You need to pay the bus fare when you first get on the bus.
You need to pay the bus fare when you get off the bus.
1) You need to pay the bus fare when you first get on the bus.
2) You need to pay the bus fare when you get off the bus.
「バスに乗る」は get on the bus
「バスを降りる」は get off the bus
「バス運賃」は bus fare
You need to pay 〇〇yen when you get on the bus.
You need to pay whatever the fare is, depending on where you're getting off. You can ask the driver how much it is when you get off.
Please pay the fare of XXX yen when you get off (or when you board) the bus.
バスの乗車や降車時に運賃を支払う必要がある状況を説明する際に使用する表現です。"Please pay the fare"は「運賃を支払ってください」という丁寧なお願いの形です。「of XXX yen」で金額を指定しており、"XXX"の部分には具体的な額を入れます。"when you get off the bus"は降車時に運賃を支払うことを、「board the bus」は乗車時に運賃を支払うことを指します。