世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/17 21:23
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  • What are you doing now?

  • What are you up to now?

上記いずれも、[今](なにしてるの?という表現です。いずれも now をつけることで、この瞬間、という意味を強めることができます。 カジュアルな口語などで良く使われるような英語表現です。 例: A: What are you doing now? 今、何してるの? B: I'm getting ready to go to school. 学校に行く[準備をしてる](。
  • What are you up to?

相手が何をしているのか伺う時によく使う表現です。 A) Hey, what are you up to? よう、何してるの? B) Just chilling. ただ[くつろいでる](だけ。
  • ①What's up?

  • ②What are you doing now?

こんにちは。 ①も②も電話やラインなどで良く使われる表現です。 ただし①はカジュアルな表現なので、友達や同僚などが相手の時に使うと良いと思います。 (例) A: Hey, what's up? 「ねえ、何してるの?」 B: Nothing much, you? 「特に何もしてないよ。あなたは?」 ②の表現について受講生の方から、What do you do?ではダメなのか、という質問をよく頂きます。 What do you do?は職業などを聞く場合に使われます。 今の瞬間の行動について聞きたい場合は、What are you doing?と聞いてあげると自然ですね。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • What are you doing now?

  • What are you up to now?

"What are you up to?" or "What are you doing now" is a casual way of asking somebody of their current action or activity. Example: You: What are you doing now? Me: I am watching TV.
"What are you up to?" や "What are you doing now" は相手が今していることを尋ねるカジュアルな質問です。 例: You: What are you doing now? (今何してるの) Me: I am watching TV. (テレビ見てる)
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to?

  • What you doing now?

  • You doing anything fun?

Simply asking someone what they're doing is a great way of finding out. "You doing anything fun?" highlights that you're being positive and hopefully the person on the phone may be enjoying themselves.
そのまま「何しているの」と尋ねて全く問題ないです。'You doing anything fun?' は、楽しい気分の時に「電話の相手もそうだといいな」という気持ちで尋ねます。
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Whatcha' doing?

  • Whatcha' up to?

  • You got anything going on?

"Whatcha' doing" is literally a shortened, friendly version of "what are you doing." You can use it on the phone with someone or even face to face. This super casual greeting should only be used with friends. If you are on really casual terms with the person, you could even drop the last part of doing, like this: "Whatcha' doin'?" The conversation could start like this: A: Hey, whatcha' doin'? B: Nothin' much. You? Actually, you can change most questions beginning with "what are you" to "whatcha'" to make the nuance more casual. "You got anything going on?" is another casual way to ask what the other person what they are doing. "You got" is a slang-type way to ask "do you have."
Watcha' doingは省略形です。What are you doingのフレンドリー版といってもいいでしょう。 電話や対面でも使うことができます。 友達同士でのカジュアルなあいさつとしても使います。 その人とカジュアルな関係であれば、最後のパートを切ってしまっても大丈夫です。 例えば Whatcha' doin? A: Hey, whatcha' doin'? 何をしているのですか? B: Nothin' much. You? 特に。あなたは? 多くの質問がwhat are youから始まるので、whatchaを使うとこれらの質問にカジュアルさを加味します"" ""You got anything going on?""も相手が何をしているのかを尋ねるカジュアルな言い方になります。 ""You got""はdo you haveのスラングです。
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Up to?

A slang way of asking a person what they are doing at the moment.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to?

  • Doing anything fun?

  • What are you doing now?

What are you up to? Sounds unusual to end a question with a preposition but it's a common colloquialism. As with 'What are you doing now?' in informal situations 'are' can be dropped.
What are you up to? 前置詞で最後終わるのって不自然に感じるかもしれませんが、これもよく使われる口語表現です。What are you doing now?と一緒で、カジュアルな言い方ではareは消していうことができます。
Dan M DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing?

  • What are you up to?

  • What's going on?

"What are you doing?" is the most common translation of 今、何してるの?
「What are you doing?」は「今、何してるの?」の最も一般的な翻訳です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • What's keeping you busy right now?

  • Are you busy with anything just now?

