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2018/04/14 10:47
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  • My suitcase was not damaged at the start of the journey

  • My suitcase was not damaged when I checked it in

  • My suitcase was not in this condition when I checked it in

All three examples start with my suitcase and the verb was.Following was you have the information describing the suitcase(condition) and the time you are talking about
3つの例全て、my suitcase was で始まります。wasのあとは、スーツケースがどんな状態だったかを伝えます。
Neil G DMM英会話講師
  • My suitcase has been damaged in transit

  • My suitcase was undamaged when I checked it in

The fact is that your luggage was damaged during the transportation process and for this there is a frequently used term, 'damaged in transit.' You could also stress how your suitcase was 'undamaged' or 'in perfect condition' when the airline took it from you at check in.
スーツケースが運ばれる過程で傷ついたのなら、 'damaged in transit.'というフレーズがよく使われます。荷物を預けたときに、自分のスーツケースがどれほどきれいでいい状態だったかを強調して伝えるといいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My suitcase wasn't damaged before the flight.

  • My suitcase wasn't damaged when I checked it in.

"My suitcase wasn't damaged before the flight." This gets straight to the point. Before my plane took off this suitcase did not look like this. "My suitcase wasn't damaged when I checked it in. " When you give your suitcase to an airline you are checking in your luggage. So saying to a customer service agent that when you arrived to the airport the suitcase was in better condition.
例文 "My suitcase wasn't damaged before the flight." フライトの前は私のスーツケースは壊れていなかった この文は単刀直入に言っています。飛行機が離陸する前は、このスーツケースはこのようになっていなかったということです。 例文 "My suitcase wasn't damaged when I checked it in. " チェックインした時は私のスーツケースは壊れていなかった 航空会社にスーツケースを預けたのは荷物をチェックインした時です。ですからカスタマーサービスのエージェントに空港についた時は、スーツケースはもっと良い状態だったと言っています。
Stacey Le DMM英会話講師
  • My luggage wasn't damaged when I checked it in.

  • My suitcase was not like this when I checked it in.

When your suitcase has been damaged after you checked it in, you can say: -My luggage was not damaged when I checked it in. -My suitcase was not like this when I checked it in.
チェックイン後にスーツケースが壊れていたのであれば、こう言うことが出来ます 例文 -My luggage was not damaged when I checked it in. チェックインした時は私の荷物は傷ついていなかった -My suitcase was not like this when I checked it in. チェックインした時はスーツケースは、こんな感じではなかった
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • When I handed in my bag, this damage was not there.

To "hand in" is when you give something to someone so that they will take it. "Damage" is when a something is not in its original condition. I hope that this helps :)
「hand in」は、あなたが誰かに何かを渡し、彼らがそれを受け取ることとを言います。 「Damage」は、何かが元の状態には無いことを言います。 あなたの理解の助けになれば!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me. I have a complaint to make. My suitcase has been damaged.

  • There seem to have been some damage done to my bag while it was in your care.

  • When I checked my bag in, it was fine but now it has been damaged. Look.

To start a formal complaint it is polite to say "Excuse me" to get attention and then state the reason you why want the attention ("I have a complaint"). The words 'bag' and 'suitcase' are interchangeable 'in your care' - while you were in charge of something check a bag in - to hand a bag to airport personnel to store in the ariplane. Look (at it) - to draw attention to something. To instruction someone to look at what you are showing them.
正式な苦情なら、まず "Excuse me"(すみません)で始めて、それから用件(苦情がある)を伝えることができます。 'bag'(かばん)と 'suitcase'(スーツケース)は置き換えることができます。 'in your care' は「あなたが管理していたときに」の意味です。 'check a bag in' は、空港のスタッフに荷物を渡し、飛行機に載せてもらうことをいいます。 'Look (at it)' は、あることに人の注意を向けるときの表現です。「これを見てください」という意味です。
Rosalynn DMM英会話講師
  • I've noticed my suitcase is now damaged after my flight.

  • My suitcase was in perfect condition before my flight, but when I collected it afterwards I could see there's some damage.

I've noticed - Is a polite way to approach the topic, so they might be more helpful. Perfect condition - explains that you are confident it was absolutely perfect beforehand, so it is the fault of the airport if it is no longer in perfect condition.
I've noticed(気付いた) →"I've noticed" で話を切り出すと丁寧です。ですから、もしかするとより協力的に対応してくれるかもしれません。 Perfect condition(完全な状態) →これは「預ける前は全く損傷がなかった。なので壊れたのは空港側の責任である」と伝えます。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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