世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/21 16:08
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  • A live-action film was created based on (name of anime).

  • This is the live-action version of the anime movie (name of original anime).

いわゆる実写版、はlive-action=生きた(生の)アクションというふうに表現することが多いです!! また、今時animeはsushiと同じように逆輸出?された言葉で日本で「アニメ」は英語でanimeと通じるようです!
  • There's a live action movie based on the animation.

直訳すると、「アニメに基づいた実写映画があります。」 「実写映画」は "a live action movie" 「〜に基づく」は"based on 〜" です。 日本語のまま、「アニメが実写映画になった」だと、非常に訳しづらいですね。 まず、「映画があります」"There is a movie" として どんな映画かを説明していく文にすれば通じやすくなります。
  • "..and actually, there was a live-action film made, based on that anime."

  • "....and believe it ior not, there was a live-action film made, based on that anime."

Actually' is a well-used word, often appearing in arguments or debates when people are making assertions about something. Actually = used to emphasize that something that has been said or done is surprising. "He actually expected me to be pleased about it!" "...believe it or not...." = used to concede that a statement is surprising. "Believe it or not, I was considered quite bright in those days.
Actually' はよく使われる言葉で、人々が何かを主張する議論や討論でよく使います。 Actually =発言や行動が驚くべきことである時にそのことを強調するために使われます。 例文 "He actually expected me to be pleased about it!" 彼は私にそのことについて本当に喜んで欲しかったんだよ。 "...believe it or not...." =発言が驚くべきことであることを認めるために使われます。 "Believe it or not, I was considered quite bright in those days. 信じられないかもしれないけど、私は昔とても頭が良いと思われていたんだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This animation movie has been performed as a live-action movie too.

  • This movie has both the animated version and a live-action version.

Real people are called live-action characters as they are filmed with a camera instead of being animated.
実在する人は、アニメ化されるのではなく、カメラでフィルムに収められているので、 live-action characters(実写された人物)と呼ばれます。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • OO was made into a live action movie.

  • There is a live action movie of OO.

  • The live action movie OO is based on the anime OO

"(name of anime) was made into a live-action movie." This explains that the anime you are speaking about was made into a live-action movie with real people. "There is a live action movie of (Name of anime)." This explains that a live action movie was made of the anime " The live action movie (name of movie) is based on the anime (name of the anime)" this explains that the movie you saw/ are talking about was based on the anime.
例文 "(name of anime) was made into a live-action movie." (アニメの名前)は実写映画になっている。 話しているアニメが、実写化されていることを説明しています。 例文 "There is a live action movie of (Name of anime)." (アニメの名前)の実写映画がある。 実写映画は、アニメが原作だということを説明しています。 例文 " The live action movie (name of movie) is based on the anime (name of the anime)" (映画の名前)の実写映画は、(アニメの名前)のアニメが原作だ。 見た/話している映画はアニメが原作だということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • There is a live-action film based on the animation

There are no special terms used in English to express this thought. Nonetheless, the word animation is more commonly used in American English than anime. For instance, one mighy enthusiastically say: Disney has just created a live-action film based on . . . You would simply insert the name of the animation in place of the elipsis
この考えを表して使用される特別な英単語はありません。しかし、アニメーションという言葉は、アニメよりもアメリカ英語でより一般的に使用されています。例えば、Disney has just created a live-action film based on . . . (ディズニーはちょうど…に基づいて実写映画を作成しました)と熱狂的に言うことがあるかもしれません。省略記号の代わりにアニメーションの名前を単純に挿入します
Lashawn DMM英会話講師
  • There is a live action film based on this anime.

When explaining that a film was made about a certain anime you can say "There is a live action film based on this anime.''
あるアニメについての映画が作られたと説明するとき、下記のように言えます。 There is a live action film based on this anime. 〔訳〕このアニメに基づいた実写版の映画があります。
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • The live action film was based on X.

  • X has both a live action film and an anime.

*The live action film was based on X. X represents the name of the anime. For example : "The live action film was based on Eden of the East." *X has both a live action film and an anime. This means the movie is both a live action and anime. For example: Eden of the East has both a live action film and an anime.
*The live action film was based on X. Xにはアニメの名前が当てはまります。 例 : "The live action film was based on Eden of the East." *X はアクションの映画でもありアニメでもあります。 例: Eden of the East has both a live action film and an anime.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • There is a live action version of this anime cartoon

  • This anime cartoon has been made into a live action film.

  • This film was based on an anime cartoon

*There is a live action version of this anime cartoon* *This anime cartoon has been made into a live action film. * *This film was based on an anime cartoon * All of these phrases all very similar and mean the same thing. You can also say: *There is a film made about this cartoon. *This Anime has been made into a film *This anime has been made into a film with real life actors.
*There is a live action version of this anime cartoon* *This anime cartoon has been made into a live action film. * *This film was based on an anime cartoon * これらのフレーズはすべて非常に類似しており、同じことを意味しています。 以下のように言うこともできます。 *There is a film made about this cartoon. *This Anime has been made into a film *This anime has been made into a film with real life actors.
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • The anime was made into a live-action movie.

The anime was made into a live-action movie. 「そのアニメは実写映画化されました」 be made into ~は「~へと作り変えられる」が直訳ですが、「映画化する」と言いたい時に、よくbe made into a movieという言い方をします(*^_^*) 例) The novel will be made into a movie. 「その小説は映画化される予定です」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師 KOGACHI
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