I thought she was the same age as me ,but she turned out to be 15 years older than me with a kid.
I thought she was the same age as me ,but she turned out to be 15 years older than me and a mom!
❶I thought she/he was the same age as me, but she/he turned out to be 15 years older than me with a kid!
I thought she was the same age as me,
but she turned out to be 15 years older than me with a kid!
(でも実は 私より 15歳上で、子持ちだった)。
❷I thought she was the same age as me ,but she turned out to be 15 years older than me and a mom!
(彼女のこと、私と同い年と思ってた、でも実は 私より 15歳上で、母親だった!)
I thought he was the same age as me ,but he turned out to be 15 years older than me and a dad!
(彼のこと、自分と同い年と思ってた、でも実は 自分より 15歳上で、父親だった!)