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2019/03/19 16:01
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  • Photographer

  • Cameraman

  • videographer

Photographer is a formal and frequently used term given to the individual who is taking photos, Photography is given to the term of taking photographs as a profession or hobby. Cameraman is a less used term but still very popular, more used in a less formal sense. Videographer is a term given to the individual who films rather than photographs, they then edit the film and make a video with the material, this is called videography.
"Photographer" は、「[写真を撮る](人」の意味のフォーマルで一般的な言葉です。"Photography" は写真を撮る行為を指します。 "Cameraman" は "Photographer" ほど一般的ではありませんが、それでもよく使われます。"Cameraman" の方がインフォーマルです。 "Videographer" は写真ではなく[動画を撮る](人をいいます。そしてその後撮った動画を編集します。その行為のことは "Videography" といいます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • photographer

[撮影](者はAさんです、と言いたい場合は、The photographer is Mr. A.と言い表す事が出来ます。 例: The photographer was Mr. Kevin. 撮影者はケビンさんでした。 他にはシンプルに The photo was taken by ... で「写真は〜が撮りました」となります。 例: The photo was taken by Mr. Kevin. 写真はケビンさんが撮影しました。
Yui S 英語講師
  • Photographer

  • Lensman

If the photo was taken by a professional, then they are called photographers or lensman. If the photo was taken by a person on the street, then you can just say: "I asked a passerby to take a photo of me!" "These photos were taken by a lensman at his studio!" "I needed some professional photos for my portfolio, so, I looked for a photographer online!"
もしそれがプロにとってもらった写真なら、"photographer"(写真家)または "lensman"(同)と言えます。もしそれが通行人にとってもらった写真なら、単純に次のように言えます。 "I asked a passerby to take a photo of me!"(通りがかりの人に写真を撮ってくださいとお願いしました) "These photos were taken by a lensman at his studio!"(これらの写真はスタジオで写真家に撮ってもらいました) "I needed some professional photos for my portfolio, so, I looked for a photographer online!" (ポートフォリオ用に写真が必要だったので、インターネットで写真家を探しました)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • cameraman

The term "Cameraman" often refers to someone taking video, but it can be used for someone taking pictures, also. Example sentence Cameraman Has the cameraman arrived for the wedding? My cameraman takes very good photos! We are going to the cameraman's studio.
"Cameraman" はしばしば動画を撮る人を指しますが、これは写真を撮る人も表します。 例文[Cameraman] Has the cameraman arrived for the wedding?(結婚式のカメラマンは到着しましたか) My cameraman takes very good photos!(私のカメラマンはすごく良い写真を撮ります) We are going to the cameraman's studio.(カメラマンのスタジオに行きます)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • The man/woman behind the camera

  • photographer

In American English, we often use the phrase 'behind the camera' to refer to the person's role in taking the picture. 'Photographer' is often used in more formal settings to refer to people whose profession it is to take photographs. We might also just simply say 'the person who took the photo.' We often say 'take' a photo, or 'snap' a picture. 'Snap' gives more of the feel of both the sound a camera makes when a photo is taken, as well as the fleeting, ephemeral single frame of a moment that the man or woman behind the camera attempts to capture.
アメリカ英語ではしばしば 'behind the camera' というフレーズを使って写真を撮る役の人を表します。 'Photographer' は写真を撮る職業の人を表し、フォーマルな場面で使われることが多いです。 また、シンプルに 'the person who took the photo'(写真を撮った人)と言うこともあるかもしれません。 'take a photo'(写真を撮る)や 'snap a picture'(同)とよく言います。 'snap' は、その一瞬を捉えるという感覚とともに写真を撮ったときの音も感じさせます。
Thomas C DMM英会話講師
  • The photographer

A photographer is a person who takes photos. If someone takes a photo of you, you could say, for example:'John was the photographer,' or, 'John took that photo.'
photographer' は写真を撮る人をいいます。 もし誰かが自分の写真を撮ってくれたなら、例えば次のように言えます。 'John was the photographer' (ジョンが写真を撮りました) 'John took that photo.' (その写真はジョンが撮りました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Photographer

  • Cameraman

A photographer is a person who takes photos of people or things usually as a job and by getting paid for it A camerman is someone who operates a video, tv or film camera for a job for money usually
photographer' は普通、仕事で写真を撮る人を指します。 'cameraman' は普通、仕事でビデオカメラ、テレビカメラまたは映画用カメラを操作する人をいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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