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2019/03/12 15:45
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  • herbivore(s)

  • plant-eating animal(s)

「草食動物」は herbivore(s) や plant-eating animal(s) と言います。 逆に「肉食動物」は carnivore(s) や flesh-eating animal(s) または predator とも言います。 There are both herbivores and carnivores living in the Savannah. 「サバンナには草食動物と肉食動物の両方が生活しています。」 ご参考になれば幸いです!
  • herbivore

  • plant-eating animal

「草食動物」は英語で「herbivore」です。複数形を作るときは「-s」をつけます。 Animals such as deer and rabbits are herbivores. 鹿やウサギは草食動物です。 「Herbivore」はネイティブスピーカーのほとんどに通じると思いますが、日本人にとって発音が難しいことばかもしれませんね。覚えにくかったり、発音しにくいと思ったりしたら、「plant-eating animal」でも大丈夫です。「Plant」は「植物」という意味で、「eating」は「食べる」という意味です。「Animal」は「動物」です。複数形を作るときは最後に「-s」をつけます。 Cows and sheep are plant-eating animals. 牛と羊は草食動物です。 「草食動物」の反対、「肉食動物」は「carnivore」や「meat-eating animal」です。
  • herbivore

  • herbivorous animal

  • plant-eater

「草食動物」という言葉を英語で表すと、だいたい「herbivore」という言葉が使われていると考えました。この言葉は名詞です。形容詞は「herbivorous」です。例えば、「herbivorous animal」と「herbivorous animals」と言っても良いです。「Animal」は「動物」という意味があって、「animals」は「animal」の複数形です。「Plant-eater」という表現も使っても良いと考えました。「Plant」は「植物」という意味があります。例えば、「Some dinosaurs were plant-eaters.」です。「Dinosaur」は「恐竜」です。
  • Herbivore

  • Plant-eating animals

In English the animals that only eat plants are called herbivores, but if you don't want to be as technical as that, you can simply call them plant-eating animals. In both cases everyone will understand what you mean. Can you tell me a herbivore that lives in Japan? Try one out, and see how you get on. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Herbivore

  • Vegan (only in humans)

In biology, we refer to such animals that consume only plant life without eating animal flesh or animal derived products as HERBIVORES. (Literally herb or plant eaters) If they eat animal products, then it changes to OMNIVORE (Literally eating everything). There are some human beings that likewise eat only plant life, without any animal flesh or animal derivatives like cheese, eggs, or milk. They are known as VEGANS. (Vi-gans) Whereas a VEGETARIAN is a human that eats plants but sometimes will eat milk or cheese.
Brayan DMM英会話講師
  • A herbivore

  • vegetarian

  • plant eater

A herbivore is any animal that eats only plants and; therefore, is not a predator. Both plant-eating and meat-eating animals live in the savannah. For example, a rabbit is a herbivore, whereas a lion is a carnivore and eats a diet consisting of meat. When people go on a diet and avoid meat this is called "vegetarian".
Natlia Si DMM英会話講師
  • Herbivore

  • Plant eating animal

A herbivore is an animal which eats only plants for energy, for example: a cow. A carnivore is an animal that eats meat, for example: a lion. An omnivore is an animal that eats everything, plants and meat, for example: a grizzly bear, they like eating meat, but they also eat fruits like wild berries, etc.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • herbivore

An animal that only eats plants is known as an herbivore. 'herb' comes from a Latin root that means plant. The suffix '-vore' is another Latin root that means 'one that eats' So when combined, the word translates to 'one that eats plants.' EX) Gorillas are herbivores.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • Herbivores.

"Herbivores," refer to any animals that only eat plants to gain energy. There is a lot of debate around the idea that humans are one of these types of animals that primarily get energy from plants.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Herbivore

  • Plant eaters

Animals that eat only plants and get their energy from only plants are called herbivores. Examples; - A bird is a herbivore. - A deer is a herbivore.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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