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2019/03/09 23:16
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  • You'll get diabetes if you keep eating all that sugar.

  • Keep eating all those sweets, and you'll have diabetes in no time.

In American English, when expressing this idea, one need only say 'sugar' since this word in this context implies 'lots of food with sugar in it'; and no one goes around eating handfuls of pure sugar, after all. We often use the word 'sweets' to refer to 'desserts or candy or cake' or any food with lots of sugar in it. A related word is 'delectable', which means 'extremely delicious' and often refers to 'sweets'. The phrase 'no time' means 'super fast' or 'so fast that no time passes.'
アメリカ英語では、この意味を表すときは、'sugar' だけで伝わります。'sugar' はこの文脈では「砂糖の入ったたくさんの食べ物」というニュアンスです。それに、ただの砂糖を持ち歩いて食べる人はいません。 デザートやお菓子、ケーキなど大量の砂糖の入った食べ物は、よく 'sweets' と呼ばれます。 関連する言葉に 'delectable' があります。これは「とてもおいしい」という意味で、しばしば 'sweets'(お菓子)を指します。 'no time' は「すぐさま」「間髪入れずに」という意味です。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • You’re gonna get diabetes if you don’t stop eating sugar!

  • You’re going to get diabetes if you keep on eating so many sweets.

糖尿病は diabetes (ダイアビティズ) です。 こう言えます: ❶You’re gonna get diabetes if you don’t stop eating sugar! (砂糖を食べるのをやめなかったら、糖尿病になるよ!) ❷You’re going to get diabetes if you keep on eating so many sweets. (甘いのもばかり食べてたら、糖尿病になるよ!) You’re gonna get〜 は「〜になるよ」と言う意味です。例えば: You’re gonna get cancer.は 「あなたガンになるよ」です。 You’re gonna get cancer if you eat burnt meat. (焦げた肉を食べたら、あなたガンになるよ)。 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • You need to be careful how many sweets you eat, else you could get diabetes!

  • If you keep eating like that you'll wind up with diabetes.

  • First it will rot your teeth, next it'll be diabetes.

"You need to be careful how many sweets you eat, else you could get diabetes!" - telling someone to be careful of how much or what they eat is a concerned way of asking them to change their habits, because it could cause a bad ending e.g. diabetes. "If you keep eating like that you'll wind up with diabetes." - to say someone will "wind up with" something, means they will find themselves in a bad situation (e.g. diabetes) caused by their past actions. "First it will rot your teeth, next it'll be diabetes." - to structure a sentence with "first something, next something" suggests a chain of events that are connected to each other and caused by the same thing. Predicting what will happen if no change is made.
"You need to be careful how many sweets you eat, else you could get diabetes!"(お菓子の食べ過ぎには気をつけないといけない。でないと糖尿になるよ) - 相手を心配して「体を壊す(例えば糖尿病になる)かもしれないから食生活を改めて」と伝えたいときには、「食べ過ぎ(あるいは食べる物)に気をつけて」という言い方ができます。 "If you keep eating like that you'll wind up with diabetes."(そんな風に食べていたら糖尿病になるよ) - "wind up with" は、過去の行動の結果として悪い状況(例えば糖尿病)に至ることをいいます。 "First it will rot your teeth, next it'll be diabetes."(まず歯をやられて次は糖尿だよ) - "first ...., next ...." という構文には、同じことにより引き起こされる一連の出来事というニュアンスがあります。このまま何もしないと起こる出来事を予測しています。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • If you keep eating sugary foods then you could get diabetes!

  • You may get diabetes if you eat a lot of sugary foods.

  • You'll get diabetes if you keep eating sugary foods.

All of these explain that the person is likely to get the disease, diabetes, if they eat sugary foods. A person with diabetes is known as being 'diabetic'. To keep eating is the same as, 'continuing' to eat or eating a lot of something, showing that the person is eating a lot of sugar which is a known cause of diabetes.
これらはどれも、甘いものを食べると糖尿病になるよと相手を忠告する言い方です。 糖尿病(diabetes)の人のことは 'diabetic'(糖尿病患者)と言います。 'to keep eating' は「食べ続ける」「たくさん食べる」という意味です。ここでは、その人が甘いものをたくさん食べることを表しています。甘いものをたくさん食べることは糖尿病の原因の一つとされています。
Leanne D DMM英会話講師
  • Careful! Too much sugar leads to diabetes

  • A lot of sugar does not do the body good

Saying 'careful' first is a sign that a warning is coming up so you should listen to it.
文頭の 'careful' は、この後に警告が続くので耳を傾けるべきという合図です。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • Diabetes may be a problem for you in the future if you keep eating sweet things

To someone who eats a lot of sugary foods, and you want to say something like "You're going to get diabetes if you keep eating such sugary foods," then you can use the above example sentence.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you eat too much sugar you will get diabetes

  • You will loose all your teeth and get diabetes if you eat too many sweets.

Saying - 'If you eat too much sugar you will get diabetes' is a common thing to hear in any UK house hold. I heard it as a kid but it didnt really change my mind. It's just something your parents tell you when you are a child to stop you from over eating. 'You will loose all your teeth and get diabetes if you eat too many sweets. ' - This one is another scare strategy from parents. I was often told this and this one really did work!
If you eat too much sugar you will get diabetes'(砂糖を食べ過ぎると糖尿病になるよ) これはイギリスではどの家庭でも言われるセリフです。私も子どもの頃に言われましたが、あまり効果は変わりませんでした。これは親が子どもの食べ過ぎをやめさせるときの言葉です。 'You will lose all your teeth and get diabetes if you eat too many sweets.'(甘いものばかり食べていると歯がなくなっちゃうよ) これも親の恐怖戦術の一つです。私もよく言われました、これは効果がありましたよ!
Bradley A bradleya
  • You'll end up a diabetic

  • If you carry on eating like that you'll end up with diabetes

"You'll end up a diabetic" 'Diabetic' is the term used to describe someone who has diabetes. This reference states you will get diabetes. "If you carry on eating like that you'll end up with diabetes" To 'Carry on' with something this is insinuating that if you do something constantly for a period of time.
"You'll end up a diabetic"(糖尿病になるよ) = 'Diabetic' は「糖尿病患者」の意味です。この文は「糖尿病になるよ」という意味です。 "If you carry on eating like that you'll end up with diabetes"(そんな風に食べていたら、糖尿病になるよ) = 'Carry on' はあることをし続けることをいいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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