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2016/04/26 19:12
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  • Happy Mother's Day!

Akiko先生と同じです。 Happy Mother's Day!  HとMとDが大文字なことを忘れずに。 Mother's = 母の Day = 日 もしカードに添えるなら、こんな言葉はいかかでしょうか? Warm wishes across the miles. (遠く離れた地から 心をこめて。) ご参考になさって下さいね。
  • Happy Mother's Day!

母の日はMother's Dayで、英語でも同じです。 父の日はFather's Dayなので、 Happy Father's Day! とお祝いしてみてくださいね☆
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mothers Day=母の日おめでとう そのままで覚えやすいですね。 因にカーネーションを贈る事が多いのは母の日の生みの親であるAnna Jarvisが1907年に初めて主催した母の日イベントで自分の母親にカーネーションを贈った事が始まりだそうです。カーネーションの色によっても花言葉や意味も違って来るそうなのでもし興味があれば検索してみて下さいね。
  • Happy Mother's Day

  • A day we honor our mother's

  • We give our mother's extra special care on this day

It is simple Mother's play an important role in the society and they are given the gift to carry us for 9 months and bring us into this world, further more still take care of us till we fit to fend for ourselves. We treat them every year on Mother's day to so show them we care and love them.
Carey M DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in May.
母の日は、家族の母親、母性、母性の絆、そして母親の社会への影響を称えるお祝いです。 世界の多くの地域で様々な日に祝われています。最も一般的には5月に開催されます。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) To the best mom in the world ,Happy mother's day . I love you!

  • B) You mean the world to me mom. Happy Mother's day!

Mother's day - It is a day we get to treat our mothers extra special and we are reminded of every little great thing they have done and sacrificed for us. Above i have mentioned a few words that would make your mom feel extra special on Mother's Day :-) I hope this helps! :-)
Mother's day (母の日) - 母親を特別に扱う日で、母親のしてくれた偉大なことや犠牲を払ってくれたあらゆることを思い出す日です。 母の日に母親に特別な気分になってもらえる言葉を上にいくつか挙げました :-) お役に立てば幸いです! :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Mother's Day!

It is very important for us to celebrate our mothers on Mother's Day every year! Many people buy chocolates and flowers and give a card that is designed for this day to the mother. The date of Mother's Day always changes. It is usually the third Sunday of March in Ireland and in Canada and the US it falls in May. "Happy Mother's Day to the best mother in the world! I love you very much!" "Happy Mother's Day mum! I hope you enjoy the chocolates and your flowers"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Happy Mother's Day!

  • Hi mum, we're going out to lunch!

  • I got you some flowers mum!

1. This is the standard greeting. 2. You arrive and take your mum out to lunch. That's got to be good! 3. Flowers are a traditional gift for mums on this day. It is bound to go down well!
1. これは標準的な挨拶です。 2.到着し、お母さんを昼食に連れ出す。良いことだね! 3.花は伝統的にお母さんのための贈り物です。絶対にうまく行くプレゼントですね!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the world!

  • Best wishes on Mother's Day - I love you!

Mother’s Day is a day for many people to show their appreciation towards their mothers. By telling your mom she is the best mom in the world is to give her the highest compliment! Best wishes simply means that you wish only the best for her.
"Mother's Day" には、たくさんの人がお母さんに感謝の気持ちを伝えます。 "the best mom in the world" はお母さんへの最高の褒め言葉です! "Best wishes" は「お母さんの幸せを祈っている」という意味になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Mother's Day!

  • Have a great mother's day!

Any of these statements can be used to greet your mother on mother's day:- 1. Happy Mother's Day! 2. Have a great mother's day! It's actually more popular for people to greet their mothers by saying "Happy Mother's Day!" it's a day when children honor Mother's by buying special gifts or giving extra special treatement to their mothers. Similarly on father's day, the common way to greet fathers would be to say "Happy Father's Day!"
どちらも、母の日のあいさつとして母親に対して使える表現です。 1. Happy Mother's Day!  母の日おめでとう! 2. Have a great mother's day!  素敵な母の日を! "Happy Mother's Day!"の方が一般的です。"Mother's Day"(母の日)は子どもがプレゼントを渡したりして母親を敬う日です。同様に、父の日も一般的なあいさつは"Happy Father's Day!"です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Happy Mother's Day

こんにちは。 「母の日」は英語で Mother's Day です。 なので「母の日おめでとう」は Happy Mother's Day と言います。 【例】 Happy Mother's Day! I love you Mom. 「母の日おめでとう!大好きだよ、お母さん」 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Happy Mother's Day. I love and appreciate you very much

  • Happy Mother's Day. You are special to me and always will be.

When you want to tell your mother to have a Happy Mother's Day; then you may say the following: -Happy Mother's Day. I love and appreciate you very much -Happy Mother's Day. You are special to me and always will be. Remember that the phrase "Happy Mother's Day" is always appropriate to use, and you may say more to express why she is special to you. For example: -You are the best mother in the world. -You are the greatest person I have never know.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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