえます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • I would appreciate if you could contact me by Friday.

  • It would be great if you get back to me by Friday. 

  • Could you let me know your response by Friday?

いずれも「[連絡](」が欲しい時に使うフレーズですが、ニュアンスが微妙に違います。 I would appreciate if you could contact me by Friday. 何らかの連絡をしてほしい場合 It would be great if you get back to me by Friday. [改めて](返事が欲しい場合 Could you let me know your response by Friday? メールに対する相手からの回答が欲しい場合 もし同僚や友達などへのカジュアルなメールなら、こんなフレーズでもOKだと思います。 Can you get back to me by Friday? Please and thanks! Can you touch base with me on that by Friday? (touch base→[連絡を取る](
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • Let me know by this Friday

友達用のカジュアルな言い方です。 PS:今週の金曜まで教えて!よろ!みたいな言い方なので、仲のいい知り合いだけに使いましょう。仕事や目上の人に使う表現ではないので、注意してください。
  • I would appreciate a reply by Friday please

  • Please respond before Friday

If you have a deadline for completing a task and you are relying on another person to assist you, timemanagement may be a crucial factor to successfully completing the task. Due to the very tight time limit, it is essential that you communicate this urgency to all those involved: "I would appreciate a reply by Friday please."
仕事を終らせないといけない 〆切があり、他の人の助けを 当てにしている場合、 タイムマネジメントが、仕事を きちんと終わらせる上で重要な 要因になります。 時間的な制約が厳しいので 状況が緊急を要すると いうことを関係者とよく話し合う ことが重要です。 例文 "I would appreciate a reply by Friday please." 金曜日までに返信を頂けると 幸いです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Could you reply to this e-mail by Friday?

  • Could you contact me by Friday?

  • I would like you to reply to this e-mail by Friday.

~してくれませんか?という丁寧な言い方でCould you~?を使います。 あるいは~してほしいです、という丁寧な言い方I would like toも使います。 メールに返信してほしい、という意味でreply to this e-mail、連絡がほしいという意味でcontact meなどで良いと思います。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • I am sorry to be an inconvenience but I would really appreciate it if you get back to me by Friday.

  • Could you please get back to me by Friday latest.

*I am sorry to be an inconvenience but I would really appreciate it if you get back to me by Friday. I am sorry to be an inconvenience- If you are been an inconvenience it means that you are causing trouble or difficulty to someone. I would really appreciate- This means that you would really be happy/grateful if this is send to you by Friday.
*I am sorry to be an inconvenience but I would really appreciate it if you get back to me by Friday. (ご迷惑をお掛けして申し訳ありませんが、金曜日までに連絡を頂けるとありがたいです) I am sorry to be an inconvenience (ご迷惑をお掛けして申し訳ありません) 誰かに何か迷惑や問題をかけているという意味です。 I would really appreciate (ありがたいです) これは、金曜日までに連絡をもらえると嬉しい、ありがたいという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I look forward to your reply.

  • I will be waiting for a response from you.

  • Would you be able to send me a reply as soon as possible? (informal. asap - as soon as possible)

I will be waiting to hear back from you in this regard. I hope to hear back from you at the earliest possible.
例文 I will be waiting to hear back from you in this regard. この件であなたから連絡が来るのを 待っています。 I hope to hear back from you at the earliest possible. 出来るだけ早くご連絡頂ければと 思います。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Please respond by Friday.

  • You have until Friday to respond.

"Please respond by Friday." This politely asks them to reply by Friday. "You have until Friday to respond." This explains to them that you are giving them until Friday to reply.
例文 "Please respond by Friday." 金曜日までに連絡を下さい。 金曜日までに連想するように丁寧に頼んでいます。 例文 "You have until Friday to respond." 金曜日までに連絡をして下さい。 金曜日までに連絡をしないといけないことを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please get back to me by Friday.

  • Please contact me by Friday the latest.

