世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/04/29 19:31
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  • I need small change.

  • Not a bill but small coins.

  • Could you make a change into small coins?

小銭は、small change/coin , 両替をする、は、make change, 単純に、I need small change. といえば、小銭が欲しい、という意味になります。
  • Can I have the change in coins please?

The most appropriate way of asking for money in coins and not notes is to say: Can I have the change in coins please? Although it may be important to note that some foreign exchange companies do not give coins but only notes.
お札ではなく小銭で両替が欲しい時、このように言うと適切です。 Can I have the change in coins please? でも、両替所によってはコインは用意がなく、お札でしか取引ができないところもあるので気をつけてください。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a mixture of coins and notes please?

  • Can I have 3 $5 and $5 in coins please? (making $20 or whatever currency you want)

  • Can I have coins please?

Can I have a mixture of coins and notes please? - When you dont mind what denomination of notes and coins you want. Can I have 3 $5 and $5 in coins please? - When you specifically want a denomination, or you can change it to "can I have 25 cents". Can I have coins please? - Its when you don't want anything specifically but you can change it to "can I have 25 cent coins please for parking for example.
Can I have a mixture of coins and notes please? -あなたが紙幣でもコインでも気にしないとき。 Can I have 3 $5 and $5 in coins please? - - あなたが具体的にどのコインを欲しいとある場合、それを「Can I have 25cents?」と25セントに変更することもできます。 Can I have coins please? - それはあなたが特に何もしたくないときにそれを変更することができます 例えばこのように、"can I have 25 cent coins please for parking" -私は25セントのコインを駐車場のために持っていてもいいですか?など
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want bills. I need coins, please.

  • Please just give me coins, no notes.

  • Please no notes, just coins.

Either of these phrases is adequate.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I need small change.

  • No notes, just coins.

Either of these can be used. ___________________________________________ A: How can I help you? B: I need $1 in small change.
Either of these can be used. どちらとも使えます。 ___________________________________________ A: How can I help you? B: I need $1 in small change. ≪例文≫ A. 何かお困りですか? B. 1ドル札を小銭で欲しいのですが。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Could you please give me some coins?

  • Could you please give me some change?

"Could you please give me some coins?" This politely asks the person to give you some of the money in coins. "Could you please give me some change? " "Change" Means coins
"Could you please give me some coins?" この表現は、小銭が必要な時に使える丁寧な言い方です。 "Could you please give me some change? " "Change" -小銭の意味です
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I need more coins than bills ,please.

  • Please could you give me coins instead of bills?

"I need more coins than bills ,please." This is more of a statement /fact than a question as you are telling them what your preference is so that they can cater accordingly. "Please could you give me coins instead of bills?" This is a good way to request coins instead of bills if it is possible.
"I need more coins than bills ,please." これはお願いというより、自分の好みや自分の状況を表す言葉ですが、こういった場合に利用できます。 "Please could you give me coins instead of bills?" 可能であれば相手に紙幣ではなくコインを要求するという意味で使うことができます。
Babz DMM英会話講師

  • No paper just coins please...

Paper is a modern reference to "BANK NOTES" ( Paper Money) We may want "loose change" for vending machines or computer/arcade games. When we rule out BANK Notes...By saying" NO PAPER !" and then adding, "Just loose change please!". We leave the cashier in no doubt that you want coins only...
Paperとは"Bank Notes(紙幣)"の意味で使用されます。 自動販売機やゲーム機などの為に”loose change(コイン)"が欲しい場合もあるでしょう。 紙幣が欲しくない場合、"No paper"と頼み "Just loose change please"と付け加えれば良いでしょう。 レジのスタッフにコインのみが欲しいことが間違いなく伝わるでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Can I please get change in coins, not bills please?

  • Can you change these in to coins for me and not bills please?

If you would like to ask someone to change coins for you and not bills, you can say something like "Can I please get change in coins, not bills please?" or "Can you change these in to coins for me and not bills please?". You can also use the phrase "small change" if you would like smaller denomination bills or possibly coins depending on the currency.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Can I also have some smaller change?

  • Can I also get some smaller change?

  • Can I also get some coins?

Here are three phrases that we can use to ask this question. Notice that in the first two we can either use the verb, "to have," or, "to get," when talking about this idea. In addition we can refer to the money as, "smaller change," or we can be very specific by using the word, "coins."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'd prefer coins instead of paper money please.

  • May I have coins instead of paper money please?

1. I'd prefer coins instead of paper money please. When you want/like something above something else, then prefer is the correct word to use. Examples: I prefer summer to winter. I prefer Hawaii instead of Thailand as a vacation spot. 2. May I have coins instead of paper money please? This is a polite way of asking if there is a possibility that you can have/do something. Example: May I leave earlier today? May I have another cup of tea please?
Shams DMM英会話講師
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