If someone is being kept busy by something, it means that he/she is doing something which is keeping him/her away from other activities such as socializing with friends. In cases like this he/she may not even find time to call you. And, when you call him/her, you may ask: What's keeping you busy right now? or Are you busy with anything just now?
being kept busy by somethingとは、その人が忙しくて、友達と会うなどの行動から遠ざかっているという意味を表します。 この場合、彼女、もしくは彼は、あなたに電話する暇もないのかもしれません。そして、あなたが相手に電話するときにこう聞くことができるでしょう。 What's keeping you busy right now? どうして今そんなに忙しいの?  Are you busy with anything just now? 今何かで忙しいの?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What are you up to?

  • What's happening?

What are you up to? = What are you doing now? What's happening?= What are you doing now? Hey, what's happening?...... Not much, just taking it easy.
What are you up to? = 今何をしているの? What's happening? = 今何しているの? Hey, what's happening?...... Not much, just taking it easy. 何をしているんだい?別に、落ち着いているだけさ。
Alistair W DMM英会話講師
  • What are you occupied with at the moment?

  • What're you doing right now?

  • Are you busy with something now while we're speaking?

These expressions cater for the scenario when one person seems preoccupied with another task whilst speaking on the phone.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) Are you busy with anything at the moment?

  • B)What are you up to ?

Hi Sachi :-) I hope this helps ! A) Are you busy with anything at the moment? *Busy - occupied B)What are you up to ? - It means, what are you doing
Sachiさん :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです ! A) Are you busy with anything at the moment?(今何してるの?) *Busy - occupied(忙しい) B)What are you up to ? - これはwhat are you doing(何してるの?)の意味です。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • So what are you doing?

  • What are you up to?

Both are informal ways of asking what the person is doing.
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing (right now)

  • What are you up to

"What are you doing (right now)?" is the most direct way to ask someone what they are doing, and by using the right now part you can limit their confusion as to when by being direct. "What are you up to?" is a question we would ask to our friends in a informal setting, but it means the same thing. Both of them are very direct ways to ask what a person is doing.
"What are you doing (right now)?"(今何しているの?)は、相手に何をしているのか聞く最も直接的な表現です。  right now(ちょうど今)を使うことで、いつのことなのか混乱を避けることができます。  "What are you up to?" (何してるの?)は、かしこまらずに、友達に聞くような質問で、同じ意味を表します。どちらもその人が何をしているのか直接的に尋ねることができます。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to?

  • What are you up to these days...? Please do tell me all your news!

We often ask friends what are you up to? its an easy way ot express interest in them and the events happening in their life;-D What's new? might also suffice...But "What are you up to?" is my go-to phrase!
私たちは友達に"What are you up to? "(何してるの?)とよく聞きます。 これは友達の生活に何が起こっているのか、興味を持って簡単に尋ねる表現です;-D "What's new?"(最近、どう?) これでも十分ですが、 "What are you up to?" (何してるの?) これが私の頼りになるフレーズです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • What are you doing now?

  • Are you doing anything at the moment?

Using either phrase above would be a good way of asking someone what they are doing or if they are busy.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • What are you currently doing?

  • What are you doing right now?

  • What are you doing at the moment?

If you'd like to know what someone is doing at the time you are speaking with them, you can use the sentences above. Currently: now At the moment: currently "What are you doing right now?" "I am currently doing my laundry for next week, what about you?" "At the moment, I am doing some school work, a project due next week."
相手が今何をしているのかを知りたいときのフレーズです。 Currently: 今 At the moment: 今   "What are you doing right now?" (今何をしているの?) "I am currently doing my laundry for next week, what about you?" (来週のための洗濯をしているところなんだ。あなたは?) "At the moment, I am doing some school work, a project due next week." (今、来週締め切りの学校のプロジェクトをしているよ。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • what are you up to?

  • what are you doing at the moment

  • whats up

a formal way to ask somebody this question is "what are you doing at the moment?" a less formal way would be "what are you up to?" which is often abbreviated to "whats up?"
フォーマルな表現は、"what are you doing at the moment?"(今何をしているのですか?)を使います。 ややカジュアルな表現は、 "what are you up to?"(何してたの?)で、 よく省略して"whats up?"を使います。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • What are you up to?

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: What are you up to? 今、何をしているの? what are you up to は「何してるの」というニュアンスの英語表現です。 シンプルに What are you doing right now? でも良いと思います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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