Why can't I be judged for my character versus how I look?
Women will always be judged by their appearance.
「女たらしめる」を直訳すると「to be a woman」となりますが、ユミさんの説明を読むと、
ユミさんの説明を訳すと、「I have long hair because I like it. That's it. Even with make-up, I wear it because I want to present my best self. That's it. Why does having long hair and wearing make up have to directly connect to me being a woman? I don't want people to judge me based on my looks, I want to be seen as another human being!」
これを読んで、女たらしめると言う意味は外見から女と言う物を判断されると言いたいのではないでしょうかと思って、「Women will always be judged by their appearance. 」と訳しました。