学生証はstudent ID cardと言います。cardは省いてstudent IDでも伝わるでしょう。
A student ID card is required to use the school library or other facilities.と言えます。
When students are on campus, they are not allowed to enter certain areas and places if they do not have their student identification/student card/campus card. The student ID gives students access to the library or computer rooms and at some establishments, students can get discounts (pay less) on presentation of their student ID.
"Here is my student ID!"
"I think I lost my student card!"
"I left my campus card in my dormitory!"
大学構内には "student identification/student card/campus card"(学生証)がないと入ることのできない場所があります。"student ID"(学生証)を持っていると図書館やコンピューター室に入ることができます。また、施設によって "student ID" を掲示することで割引が受けられることもあります。
"Here is my student ID!"(私の学生証です)
"I think I lost my student card!"(たぶん学生証をなくしました)
"I left my campus card in my dormitory!"(寮に学生証を忘れてきました)
Two expressions you might hear are "School ID" or "Student ID card". (Student ID card is often just called a student ID)
At some schools a student must check in and out of their dorm building using thier student ID. They can also add money to an account and then use the ID card to pay for things around campus.
Example sentences
Can I use my school ID to pay for lunch?
Freshmen students are bad about losing thier student id during the first semester.
Do you have your school ID card?
May I see your school Id card?
I forgot to scan my school id card when I left the dorm!
よく使われるのは、"School ID"(学生証)または "Student ID card"(同)です("Student ID card" は単に "Student ID" と呼ばれることが多いです)。
学校によっては生徒に寄宿舎への出入りを "Student ID" によって報告するよう求めている所もあります。また、これはお金をチャージしておくと学内でプリペイドカードとして使うこともできます。
Can I use my school ID to pay for lunch?(昼食の支払い学生証は使えますか)
Freshmen students are bad about losing thier student id during the first semester.(1学期の1年生は学生証をよくなくす)
Do you have your school ID card?(学生証を持っていますか)
May I see your school Id card?(学生証を見せていただけますか)
I forgot to scan my school id card when I left the dorm!(寮を出るとき学生証をスキャンするのを忘れた)
These are both common phrases to describe the card that students use to confirm their affiliation with a certain institution of higher learning (which is just another way to say 'college' or 'university'). This is to be contrasted with the word 'license', which is often used as an ID but has the added connotation of needing to learn a specific skill to a certain established standard (such as a 'driver's license') in order to obtain it. I hope that this is useful to you.
Student ID/student care more frequently used for a students identification.
ID card is more formal and can be used to describe a drivers licence, passport etc..
The generic way would be to call it a Student ID Card, but that can mean anything. If you want to be more descriptive you can say College ID or High School ID. You can go one step further and add the school name as well, my Boston College ID or my Harvard ID card.
一般的な学生証を表す言葉は、 Student ID Cardですが、これは他のことを指す場合もあります。さらに詳しく言いたいなら、College ID (大学の学生証)や High School ID(高校の学生証)と言うといいでしょう。
もう少し詳しく言いたいならmy Boston College ID (ボストン大学のID)や my Harvard ID card(ハーバードのID)のように学校の名前を付け加えてもいいでしょう。
We use this card to have access to the school campus as well as for receiving discounts at certain events that give discounts to students.
A student ID serves as your identification, it usually has a picture of you and your details such as date of birth as well as the school's name.
"I forgot my student ID, it's going to be hard to get into school today."
"I don't like the picture on my student pass, I look tired!"
"Did you bring your student card?"
"student ID"(学生証)は身分証明書です。普通写真が貼ってあって、誕生日や学校の名前なども記載されています。
"I forgot my student ID, it's going to be hard to get into school today."(学生証を忘れました。今日は学校に入るのが大変です)
"I don't like the picture on my student pass, I look tired!"(学生証の写真が好きじゃありません。眠そうな顔をしています)
"Did you bring your student card?"(学生証を持って来ましたか)
An ID card that verifies that someone is a student, is generally known as 'a student ID'.
"James had to produce his student ID when he arrived at the library."
「学生証(学生であることを示す証明書)」は一般的に 'a student ID' と呼ばれます。
"James had to produce his student ID when he arrived at the library."
ID means identification and it refers to the card used to identify someone. It could could be government issued or given by a school or workplace. It usually contains basic information about the person based on the purpose of the card. (e.g. school ID card mentions faculty name)
Student ID' is the most common term used to describe the card that identifies someone as a student. This is a piece of identification used to confirm your student status and allows you access to the facilities available at a university. In many places, a student ID will also give you discounts at many retailers and restaurants.
A student id is a card verifying somebody's identity as a university/college student and entitling them to services, discounts, etc
" Don't forget your student card "
" I lost my student card "
i hope this helps :-)
Student ID' は、学生であることを証明するカードのことです。これがあると、特別な割引やサービスが受けられることもあります。
"Don't forget your student card"(学生証を忘れないように)
"I lost my student card"(学生証をなくしました)
参考になれば幸いです :-)