even when we can't see each other, I'm always thinking about you
I'm always thinking about you even when when we are apart.
You are always in my thoughts, even when I can't be with you.
「たとえ会えなくても貴方のことは、いつも想っています」は英語で「even when we can't see each other, I'm always thinking about you」といいます。
I'm always thinking about you even when when we are apart.
You are always in my thoughts, even when I can't be with you.
Even when we are not together, I'm always thinking about you.
even when/if = たとえ~でも
can't meet/can't see each other = 会えない
always thinking about you = いつもあなたの事を考えている
apart, not together =一緒にいない(時)
Even though I'm not with you, I think of you all the time
「たとえ」のニュアンスは「even though」でキャッチできます。非常に便利な英語です。
この区別が分からない為、「Even though I'm not with you」と訳しました。
いつも想っていると言う気持ちは「I think of you all the time」で訳せます。