というのも、これもまた「英語は日本語ではない」、という点がとても重要になる表現になるからなんですね~! 「英語は日本語ではない」=「話す人々が日本語を話す人々とは違った感性、感覚を持っている人たち」ともまた言えます。
"If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen!"
deal with ~は、
deal with people
deal with complaints(クレーム)
deal with problems
上記の good at dealing with stress は「ストレスの扱いがうまい」
I am good at dealing with pressure. ですと、プレッシャーへの
LLD外語学院 学院長 前川 未知雄
If you feel you are strong against (good at dealing with) stress, and wish to explain this, then you can try one of the above exampled statements.
To come into one's own - to be very effective in a specific situation.
Eg 'Harry really comes into his own on the dance floor.'
(Harry is a great dancer when he steps onto the dance floor)
To come into one's own - 特定の状況で力を発揮する
'Harry really comes into his own on the dance floor.'
I am very resilient and I have a high stress tolerance because of my good coping skills.
My favorite coping skills are exercising and journaling.
Resilient people can handle difficulties by remaining level-headed when other people would crumble under the same circumstances.
Resilience is a quality like being strong or tough.
To crumble means to break-down when under pressure.
Coping skills are healthy practices that are effective stress
The 'healthy' coping skills are 'effective' because
they don't harm you while taking away your stress.
For example: drinking alcohol can temporarily take away stress,
but it harms your health.
The harm to your health will eventually
cause you more stress.
*handle=to deal with
There are various ways that you can express this but here are three examples:
-I deal with stress well.
-I can handle stress.
-I don't get stressed.
*handle=to deal with(対処する)
-I deal with stress well.(私はストレスにうまく対処できます)
-I can handle stress.(私はストレスにうまく対処できます)
-I don't get stressed.(私はストレスがたまりません)
The two sentences you see provided above are great ways to express to your listener that you are good at dealing with stress. In the second sentence you will see the term under pressure. This means to have a lot of stress or anxiety. This term is commonly used in our everyday conversation, it would make an excellent addition to your vocabulary.
I have lots of strategies to help me to deal with stress.
I deal with stress well.
You can simply say 'I handle stress well' or 'I deal with stress well' which both explain that you can cope with stress. 'Cope' is another word that can be used - it means the same as deal and handle. You can also say that you have different strategies or ways to deal with any stress you might experience in your life. You could also go on to explain what these are, for instance, you may deal with stress by reading, exercising, seeing friend...or anything else that personally helps you. This might be the thing that reduces your stress and helps you to not feel stressed.