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初めてのお客様にはレストランのシステム(食べ放題や通常メニューについて)を説明するので、初めてのお客様かリピーター様か確認したい。 Is this your first visit to this restaurant? だと少しカジュアルな気がするので、丁寧な接客用語が知りたいです。
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2019/04/10 15:23
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  • Is this your first time at this restaurant?

  • Have you been here before?

言い方はいくつかありますが、レストランなどで聞いたことがあるフレーズを二つ挙げました。 Is this your first time at this restaurant? は日本語の原文をそのまま訳した感じです。 At this restaurant を省略して、hereだけでもいいです。 Have you been here before? は、逆の質問で、「前にここへ来たことはありますか?」という意味です。
  • Have you been here before?

  • Have you dined with us before?

  • Is this your first time joining us?

Working at a restaurant means that you have to be polite and open to new people coming in. We would say "Have you been here before?" as a simple way to ask but it is not very friendly. If you want to be friendlier we would say "Have you dined with us before?". It shows better vocabulary and it is a good way to ask them if they have been there. "Is this your first time joining us?" is a good way to sound friendly and inviting, like a family environment.
レストランで働くということは、丁寧で新しいお客さんに対してもオープンでないといけません。 シンプルですが、フレンドリーすぎず、 "Have you been here before?" (以前こちらにいらしたことはございますか?)と聞くのがいいでしょう。 もう少しフレンドリーにしたい場合は、 "Have you dined with us before?"(こちらで以前お食事をされたことはありますか?)と聞くといいでしょう。そこに以前来たことがあるかを聞くのにとてもぴったりのフレーズです。 "Is this your first time joining us?"(こちらは初めてですか?)は、家庭のようにフレンドリーで歓迎されているように聞こえるのでこちらもおすすめです。
Andrew P DMM英会話講師
  • is this your first time here?

  • have you been here before?

"is this your first time here?" and "have you been here before?" These questions are usually asked when asking if it is someones first time at a particular place. 'First time' implies something you have never done or been to before.
"is this your first time here?" (ここはこれが初めてですか?)  "have you been here before?" (以前ここに来たことはありますか?) これらの質問は、たいていある場所がその人の初めての場所であるかを尋ねるのに使われます。  'First time'とは、今までしたことがない、行ったことがないことを表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Is this your first time here?

  • Have you eaten here before?

If you work at a restaurant and wish to ask a customer if it is their first time there, then you can try one of the above suggested queries. You can ask in terms of it being 'the first time' or in tems of the customer possibly have visited the restaurant previoiusly.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been here before?

  • Is it your first time here Sir / Madam?

Both of these expressions are polite and common ways of asking this question. When you are working in a restaurant you need to be very polite and courteous, and it may be better to add Sir or Madam to the end of your question depending on whether they are a man or woman.
これらの表現はどちらも丁寧で一般的な言い方です。 レストランで仕事をするときには、丁寧そして礼儀正しくなければなりませんから、質問の最後に、相手が男性なら Sir、女性なら Madam を加えるといいかもしれません。
Ross H DMM英会話講師
  • Is this your first time dining with us?

  • Is this your first experience with our restaurant?

  • Have you been here before?

When you have seen someone for the first time eating out or dining at your restaurant, you can use any of the sentence examples given. *Is this your first time dining with us? *Is this your first experience with our restaurant? *Have you been here before? Always remember to first greet your customers by welcoming them before you proceed with your question. Your introduction would be as follows: *Good morning/afternoon or evening. Welcome to LaPappa's Is this your first time dining with us? Your customer/client will then continue by greeting you back and they will feel more relaxed.
レストランで見覚えのない人を見かけたときは、上記の文が使えます。 *Is this your first time dining with us? *Is this your first experience with our restaurant? *Have you been here before? (こちらで食事をするのは初めてですか) お客さんを迎えるときには、質問の前にまずあいさつをしましょう。 次のように言えます。 *Good morning/afternoon/evening.(おはようございます/こんにちは/こんばんは) Welcome to LaPappa's(ようこそ、LaPappa's へ) Is this your first time dining with us?(こちらで食事をされるのは初めてですか) お客さんはこれに対してまたあいさつを返してきます。こうすることで、相手をよりリラックスさせることができます。
Anqia DMM英会話講師
  • Have you been to this restaurant before?

  • Is it your first time here?

Waiters often ask customers if they have been to the restaurant before to speed up the ordering process or explain how this particular restaurant operates.
Kathryn A DMM英会話講師
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