At the end of an e-mail, if you would like to say that you would like a reply by Friday, you can say: "Please get back to me by Friday." "Please contact me by Friday the latest."
Eメールの最後で「金曜日までに返信してほしい」と伝えたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Please get back to me by Friday."(金曜日までにお返事ください) "Please contact me by Friday the latest."(遅くても金曜日までにご連絡ください)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
  • Please let me know by Friday

  • It would be great if you could get back to me by Friday. 

  • Please reply to this email by Friday at the latest

「金曜日までに連絡ください」の英語の翻訳が以下のようです。 Please let me know by Friday ー 金曜日までにお知らせください  。。。という意味 It would be great if you could get back to me by Friday.  ー 金曜日までに返事をしてくれたら良いです  。。。という意味 Please reply to this email by Friday at the latest ー 遅くとも金曜日までにこのEメールに返信してください   。。。という意味 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Please reply by Friday

  • I hope to receive your response by Friday. -

  • I'm looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.

Sometimes we may have anurgent situation that we arehandling and we may need a timely response. In such as situation you can ask the following at the end of your email:- 1. Please reply by Friday. 2. I hope to receive your response by Friday. 3. I'm looking forward to your reply as soon as possible. This sentence does not speify an exact time, but it does relfect a matter of urgency by asking the person to respond as soon as possible.
緊急な用事ですぐに返事が必要というときはありますね。 そんなときはメールの最後、次のようにお願いするといいでしょう。 1. Please reply by Friday.(金曜日までに返事をください) 2. I hope to receive your response by Friday.(金曜日までにお返事をいただきたいです) 3. I'm looking forward to your reply as soon as possible.(できるだけ早くお返事をいただきたいです) この文では具体的な日時を示していませんが、「できるだけ早く」と伝えていて、「緊急」のニュアンスはあります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I would appreciate if you can reply to me by Friday

  • Please, let me know the result by Friday

These two sentences should help you to make sure that person will give you a proper respond by Friday. The first one is the most polite version of saying it, I would you it if I were you.
どちらの言い方でも「金曜日までに連絡がほしい」と伝わります。 一つ目の例はより丁寧な言い方です、私ならこちらを使います。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • Please reply by Friday.

  • I would appreciate it if you could reply by Friday.

  • Please get back to me by Friday.

Please let me know by Friday. Please have an answer for me by Friday. It is always good to be polite, whether this is in your professional or private life. I would appreciate it if you could reply by Friday.- This is giving someone a deadline. Friday is the latest they can reply.
Please let me know by Friday. Please have an answer for me by Friday. (金曜日までに連絡をください) 仕事であれプライベートであれ丁寧に言うに越したことはないと思います。 I would appreciate it if you could reply by Friday.(金曜日までに連絡をいただけるとありがたいです) →これは相手に期限を伝えています。金曜日までに連絡がほしいということ。
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Could you please respond by Friday

  • Please respond by Friday

金曜日 - Friday まで - until ください - please 連絡 - make contact, 返事の場合はrespond/reply Please respond by Friday Please reply by Friday Could you please respond by Friday になります Could you pleaseはしてもいいですかの意味です 早く会議の内容を決めないとから金曜日までに連絡ください We need to hurry up and decide the contents of the meeting so please respond by Friday
  • "It would be very helpful if I receive a reply by Friday, thank you"

  • "It would be great if you get back to me by Friday at the latest"

  • "Please respond by Friday"

If you wanted to say at the end of an email that you would like a reply by Friday, you could say any of the following: "It would be very helpful if I receive a reply by Friday, thank you", "It would be great if you get back to me by Friday at the latest" or "Please respond by Friday".
金曜日までに連絡がほしいとメールの最後に書きたいということですね。でしたら、次の表現が使えます。 "It would be very helpful if I receive a reply by Friday, thank you"(金曜日までにお返事いただけるとありがたいです、よろしくお願いします) "It would be great if you get back to me by Friday at the latest"(遅くても金曜日までに連絡いただければありがたいです) "Please respond by Friday"(金曜日までにご連絡ください)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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